UNKNOWN INFORMATION ( A scribble for Alain Delon relations anything ) - Honorific title is abbreviated -
I'm sorry when it is already familiar information ( as soon as what's new enters, I add rapidly ).
The name of the first love partner of Delon is Reine.
( The residence gate of Alain Delon in Douchy )
Delon lives in the forest of the fir in the middle of a certain big site. Soft breeze blows softly. He closes his eyes at this place alone, thinks the past which it is over, but it is not lost. In this site that do not allow a person to come near, he is in the shadow of shrubbery in full glory of the flower only alone. It is surrounded by the wall of the red brick, and this site of approximately 56 hectares in almost remote place of the out-of-the-way place in Loiret prefecture, and this site is covered by trees, and this site leads a prefectural road side of the 133 kilos from Paris through a wrought iron fence. He bought the land and the huge building which was built midmost. When it passes the house of caretaker in the right side, follows the beaten track meandingly in endless undergrowth of weeds and sunlight through the trees. The way goes along the side of a pond made artificially. In a row of trees, the way threads windingly. On Christmas in 1999, 400 trees were knocked down, because of the heavy storm that tore a forest completely but some are still lying. 6 of white and brown horses spend the calm rest of life while eating grass leisurely, escape from slaughterhouse. They do not to be ridden a person anymore. A white heron moves in the pond of a duck. And the way spreading out endlessly disappears in the horizon before reaching the hill. There is the thin swimming pool in the midmost of the land where it is bordered by the solid sculpture image of the animal, and it was surrounded the circumference in the building of the modern which is elegant farmhouse style. These houses are 30 years old. An electrical generator is taken to one of these. This neighborhood was the plain which was gloomy, and seemed to be desolate with many valleys before such a building was built, and there was a big castle of product made in red brick 3 stories of the style in the days of Louis Philippard which had a half-timber and a chapel midmost. In these days, Delon lived with Mireille Darc for 2 years. She who had hairstyle such as the helmet, had a sexless build, played a white-hot human being with a free woman, impertinence called a free woman with the carrier of the French movie of the ten years. She has already appeared in " Galia " and " La Grande Sauterelle ", and she was familiar in the cheerful indifference that served as fresh and young state of things willfulness. Alain and she really came across was slightly before, but they passed each other approximately 2 times before in a few years. Mireille was in a studio of Saint Maurice which filmed an episode of " Bons Vivants " first. Coquettish Alain who worked at the next studio set came to talk to her. Anymore of the production crew of Georges Lautner made fun Mireille in it, and they enjoyed it. However, the things did not progress more than it. Afterwards they left Paris, they met again in the airplane which they went to Spain. She had filming of " Barbouze cherie " there, and he had filming of " Les Centurions " there. They did talk whole during the flight. When Mireille raeched the spot, she changed a hotel so that he did not find her. She says that " He was slightly fierce " now. " I thought that he went too far. Ni, more than it. Everything. Too much beautiful, too much strong, too much masculine. Therefore, I was going to escape from him. " After all the thing did not progress more than it then in this way either, and each other finisher each movie. The plan that would meet in Spain was not realized. She passed him again in Paris several years later. Because of the May, 1968 revolution, it is just time when Alain had to cancel a performance of drama " Yeux creves " which Jean Cau wrote for him. Under the director Raymond Rouleau, he played a role called Dino who was the lover of the homosexual racing driver who retired. The seep, cold racing driver whom Curd Jurgens played, married with a billionaire of the cocainism who was Marie Bell, but she aimed to make the lover of husband as hers. The presentation was full of complexity. Alain employed 15 professional wrestlers including " le bourreau de Bethune ", he kept the performance, and to let Marie who was full of uneasiness feel relieved. However, when the 23 rd performance was over from the start one month later, the Gymnase theater was closed in the beginning of April, 1968. Alain spent time of depression. On the other hand, Mireille convinced of the joy that met him, called him at that time. She said sometimes that " I was attracted by him though I did not look for him. " She showed goodwill and trust to him who spent timid time, and she gave vitality again in this way. At that time, she had a plan that filmed an American comedy which with Ken Annakin director, Bourvil costarring, with a long pleated skirt figure. It is the movie " Monte Carlo Rally " that