Miss.xxxxx(♀) ⇔ Fabien Delon(♂) ⇔ Edith Arnold(♀) ⇔ Paul Boulogne(♂)
(1943~) (1935~1938) (1939~)
↓ ↓
Mr.xxxxx Delon(♂) Editte Boulogne(♀)
(1943~?) (1943)
Mr.xxxxx Delon(♂)
(1943~?) ↓
Francine Canovas(♀) ⇔ Alain Delon(♂) ⇔ Rommy Schneider(♀)
(Nathalie Barthelemy)(1963~1968) (1935) (1958~1963) (1938)
Miss.Nathalie Barthelemy(♀)
(1959) ↓ ⇔ Nico Icon(♀)
Sophie(♀) ⇔ Anthony Delon(♂) (1959~1960) (1938)
(~2001) (1964) ↓
Christian Ari(♂)
Mireille Darc(♀) ⇔
(1938) (1968~1983)
Anne Parillaud (♀) ⇔
(1960) (1982?~1984?)
Catherine Bleynie(♀) ⇔
Rosalie Van Breemen(♀) ⇔
(1966) (1987~2002)
Anouchka Delon(♀)
Alain-Fabien Delon(♂)
Patritia Cholet (♀) ⇔
(?) (2004?~)
Nobody knows tomorrow's Mr.Alain Delon........?
( The women who were rumored that they seem associated with Alain Delon )
Jeannine Rouchon
Bella Darvy
Zizi Aissata
Estella Blain
Julietto Greco
Rita Cadillac
Jane Fonda
Shirley MacLaine
Angie Dickinson
Silvia Christel
Anne Parillaud
Patricia Kaas
Lova Moor
Patritia Cholet
( Guilt Index )
Pale gray ( Rumor )
Dark pale gray ( Probably Guilt )
Almost black gray ( Guilt )
Black ( Absolutely Guilt )
.....I am sorry Dear. Mr. Alain Delon ...... This description is your fame tax. Please forgive me !!!
Super Rare Photo of Delon's Family