97/07/22  11:19

TO: vice.president@whitehouse.gov at ~HTC-HEAD-SMTPGW

 IEC decimal sign


                                        Jul. 22nd, '97

     Dear Vice-president Gore,    


     IEC(International Electrotechnical Commission) specifies

     [The decimal sign shall be a comma on the line in all language

     versions of International Standards].

     I myself have tried to change the above sentence as follows;

     [The decimal sign shall be a point on the line in English version and

      a comma in French version of International Standards].

     I may be the only person in the world to pursue for solving this problem.

     Isn't there anyone who has a man of spirit as meH

     The following eight mails (including Fax) are the stories of

     this problem for your reference.


     Tadahiro Honda

     Hitachi Ltd,






     Apr. 3 , 1996

     Fax No. +1 


     Fax No. +1 

     Mr. Robert Krause

     Fax No. +1 

     Mr. Robert Schieman

     Fax No. +1 

     Mr. James R. Jaeschke



                                             Fax No. +81 3 

                                             Tadahiro Honda


                                             Hitachi Ltd,



     Re: Decimal sign in IEC DIRECTIVES Part 3 (1996)

           (number of sheets: 3)


     Dear sirs,


      Regarding the above title, I sent Fax on 19 and 27 Feb. 1996 to Mr.

     Branda and Messrs. Schieman and Jaeschke respectively. And I received

     the reply from Mr. Branda.

     I sent my comments on the above document to our NC(national

     Committee) as attached. It is not the Japanese comments at this

     moment. If you are sure you'll submit almost all the same comments as

      mine on the decimal sign from your NC to IEC Central Office, my

     comments will also become the official ones from our NC.

      I corresponded with Mr. Sheldon who is from IEC Central Office,

     Maintenance Team and I found he had a big misunderstanding as shown

     below but he never recognizes his misunderstanding. To be fair, I can

     attach all our correspondence if you want.

      English speaking countries do use the comma as a decimal indicator

     and not the point.

      I confirmed a point is used as the decimal sign in China, where

     though English is not spoken.

      It is my regret that almost all person follows to IEC rule as a

     golden rule.

     The USA where English is spoken shall be truly the leader on this

     point. Isn't there anyone who has a man of spirit as meH

      I also sent my comments to Australia and Canada. I hope I can hear

     your comments on this soon.


                                         Sincerely yours,






     Apr. 4 , 1996

     Fax No. +1 


     Fax No. +1 

     Mr. Robert Krause

     Fax No. +1 

     Mr. Robert Schieman

     Fax No. +1 

     Mr. James R. Jaeschke




                                             Fax No. +81 3 

                                             Tadahiro Honda


                                             Hitachi Ltd,



     Re: Decimal sign in IEC DIRECTIVES Part 3 (1996)- Additional

           (number of sheets: 1)


     Dear sirs,


      I sent Fax yesterday and this is the additional to it.

     I informed this problem to the president and vice-president of IEEJ

     (The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan), a deputy director

     of MITI (Ministry of International Trade • Industry) and many

     persons concerned. I may tell this problem to the minister for MITI,

     Mr. Tsukahara, if necessary. I also raised this problem to the

     president of Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering.

      I wonder if the president (or chairman) of IEEE, NEMA , American NC

      of IEC and the organization of relevant Standards knows this problem

     or not. And do they all agree to use a commaH@This is not the

     problem of yourself, but the whole America and so many countries where

      a point is used as the decimal sign.

      If you tell me the name and Fax. No. of the president (or chairman)

     of each organization and/or vice-president of the USA, Gore , I'll

     send the same comments as the one you have to them by Fax.

      Please always remind using a comma is a custom just in the European

     continent as you know, but several billion people in the world use a

     point as the decimal sign. And the USA shall be the leader to solve

     this problem, I think.


                                         Sincerely yours,






                                Jan. 29th, 1997

     Fax No. +1 

     Mr. David Q. McDowell


     Fax No. +1 

     Mr. M. R. Branda

     Fax No. 

     Prof. Masaki Aoki


                                             Fax No. +81 3 

                                             Tadahiro Honda


                                             Hitachi, Ltd.