described Monaco car rally in 1927. He left the position to feelings rather than a head, Alain went to Italy to meet her. And the thing progressed this time. He went to Saint-Tropez that was the location point of " La Piscine " after having stayed in the spot with her. Mireille who finished filming, went to Saint-Tropez to meet him, thereafter they came back to Paris together without leaving it all the time while making a detour after filming. They decided to live together. Because just after, Delon purchased Douchy, Mireille became the building chief of the residence. She drove a bulldozer, demolished an old castle and chapel, destroyed a wall, stirred soil, dug the pond, elaborated a plan in the domain of the relationship, and draft a design for new residence. She commanded the construction from beginning to end while was helped by Lolo who was one of the assistant of movie. " I coordinated entirely. I all like it. Alain trusted me overall, so I built it." Mireille who shoved a hand in the cement while devoting to construction, was with Alain together in this way. " We lived in a slightly strange atmosphere. An affair Markovic achieved the climax and police officers always followed Alain. Whenever he stepped forward one step, it got a long line. He was always followed and was watched." It stopped construction of Douchy for a while and Alain left to Antwerp and Bruges, because Alain was film of " Jeff " that he produced by himself. Mireille ran around whole Europe for the advertising tour of the movie " Un Corps, une Nuit " which she filmed with Gian Maria Volonte in Italy but Alain suggested to her the role of Eva of " Jeff ". She was OK it. She left with him to Belgium naturally. " When I think of this time of my life, I feel like having lived strong and intense something in these days. The trial that we got over let us bind two people together in a stronger bond. It may seem to be said that it was totally attached by welding. I loved him and, in this life, I lived with one man who did not let me feel that he was an actor. I never felt that I shared existence as an actor with Alain. Because we did our best anytime not to be called actor couple. " When Mireille met Alain, they did not have the common point in the movie world at all. Both the director and costars were different. At least until 1968. Their only mediation was Michel Audiard who was a former their writer. Under Alain who does not teach her, does not whisper advice to her, Mireille plays the role which added to heaviness than used to be. She in " Jeff " played the woman who waited for the return of the lover who was a boss of the thief corps in the extreme romantic scenery. The conspirators doubted it so that he may have escaped with the trunk clogged up the jewel when a boss did not readily appear. Whenever she talked, white breath went out of the mouth by cold. And it was seen so far as if she could sob with the voice that she who was not able to readily cry whispered in all scenes and the condition immediately anytime. She was in the past, was the joker like a laughter but she became a taciturn human being firmly suddenly. When the construction of the house was over, they went out of the apartment in quai Kennedy and they moved to Douchy. They left the girls who came over from all over the world, stayed at on the mat of their door. " The most favorite part of Alain is that he never deceive, so the person around him was always able to feel that they were at important position of his life. He appeared in my eyes strongly and delicately. And I was happiness that strong and delicate man like him needed me. I think that I was able to give him stability, balance and vitality. " Anyone knows vitality of Mireille. When she wrote a certain scenario in her real name Aigroz, Alain planned production of " Madly " based on it. But she shoud not have played the role of Agathe at first. " Because Alain expected to play me the role, I appeared without rehearsal. " Mireille spent 14 years with Alain. " We parted in 1982. He decided it suddenly. But actually we did not leave. We did not get angry. We never had that we splashed terrible words on each other. I did not assume that the day could not be with him, came, so I was very hard. I thought that it was needed with him till death. But it was presented another one. I must not regret it, and I do not regret. " In fact, Alain met Annne Parillaud through Oliver Dassault. After a test, he appointed her in " Pour la peau d'un flic ". And he became crazy about her during the filming. " It was sudden intense love at first sight. Even if I would control it somehow, but I was not able to do it. Reason fought against a feeling, but a feeling won, and I waited for there not to be the feeling, but the feeling did not fade away. " Alain lived with Anne for three years. - from Albin Michel alain delon, I'insoumis -
( The apartment of Delon was taken a picture from the front of it. Photo on October23rd, 1988 )
