

Simon Maris



Strange Parallel between «LfEconomie de la Passion du Dieu chez Origene (1994 et 1996)» and «Ist Gott leidenschaftlos? Pathos und Apatheia bei Origenes (1998)»

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When you take stuff from one writer, itfs plagiarism; when you take it from many writers, itfs research. --- Wilson Mizner (U.S.author, 1876-1933)



This page will be corrected any time.

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Several years ago, in a college, one of my fellow-teachers, who is now a professor at a national university in Japan, said to me, gYour things were stolen. Be careful. You had better cope with legallych He strongly suggested that I should insist on my copyright by taking legal procedure. Since the documents on the Net were accessible to all people, I was ready my documents to be abused. So, I couldnft understand immediately what he said at that time. In those days, I was too busy with some works to mind his advice seriously. But the Internet is a double-edged sword. It gave me unfavorable information as well as useful. When I was better off in time and got possible to look back upon my half-life, I recalled that guy. To know what he did then, I made entry of his name in a search box on the Net. Then I found a title: «Ist Gott leidenschaftlos? Pathos und Apatheia bei Origenes (1998)». I was frozen rather than went through the roof. He did it! Plagiarism ..., though there is a hairfs breadth between research and plagiarism. All sorts of suspicions occurred in my mind. He surely abused my article: <<LfEconomie de la Passion du Dieu chez Origene(1994)>>. 

        There are many reasons to suspect it. In the following, I will describe some circumstantial evidences to support it indirectly. Then based on the comparison of both articles, I will give the internal evidence. To say my conclusion beforehand without hesitating about a gag rule of the friendship, his article is nothing but a cunning renewal of mine.

         The completion of this article will take time for some reasons. I wish the one who can't wait for my article to be completed in this very poor English would read the both first of all and compare them carefully. He will notice that there are strange parallel relations between them, in particular about keywords, main sources and a conclusion, in a word in everything except a few new points. My article is to be available in this Website (French or Japanese). His one will be read entirely a little later in a form of citation.

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Circumstantial evidences

        According to a book review about his certain essay, Christianity for him is "to get over self, a position, a race, and to live in encounter with other persons". Thatfs right. He finally got over Catholicism and inconvenient things to live in encounter with Protestantism --- to pursue his studies as will be evident in the following. At this point hefs never got over himself. And what was more wonderful, he snatched away. As it turned out, he didnft get over, but trampled over. If he couldn't have pursued his studies in Protestantism, he might have got over even it. I donft kwon exactly what made him do so. Several motives would be thinkable: a peculiar situation of the department to which he belonged as I did, excessive principle of result, insolent ambitions concealed under his humble look, his astounding talent of imitation, an insinuation to me, or instigation by someone else ... At any rate he had enough atrocity to dare plagiarism. But his greatest miscalculation would be that I quit a monastic order and got free from any religious authorities.  Of course it goes without saying that I feel lucky now to write this way.

To say the fact fairly, Ifd like to describe myself with a few words. I also got over a stance in just an opposite way. Thai is, I converted to Catholicism while being in a grad school of protestant theology, and then rolled into that department. After that, in search of the environment where I could pursue my studies, I roamed from monasteries to monasteries under various pretexts. But in principle itfs not possible to enter any monastery for a specific study. I gave up an institutional religious life. I couldn't get over myself too, after all.

        A peculiar situation of the department is as follows: from its foundation Protestantism was dominant there. I was often told, gThis department is protestant!h Its intention was to make me return to Protestantism. Probably he would be also pressed for conversion, directly or not. Once he told me in a low voice that he was going to shift to Protestantism. He yielded to the (silent) pressure in the end and alienated me to get bread of life. He had a child and a wife in those days. On the other hand, I remained Catholic stubbornly. Therefore, there remained only one course that I could take to pursue my studies without getting over my stance. I quit that department which seemed to me quite unfair.

