Traffic Accident on Mireille

1983 77 日(木)1515 分。コーモで 「Les accessoires Alain Delon」 のための契約を終えたミレーユはトリノ方面の高速道路で衝撃的な自動車事故に遭う。彼女はドロンのプロデュースする香水ブランド会社社長 Jean-Walter Geiser が運転する大型メルセデス 500 の助手席にいた。モンブラントンネル付近では雨が降っており、車はトンネルの左車線を時速 140Km で走行していたが、突然一台のトラックが車線を外れて目の前に現れ、メルセデスはこの大型トラックの後部に追突。彼女は救急車でアオスタの地方病院に運ばれたが、重体だった。ドロンは直ちにこのイタリアの病院に駆けつけた。ドロンは衝撃の中、パパラッチを掻き分け、23 時に病院に到着した。すぐに緑色のガウンを着用すると、ICU に入ったが、ミレーユは複雑骨折を負っており、肺の打撲の恐れもあったため、事故当夜の容態報告は悲観的だった。彼は一晩中ミレーユに付き添うと、翌日正午には一旦退室した。しかし疲れた表情の中に笑みを浮かべ、  「彼女は大事故から一命をとりとめました。もう命の危険はありません。今後心配なのは、彼女の心臓と血液の凝固です。」 と述べた。ミレーユは骨盤、頚骨、両脇に骨折を負っていたが、頚椎には異常がなく、長い切り傷のため顔面を 10 針縫っていた。ドロンは二日目の晩も ICU で迎えた。僧帽弁狭窄症を患い、心臓の弱かったミレーユは、すぐに息切れをしたり、気分が悪くなるなど、長年、不安と共に生きていた。彼女は自分の病状の深刻性を理解し、人工心肺手術の必要性も心得ていたが、弱音を吐かない性格で、人前では単に疲れた様子を装っていた。しかし、1979 12 月に軽い発作を起こすと、手術の決断を余儀なくされ、彼女は 1980 37 日を手術日に選んだ。死の危険を伴う手術だったが、ミレーユもドロンも友人たちには不安を隠し続け、手術にはドロンがミレーユを La Pitie-Salpetriere 病院に連れて行った。6 時間の手術は成功し、ミレーユが退院した晩、ドロンは彼女の胸に耳を当てながら心音を聞いて、”君の生命を感じる”と言ったという。

ドロンは医師の了解を得て、ヘリコプターで彼女をジュネーヴの医療センターに移すことにした。その日は土曜日だったが、時間との闘いとなった。ミレーユは心臓手術後、とても虚弱になっていたため、心臓事故を避けるため、速やかに且つ慎重を極めなければならなかった。担架の上で白いシーツで顔を覆ったミレーユは、救急車で、午前中にアオスタの病院を出発し、警察の護衛を伴って町のヘリポートに着いた。到着するとすぐにヘリコプター Alouette 3( アルエット 3 )で飛び立ち、30 分後にはジュネーヴに到着した。彼女は、スイスの重傷治療専門医療機関に今後1ヶ月以上入院する。終始付き添ったドロンはこのように述べている。ミレーユは仰向けのまま、両腕をぴったりと体に固定され、身動きがとれません。ギブスが取れて、コルセットになるまでは、何週間かこの体勢を維持しなければなりません。

Mireille who finished the contract for "Les accessories Alain Delon" at Como encounters a shocking automobile accident on the highway of direction to Torino on July 7th ( Thursday ) 1983 at 15:15. She was in large-sized Mercedes' 500 passenger seat which perfume brand which Delon produces company president Jean-Walter Geiser operates. It is raining near the Mont Blanc tunnel, the car was running the left lane of a tunnel at 140 km/h, but one truck separates from a lane suddenly, it appears close at hand, and Mercedes clashed against the rear of this heavy-duty truck behind. Although she was taken to the district hospital of Aosta by the ambulance, it was in a serious condition. Delon ran to the hospital in this Italy immediately. Delon arrived at the hospital at 23:00 as pushes aside paparazzi in the shock. Delon wears green gown immediately, and then he went into ICU but the report of the accident night was pessimistic because of Mireille has been a compound fracture, and there was also fear of a blow of lungs. Delon escorted Mireille all night. He once left a room on the next day at noon. However, he smiled in the inside of the expression which got tired. And he said that "She survived from the big accident. There is no danger of a life any longer. It will be anxious about her heart and the solidification of blood from now on".

Mireille had been francture to a pelvises, the neck bone, and both the sides but there was no abnormality in the neck bone, and she had been sewn her face of ten stitches because of a long cut. Delon also was at ICU on the evening second day. Mireille who suffered from mitral valve constriction disease and has a weak heart, often was shortwinded and feeling becomes bad etc. She was lived with uneasiness for long time. She has been understood the seriou of her disease's condition, and also known the necessity of a pump oxgenator operation, but she is the character which doesn't vomit complaint so she had pretended being only got tired in public. However, when she had a light fit on December 1979, she was obliged to the decision of an operation and she chose on March 7th 1980 as the operation day. The operation was involving risk of death but Mireille and Delon have been kept hiding uneasiness to their friends.

Delon brought Mireille to the hospital "La Pitie-Salpetriere" for the operation. The operation of 6 hours succeeded and Delon said that "I feel your life" as Delon hears her heartbeat applying his ear to her breast.

Delon decided to move her to the medical center in Geneva by helicopter through to obtain permission of a doctor. Although that day was Saturday, it became fighting with time. It had to doing that prudently and promptly to avoid the heart accident, because of she was weak too much. Mireille with covered her face with the white sheet on the stretcher, left the hospital of Aosta by ambulance during the morning, and arrived at the heliport of a town with the guard of the police. Shortly after arriving, she flew away by helicopter Alouette 3, and it arrived in Geneva after 30 minutes. She will be hospitalized in the serious injury medical treatment special institution of Switzerland for one month or more from now on. Delon escorted from beginning to end described as following, "Mireille can't move because of she is in the state with the face upward, exactly fixed her both arms to the body. She has to maintain this posture until it can take off gypsum and can take corset".