In the alley surrounding the house of Douchy, Anouchka does the first trial with a hand being pulled to parents. Anouchka Van Bremen-Delon who was born on 12 : 36 25th November 1990 in France is first walking after she was born. A certain famous astrology teacher divined her astronomical figure. Of course, without it is not told whose child she is. The character equipped with grace and courtesy. Besides, a sense of justice, humanity and a sociable and polite tone. Nevertheless, the active action filled in her adaptation power could support energy only in the protected environment, only her territory which she can feel easy from the bottom of her heart. Is there any place where the residence of Douchy was protected ? It is the place Delon called "base" and built the hiding place, and the place which built the happy ground. The place which is a man with many faces, an actor, a producer, the fine-arts collector and the busy man who dashes a century runs in Paris, Tokyo, Geneva and New York so that it may go in the neighborhood completely. The 56 years old father has time to pull his child's hand in the interval many fax and phone. Between the parents who are holding her hand since she doesn't fall over, Anouchka continues walking, though balance is lacked. Delon says, " The princess in my forest will discover her kingdom soon." Delon is fascinated by the small daughter who jumps into his arm. It is not him of familiarity in us. He whom we see on a movie is completely differed from. In front of the princess in forest, he seems to be the vassal who came out in front of the feudal lord. Delon says, " Anouchka walked for the first time in the 13th month. It's a completely common thing. Because I myself began to walk in nine months. " Suddenly, he turns his thoughts to his childhood age. The small boyhood age which I was playing in Rue de la Terrasse of Fresnes. The time when I had never known getting to Indo-China, the dazzling career wanders from place to place with passion, the shining success, being damaged and supreme judgment. He who put the glory on the glory is liable autism. His pride is high. He is extremely prudent in friendship and love. And he is lonely. However, happiness came here to beat this loneliness. It's forcible and tenacious. The happiness is the height of child's height. ( information from Paris Match N 2223 1992 )
( Fort Boyard, painted by Minako )
Since a release of " Dancing Machine ", Alain Delon is being the target of reporters and commentators. It is not professional criticism. It crushes him by biting attack to his private. The persistence is beyond an objective review in the simple art and the person who is proud of being his friend openly, takes part in this bad reputation uproar and enlivens a dispute. Neglectful Delon, being out of order Delon, Delon who shuts himself in a bunker etc. " I understand that people did not like my movie. But why do they attack me so intensely ? " He charms a person, on the other hand, he makes to be irritate a person. A man respects him and is jealous him. An woman is in love with him secretly and wants to make it him only a thing for herself. In fact, a reporter telling the most biting words are female reporters. Lonely wolf Delon was judged as a man, not as an actor and he became thin and has returned to his den. He came back to life as the human being whom he called “ A hidden garden ". He says that " you know only my public part which is the tip of the iceberg of my life, but three- fourths of my life hides. Romance ? I have never repressed passion. I think that an woman should do what she wants. The moment is my only time to be able to make myself at home. " - from the article by Marc Deriez -
( Delon's favorite poster )
( Delon at his office in New York )
In 1964, Alain became a super star exposed to praise everywhere. And he was not satisfied only by playing a good role and wanted to produce a movie. It was these days that he established a movie production "Delbeau" with Georges Beaume. The name Delbeau was joined a name of Delon and Beaume. Filming of "L'Insoumis" of the first work began in this way in the last week of February but Alain hurt when he filmed a scene in a mountain. In a blast scene, he lost balance at an incline of stoniness and fell down, and he was carried to a hospital promptly. It was worried a bone fracture but the result of diagnosis was hematoma and bruise. Does this movie curse ? Alain cut a thumb in the case of filming in environs Paris before this tumble. Bernard Pivot who was a reporter of Figaro magazine remembers about in those days, afterwards he complimented to Delon who had calmness when he invited Delon to his program of France 2 Channel as follows "You cut a finger at that time when a sceneshifter forgot to change genuine glass and false glass, nevertheless you did not blame anybody without complaining." On the other hand, it seems that Alain Cavalier who was the director of this movie did not always agree with Bernard Pivot. As for him, Delon was a difficult actor. "As for me who acted as a director, the filming with Delon was right a thing such as rodeo of an unruly horse. I do not train it delicately. I hold on a saddle well until a horse receives that the horse stops joy ride, the horse is tired at last and walks with me."