     Re: ISO/IEC decimal sign  (number of sheets: 8)


     Dear Mr. McDowell,


      I heard your name from Prof. Aoki, Seikei University . You have had a

      copy of my Fax regarding the decimal sign sent to Mr. Branda on April

      3, 1996.

      On the other hand, I got the document from Prof. Aoki prepared by you

     titled uThe Decimal Radix in ISO English Language Standardsv.

      I just wondered you have already distributed the above document to

     many person in US. And If you haven't done yet to Mr. Branda, Mr.

     Gettman (NEMA), Mr. Sperati (ISO/TC37 chairman) and Mr. Kushnier

     (ANSI), I'll send it to them and to all the countries where a dot is

      used as the decimal sign, attached with the following document .

     1. The question from Mr. Watanabe to Mr. Smith, Secretary of ISO/TMB

     2. The answer to it from Mr. Smith

     3. New Work Item Proposal to IEC 27-1 prepared by myself.

       (This is not authorized yet by our Japanese NC(JNC), because IEC/

     TC25 of JNC which control IEC 27-1 is not existing now, and I'm

     asking the establishment of  the organization)


     I'll expect your cooperation on this matter.

                             Sincerely yours,


                                                T. Honda




       From: hondatad@

       @Date: Thu, 06 Feb 97 10:21:54 +0900

       Cc: <BRANDMR@grtpa01.grt.ch.etn.com>, <masa@ee.seikei.ac.jp>

       Subject: IEC decimal sign

       To: hondatad--INTERNET                                          

        *** Reply to note of 02/05/97 02:38                                     


         From: David Q. McDowell, Professional Imaging                         


          Subject: IEC decimal sign                                            


           Yes I received your fax.  Thank you.                                

           I have circulated it to several in the United States as an example of

            the support available from other countries. I met with the ANSI  

           International Advisory Committee in late January concerning the US 

           position on the Decimal Radix.  They technically supported the use of

            the period but at this time were unwilling to initiate the requests

           to ISO CS and TMB to request a change.

           Their main concern seemed to be assurance of adequate support from

           other member bodies.  If you were to initiate the action I believe

           that there would be formal support from the US.

           Of course I am not in a position to decide policy only to push  and

           agitate from the technical point of view - which I will continue to


           Please keep me posted.                                             

            Thank you.                                                         


           David Q. McDowell (mcdowell@kodak.com)                              


           Eastman Kodak Company                                              

            1700 Dewey Ave, Rochester, NY 14650-1913                          






                                                         Feb. 17th, 1997

     Fax No. +1 

     Mr. David Q. McDowell


     Fax No. +1 

     Mr. M. R. Branda

     Fax No. 

     Prof. Masaki Aoki


                                          Fax No. +81 3 

                                          Tadahiro Honda


                                          Hitachi, Ltd.



     Re: ISO/IEC decimal sign -2 (number of sheets: 13)


     Dear Mr. McDowell,


      Thank you for your mail dated 02/05/97. I understand the US position.

      But I myself continue the activities until we win, by the following



     1. The opinion of IEC central office(CO) is that English speaking

     countries do use the comma as a decimal indicator and not the point.

      You can find the above from my Fax sent to Mr. Branda on April 3,

     1996. Now I'll attach the correspondence between Mr. Scheldon, a member of

     IEC maintenance team, and I, for your reference. He and Mr. Raeburn ,

     general secretary never recognize the fact I pointed out.

     I don't permit such situation that they don't apologize their


     I think IEC CO must stand at the neutral position but it doesn't seem

     to be neutral.

     2. According to the report (written in Japanese), the use of a comma

     was decided at the IEC board of directors held in Istanbul in 1988 to

      meet to ISO system. Before that, in IEC a period has been used in

     English version, though a comma has been used in ISO. US and UK have

     no interest at that time and it was processed in a businesslike


      I don't hear about this subject since then. I wonder if why IEC

     avoids the discussion on the decimal sign.

     3. Many countries use a period as the decimal sign in the world. I'll

     attach the list for your reference.

