Terminal Emulators (2003-07)



It is more difficult for terminal emulators to support multiple languages than for window managers. It is because:

gnome-terminal (2.2.2). It detects the current locale and changes behavior automatically, including east Asian multibyte locales and UTF-8. However, the font mechanism cannot use multiple fonts at the same time, thus various languages cannot be displayed at once.

konsole (1.2.2). It detects the current locale and changes behavior automatically, including east Asian multibyte locales and UTF-8. However, Japanese and Chinese characters are not very beautiful.

However, the font mechanism has a problem and the width of CJK characters are not exactly twice as other characters. This causes curses-based softwares look dirty. Please see the right side of the dialog box.

rxvt-beta (2.7.8). It detects the current locale and changes behavior automatically including east Asian multibyte locales but UTF-8 is not supported.

Xterm (coming XFree86 4.3.0). The version of xterm will detect the current locale and changes behavior automatically including east Asian multibyte and UTF-8, if properly configured. I hope this configuration will be the default for Debian package. The needed configurations are:
(1) use "-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso10646-1" font instead of "fixed" font. Though there are many iso10646-1 fonts in xfonts-base package, there are only two fonts which has corresponding font for doublewitdth characters.
(2) set resource of "locale: true".

eterm (0.9.2). As same as Rxvt-beta, it detects the current locale and changes behavior automatically including east Asian multibyte locales but UTF-8 is not supported.

mlterm (2.7.0). As the name "multi-lingual terminal", its i18n feature is excellent. It supports not only doublewidth characters but also combining character, bidi (bi-direction), and Indic complex scripts. (Debian package is compiled without Indic support).

xvt (2.1) doesn't support multibyte encodings.

wterm (2.1) doesn't support multibyte encodings.

wterm-ml package includes kwterm, cwterm, and gwterm binaries which support EUC-JP Japanese, GB2312 simplified Chinese, and Greek. However, they don't support Japanese/Chinese input.

Tomohiro KUBOTA <debian at tmail dot plala dot or dot jp>