Paul Boulogne who is Delon's father - in - law ran the big butcher's which employed 16 employees.
Delon was absorbed in a bicycle race when he was 16 years old, he used to go to the bicycle race sports arena every Sunday. And one day, he was blessed with duties to carry the bicycles of European and American champions. Alain was glued to a bicycle displayed in a shop window of a town for long time. He still remembers the amount of the price. It was 11,000 francs. ( from Les mysteres Delon )
Delon reads a book. He smiles in a book written about him in Japanese and Russian. And he does not go to the garden for even one step without being with his dogs, and he is with his dogs in the room too. " I like loneliness. I do not pretend to be tough. It is not my virtue at all, it is my nature. " Douchy is a hidden garden of him in a sense. The garden that he values. It is the garden that he spent time of the most brightly and darkest life. " I do not take the holiday, but I can forget all, and take it easy when I come back to the house and go over one step iron fence. " After having spent the busy life, Alain stopped debating mind to a carrier. Present he who devotes himself to healing the wound of the heart in the country side is not interested in only the supreme value of instant for an instant. He stays indoors in a residence, and he finds new value every day.
( Delon and Maria Schneider in " Madly " )
The name of a person of first love of Delon is Reine. The first kiss for him was strane. "I felt like committing morality punishment. I took 10 years for that I was liberated from the thought" he states.
The village Douchy with Delon's main house is small village, 121 km to south-southeast from Paris, has about 1300 people as population. You can go to Montargis station in about 1 hour by quick train from Paris. Then you can go to Douchy in about 40 minutes by taxi from here. ( Information by Mr. Kazuo and Mr. Hikari )
One day, Levy who met Delon in the hotel of the Mauritius Island incidentally is telling the impression of Delon at that time as follows, "He has wariness and always watches the person or the situation carefully. And he has intellect, curiosity and the tons of information which I can't believe in the various fields. Also at the same time, I am made stunned by them, am sometimes made scared by them. He knows all about everything." - from an interview of Delon and Bernard-Henri Levy -
In the movie " Les Amours Celebre " the opportunity with Brigitte Bardot comes. She who was a superstar in those days, was the first actress who recognized it by herself that it was not really attracted by Alain Delon. As for neither his hairstyle nor look, Alain Delon was not her type at all. On the contrary, his existence irritated her. The filming was performed at the studio in Boulogne Billancourt for one week. One of the costars Suzanne Flon held the impression that "is friendly" for Alain Delon, bur Brigitte Bardot had the reverse impression. For her, it was right a trial for this filming period. " In the first day of the filming, I was late a little as usual, and entered the filming field with becoming slightly nervous. Alain Delon hurts feeling of me terribly. In those days, his manner was really severe and seemed to be not interested in only his blue eyes and sweet mask. He does not care the costar. " She recollects. According to participant, Alain Delon seems to have failed to seduce Briggite. She seems to have become crazy about eyes of Pieere Massimi which played the part of attendant of Delon at that time. " Alain Delon was not going to stare at me in the love scene either. He watched only a spotlight of my back to let the blue of his eyes become more attractive. Therefore, I did the same thing too. I played confession of love while watching eyes of Pierre Massimi which stood behind him. The eyes of Pierre Massimi were the best. It will be how an interesting thing ! Because Delon went to the light, and I confessed the love toward his attendant ! " She confided. According to famous reporter France Roche which was the filming field, Alain Delon seems to have acted with great tact to be in favor with everybody during the filming. She says, " I was amazed to learn that Alain Delon wanted to be in favor with all too much. Because he gave a present and did unbelievable grumbling, and everyone got tired at last. " The review of this movie was terrible. - information from 「 Les mysteres Delon 」 -
It seems that Delon brought his son Anthony to Douchy at that time of the shooting "Madly" in 1970.
