AUN no kokyu    (One pair)


No.31 & 32       Support The Earth



No.31 & 32       Support The Earth


No.31 & 32       Support The Earth

Support The Earth


The earth is cultivating a biosphere in the ground.

As for human individual, that it should be engaged in the care in this earth exists.



No.171 Cong


No.172 Cong


No.171 & No.172 Cong



In Japan, this Cong is called仁王(Nio).

Cong is guarding gods.

He is instated on one pair pieces of either side as the gatekeeper at the temple and the shrine.

"" is goodness and is love.

仁王(Nio) is the meaning of the king who uses a rage to the person who hinders love and goodness.

The stone engraving is possible.



No.52 The duty


No.53 The duty


The duty


The privilege disappears in the ideal society.

 The cosmos granted duty that "the individual was the whole" into us.

The truth of one existence is love, mercy, comfort, and give to the whole.


All in three sets, The price of single-unit is $7,000.    Please consult when hoping by one piece.    Height=1m


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