      When we count the population of the world where a period is used as

     the decimal sign, we'll find it becomes more than 70g, because they

     use a period in such countries as China, India and almost all Asian

     countries including Japan, of which population is big.

     (The figure may not be exact, then please investigate by yourself, or

      I think ANSI has more detailed information about this).

      If we have a wide field of view, we'll find this problem is very much

      similar as the situation of Peru hostage crisis. It may not be an

     appropriate simile, here European countries correspond to guerrillas

     in the next sentence.

     15-20 guerrillas dominate 72 hostages in Japanese ambassador's

     residence in Peru. But outside of the residence, the general situation

      of guerrillas is at a disadvantage.

      If you open internet home page about this, you can hear opinions of

     many people in the world and you'll find they'll assist you and oppose

      the current system. (I'm afraid I don't join internet.)

     Right and justice is on our side.

      The biggest problem in Japan that there's no IEC/TC25 organization

     will be solved soon. It may take a time but the organization of

     Japanese NC for TC25 will be established, because if no candidate for

      a chairman is appeared, I myself shall become the chairman and also

     a representative of Japan.

      Then my proposal to IEC CO will be authorized.

      I hope this will become the answer to your worries.

     You should be confident to be a leader as your country leads the world

      in politics.

                             Sincerely yours,

                                                 T. Honda





     Date:    97/04/28  17:22


     CC: Krause@at ~HTC-HEAD-SMTPGW

     Re: ISO/IEC decimal sign-3

     ---------------------------------- Contents


                                           Feb. 19th, 1997

          Dear Mr. McDowell,


           I sent Fax regarding the above title of -2 on Feb. 17th, 1997.

          This is the supplement to it.

          I got an information about TC25 as follows. I wonder if you know

          or not, secretariat of TC25 is Dr. Kuyatt (US: National Institute

           of Standards and Technology)

          His mail address is ckuyatt@nist.gov.

          (chairman is Prof. Thor, Sweden)


          It'll become significant that you have his opinion about the


          uIn practice, a period is used as the decimal sign in US and

          other English speaking countries. That's all.

           On a broad survey, the compelled use of a

           comma in English

          version is unnatural and also abnormalv.


                                                Tadahiro Honda





     Date:    97/04/28  17:04

     TO: mcdowell@at ~HTC-HEAD-SMTPGW

     CC: brandmr@at ~HTC-HEAD-SMTPGW

     CC: Krause@at ~HTC-HEAD-SMTPGW

     CC: masa@at ~HTC-HEAD-SMTPGW


     Re: ISO/IEC decimal sign-4

     ---------------------------------- Contents


                                              Apr. 28th, 1997

          Dear Mr. McDowell,


           Regarding the above, I sent Fax on Feb. 17th, and mail on 

          Feb. 19th, 1997.

          What is your, Dr. Kuyatt's and ANSI's opinion respectively ?

          71 hostages in Japanese ambassador's residence in Peru were 

          released by President Fujimori.

          Is there no Fujimori in US to solve the problem of decimal sign ?

           By the way, in Japan the TC 25 NC was returned

          from The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ) to 

         MITI around the end of March and now MITI is going to ask 

        Japanese Standards Association (JSA) to accept it. I'm a member

        of IEEJ, but now I don't have any connection with JSA. Then I'll

         ask some person who has a connection with JSA to recommend me

        to become a member of the TC 25 NC. 



                                        Tadahiro Honda





     Date:    97/07/15  17:36


     TO: mcdowell@at ~HTC-HEAD-SMTPGW

     CC: masa@at ~HTC-HEAD- SMTPGW

      Re: ISO/IEC decimal sign-4

     ---------------------------------- Contents


                                                Jul. 15th, '97

          Dear Mr. McDowell,


          I sent four mails (including Fax) ,the following is the last one,

          since I have received your mail but I don't receive any answer  

         from you. It seems for me that all person relating to IEC decimal

         sign in your country stop actions.

          I'll propose this problem to your vice president, Gore by E-mail.

           I expect you'll answer me in any aspects.


                                         Tadahiro Honda




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