At an interview of Paris Match, Delon has replied to the question that "Do you dizzy to an honor or wealth ?" as follows that "When I dizzy, it is the time that I feel by myself that whether I have the qualification which gets what actually comes into my hand. There are many people who should be given them rather than me in the world. Because I am an accidental product. It is an accident and a miracle. When I was 14 years old, I got a studies proof of "good" and left the school, was learned the work of a pork processing craftsman. After that, although I went into the army. I was a common youth. The movie is so strange thing for my life. Because it came to call me from the movie. One day, I was scouted on the road. And when I stood in front of the camera so that it could also be said to be a miracle, I realized that here was my room in an instant. Actor. Simultaneously, the work of an actor is not an occupation. Although the person whose occupation is a performer, a doctor, a pork processing craftsman etc can study, the person whose occupation is an actor is not necessarily studied. It is like telling my life. I am an actor who lives a life and I am not an actor who acts. I didn't have a job which I wanted to be till then. However, since when I went to Indo-China, I had thought that I would be the highest even if I would be whatever. If I were a newspaper seller, I would like to be the highest seller, if I were a man who was shoeshine, I would like to be the highest shoeshine man. When I returned from Indo-China to Paris and arrive at East station in Paris, I had nothing except a ticket of a subway. I was not able to buy a croissant either. I didn't have an address and a house. Because it was out of the idea to me to have returned to the place of my mother and my father in law. I only had one friend who was going to take the examination of police. I was only able to think that there were two ways which I would return to the army or I would become a vagrant. But I chose the third way." ( information from Paris Match M 2533-2219 1991 )
( Delon's Family )
It is 12 months from very much successful " Pour la peau d'un flic " ( mobilized more than 3,000,000 people ) Delon finishes being going to take " Le Battant " of two items as a director. He is a producer too, and is a star. Alain Delon takes the favorite material in the new " detective film ", which was a key of the success of 1 item. The time of 1 item, he said that " Danger and risk, adventure and seductiveness, there are studded with ideally." And the new work is just it. He challenged it as a director to the limit. He did it without regard for circuit, so it was hot for the stars. He says that " the movie director is a born of my carrier. What I am blessed is that I can do action freely, independently. The freedom of the production was necessary, too. I like entertainment, even if it is any kind of form." Anne Parillaud who is a new face of the expectation, appears for this movie. She is one actress what Alain Delon gave a chance. Alain Delon has never forgotten the chance given himself. However, he thinks that himself deserves taking a chance. He understood that he could stand in the top, if he worked intensely from long time ago. He got over all. The trap which was set the life and success by jealousy, criticism, envy. He liked challenging a challenge in both the life and work. He hold a match of the boxing and established the company of the helicopter and making of a factory of furniture and a perfume, and particularly challenge it as well as a producer and an actor various ways. He poured passion and energy same as a movie. The misfortune for him is not to succeed in France. In U.S.A., Alain Delon is an actor as the same grade of Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley. Besides, Delon is right considered to be God now in Japan. However, in our country, he becomes the target of criticism anytime. He is all ignore from the people so-called " representative " of the French movie world. There is not the praise in Cannes, and there is not even nomination to the Cesar. A spectator loves him ! The slanderer does not die out after he stood in the top. There is his word that I suggested how difficult it is to let a person recognize a quality of him. " I have pulchritude, wealth, and I am famous too. However, I can not but suffer from cancer so that I am liked ! " In the times of this recession, Delon steers own company and moves French film industry. General de Gaulle said that Brigitte Bardot brought France money more than Renaut corporation. Now, other superstars inherit her back and bring vigor to French economy. This is one of Alain Delon's challenge too. The movie is industry. In the recession, the people do not invest retreats steadily. Essentially, Alain Delon can live in comfort by leaving his property with the bank at a good rate. He will be able to leave movie world as a big shot while he is felt jealous. However, instead of doing it, he appears for the own work as a producer every time. In other words, he finances his movie. He invests the fund which is a big sum in the adventure of this movie world every time. He knows that he becomes serious, if he fails. This is one of his challenge, too. It is one man challenge, and it is the country challenge. Recent French movie " Pour la peau d'un flic ", " Le professeur " are superior to an American film markedly. It was not thought several years ago. France is recognized more, if it follows Alain Delon. He steps forward to the one step named " Le Battant " again.