        The alienation was still more intensified when he was chosen as an assistant of that department by seniority—he is my senior by two years, but is two years older than I. Considering the situation of that time, this alienation might well be unavoidable. He had to survive that situation at all costs. On the other hand I was gtooh catholic. To say with the stock phrase of the religious world, neither had faith. However, He did two rude acts to me at least, which were unthinkable in terms of common sense. The one was such as will be mentioned next. The other is the main subject of this article.

        Itfs really deplorable that I can hardly forget it. But itfs left in my heart like a trauma. It was the happening at the end of my senior year of graduate course, in March 1994. I already finished writing an article then, and contributed it to an annual report of the Japan Society of Christian Studies, which were going to be published at the middle of 1994 in Japanese version (ISSN 0285-4848). Needless to say, its title is <<LfEconomie de la Passion dec>>. I presented it at the meeting of the society in autumn 1993 where he was also present and surely heard it.

        I forgot a correct date, but one day of 1994, quite abruptly, a double postal card came to me from him. It was a letter of invitation to my farewell party! What for? For last several years, I broke with that department, and my life after that was not fixed yet. What do you think was written there? It said, gA farewell party is planned for you. Please give me an answer if inconvenient. Without your reply, Ifll consider that you agreed to the proposalh.

        No kidding! Before writing such a rude postcard to get my consent, shouldnft he have exerted every way to contact me? There was no trace till then that he tried to contact me by phone or any other ways. It would be evident how I dealt with it. I wasnft so contemptible as to answer such an insulting, provocative, aberrant card. I ignored it. The party seemed to have been held on schedule without a guest. On that day, I had to work in a private school as usual. Afterwards I heard a rumor from a third person that I became mad! How could one be mad who could work properly in the presence of many youngsters? Wasnft he mad rather who planned and held a party in such a way? Four or two years later, May 1998, he printed a suspicious article in a German magazine. Just the same year, February 1998, he published a book in Japanese which teats quite other theme, Gregory of Nyssa. He had studied a thought of Gregory at least for more than seven years while I went in and out of that university. Before that he had studied Thomas of Aquin for a couple of years, though.

Compared with these two thinkers, the study period about Origen was surprisingly shorter. Generally speaking, the themes he treated about Origen were all borrowed things. All of them were already taken up and more or less discussed in lectures or workshops of that department. Above all, they are quite evident and well-known themes among genuine researchers of Origen. He only cut into Origen in the light of the same themes, for laypersons who canft verify the matter, on the basis of << a few secondary>> documents --- by alchemy peculiar to some ideofetistic upstarts of that department. A range of his essays concerning Origen werenft so much the results of his original efforts as the products of his counterfiction in its etymological meaning.

        In the following section, I will analyze the article in question minutely in comparison with mine. It is very regrettable that his article is not readable in Japanese, and that its copy is only available from the limited libraries. Nevertheless he would never translate it literally into Japanese as long as influential persons having read my article are still alive. So far some reviewers who know the truth criticized his writings severely and sometimes insinuated his cunning unoriginality. This time, while taking their tacit support, I --- being trampled over, but having stood up again --- will disclose directly the hidden fact that his article was totally motivated by and fabricated on the ground of my article. No matter how well I estimate it, his article is nothing but an illicit revision of mine. It seems as if I collected stuff for his sake. Now he teaches church history and ethics without any sign of compunction as a curate at a protestant university. How good his God is to tolerate his inexcusable transgressions!


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        This article was going to be written under the next subtitles.

1.        Internal evidences---Background, Source and defects of my article

2.        Statistical comparison

3.        Comparison of contents

4.        Conclusion

        However, my readers, I canft write this article any more. Ifm not so free as to spend time on the examination of his articles. Above all, that article is too humiliating to read repeatedly. So, I stop writing here. I want the readers who have fair spirit to judge whether my claim is right. In the following I quote the whole text of his article. Please read it and know the hidden truth i.e. the international deception. I hold myself responsible for this. But the fault he committed is much more serious.

Simon Maris, LfEconomie de la Passion du Dieu chez Origene

 Japanese (1994) or French (1996)

His dirty article, composed on the basis of mine without any mention of it: Ist Gott leidenschaftlos? Pathos und Apatheia bei Origenes (1998)

German (1998)