Brigitte Auber was a good friend of Delon's parents. She called Alain's mother "Mounette" and called Alain's father in law " Popol " and she familiarly associated with them. It is assumed that Alain's father in law is one of the most splendid man in the world. " Popol was ruled by Mounette. He only calmly watched that Mounette loved her son and brought up him with sacrificing all. "
( Delon in Frank Riva with Mireille ) from Miss.Karina
10 years ago a Japanese travel agency produced a project of a tour titled as "Fantastic Night with Alain Delon in gorgeous Europe", total 35,000 people attended. Contents are that Delon appears as guest at the dinner party and they take a picture by all attendants. Because of copyright problem, no individual picture was permitted to take, no camera to bring in, either. Besides it, there was a chance that Delon did not show up ( cancel ) in the last minute, that it was a risky ? tour.
In 1963 Delon visited Japan for the first time and stayed at Imperial Hotel at room 61-royal suite in the 2nd new building. Its room maid in charge was named Miss. Toshiko Takenaka. Another information says that the hotel was Takanawa Prince Hotel, but according to my source, first hotel was Prince, 2nd was Imperial, that he used two hotels.
Number two man at Adel Productions is Pierre Caro.
Four leaves ( a Japanese chorus group )'s member Mr. Toshio Egi happened to sit next table to Delon at a restaurant in Paris one day and it is reported that he was overwhelmed by Delon's aura that he couldn't even eat and stuck to Delon ?
In 1974 a Japanese major publisher Shueisha featured an article titled " PORTRAIT-GEANT d'ALAIN DELON " ahead of all the world's papers or magazines, written by Jean Marcilly who is a famous French journalist who was a chief editor of a cinema magazine called "CINE REVIEW" via 1958 and 1962 and wrote about many major stars. He was also a famous writer for Hollywood stars and has been a friend of Delon's since "Quand la Femme s'en Mele" in 1957.
Delon lost virgin at 22 by the show girl of Crazy Horse Rita Cadillac. She was born on May 18th 1936 in Paris.
Delon's daughter Anouchka and son Fabien go to school in Holland, so their talk with Delon's common in law wife Rosalie is all in Dutch. It is said when Delon doesn't understand some Dutch languages, he is embarrassed.
Delon's first stage play is "Dommage qu' elle soit une putain".
In 1959 Romy's choice of the house to live with Delon in the end of a path at Monte Palioali in Rome. Many noble houses were there and only the bell of the temple sometimes broke the peace of the mansions that roses fully surrounded. The house was small, but had fine layout : two rooms, two bathrooms, one big dining room and a small room and a terrace.
Delon who is celebrating anniversary on Nov 8th in 1992 states as follow : Birthday is not my favorite event. Therefore no plan. I like presenting a gift, but don't enjoy receiving a gift. Two years ago, when birthday was coming closer, I entered a hospital for health checking. It is an ideal place for retired life. No calls from relatives or close pals, no bouquet, either that it was like a trip for several days as a matter of fact. I may do the same this year. Birthday is enough to celebrate by 10 some people. My 50th anniversary was by my mother and some others total : 12 persons.
Concerning Bernard-Henri Levy's film " Le Jour et La Nuit " filmed in Mexico, Delon said : " Since Bernard does not want to talk about this movie, let me tell you about the fascinating episode of the meeting with him. Before I met him, my image of him was that he was an active Bosna director, a leftist intellectual, but meeting with him to realize that he is one movie director, intelligent and talented spiritual active man. He is very quick to make pose of the shooting and adjusts to anything and very generous to actors and has strong physical strength. During the 10 day filming, I never saw him sitting down. He was completely concentrated on his work. His only demerit to say, is that he is too pure director technical-wise."
Driving a big station wagon, I put the dog, the cat, the Barbie Doll and the plastic model on vacation in France with children. The last 300 km has separated me from him. The distance from Amsterdam to Douchy is long. Just become being vacation early ! When summer is the most beautiful, we pass together for two months without separating. Suddenly a cell phone rings. "This is Didier Rapaud of Paris Match speaking. Alain became being such a thing !" I was surprised. He added. "The news agency told me that it seems Alain Delon died by traffic accident in Switzerland." What happens in a woman's head at such the moment ? Life runs around the inside of the head with terrible speed. Two childbirth, some quarrels, misunderstanding, a fine day, overflowing love, married life. I phoned Douchy where he ought to be waiting for us. It is not connected. Panic and fear. I endeavored to heed that it was made not to notice by children and I stepped on the accelerator a little. I talked with them about a dog and a cat. I slightly raised the volume of radio in order to erase an ill-omened idea but I became uneasy whether the news would be reported by radio, so I turned off the radio. It is too cruel for children. I had lapsed into an illusion which is moving in the inside of the movie which does not want to also become extra. B level film. Nightmare. Just at that time, the telephone was continuously ringing in Douchy........................ on 19th July 2000 became dark Wednesday for me. Although I was in the house of Douchy with the dogs by only me, a telephone began to ring obstinately repeatedly at 9 pm. It is rare thing that calling at such late time. Because usually only a few close friends call me. Perhaps it might be the alarm of my apartment in Paris or from the crime prevention center of the police. The Mr. and Mrs. who have managed this residence sort out the telephone. It seems that they are from Paris or Switzerland etc. I thought of favorite persons. I thought whether my favorite famous important person died. I considered the worst thing. It is not sure what happens somewhere. I asked the janitors whether they watched TV news. Although they watched it, they told me that there was not especially death report of a famous person. Moreover, the telephone rings. This time, the janitor told me like that he is a friend from St-Tropez. It was said that " he heard that you died by a traffic accident." I answered. "If a such telephone comes next, please give as follows." " I am vigorously alive." Suddenly, all are upset. I don't know what to say ! Delon's traffic accident. Three person's Delon are moving by car just now ! Wife and children. Rosalie, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien. They are just going to come here for vacation in Douchy from Netherlands. In case of an emergency, a military policeman should look for an identification card first. The fearful spectacle ran in my head. My heart fills with fear. I have to slowly systematize and consider as having calmness is maintained. First, it is confirming informational credibility. I call Rosalie with painful mind. She picks up the phone. I can hear her voice. All were solved. I was relieved soon and I became a carefree tune. There isn't unusual situation. They are between Reims and Soissons where is 1 more hour to Douchy. My wife and children whom I love most will arrive here soon. To my kingdom, to our kingdom. Rosalie also became a bright tune. She tells me about the telephone of Didier Rapaud. Rumor has spread. This annoying rumor. I know that what kind of thing is a thing called rumor ? My mother who already died became dying owing to it. Fortunately one telephone proved that I am alive and nothing occurred. There were many rumors about me until now. For example, Delon has operated his nose and ear or he has went bankrupt, "Although Alain Delon is young and famous, has beautiful face and much money, he got cancer. " during the shining 70s. I struck back as follows, " Actually, I am young and famous, have beautiful face and much money, but I'm sorry it makes you disappointed, I have never got cancer." The only method of being equal to rumor is despising rumor and ignoring. It is easy for a certain man and difficult for a certain man.
( Delon with Catherine Information by Mr. Okamoto )
Delon made the honorable Starter of Le mans 24 hr Race in 1996.
When the son Anthony became the age that must be entrusted to parental authority of the father, and when the luxurious apartment at Rue Fabert was too big to live alone and loneliness became to gather, Nathalie Delon decided to leave France for one year. "It is hard that I am separated from my child whom I brought up for 14 years. For present Tony ( Anthony's nickname ), being under authority of his parent is important. Therefore, both Alain and I agreed with this decision. But I had thought that I would be able to endure this loneliness but after one month, I noticed that it was hard for me that I was separated from this son. What I must do was to disappear. Therefore I decided to go to a trip. Alone. To stare at only myself." At first, Nathalie thought the destination for searching myself. "I had always lived at the apartments which were too big for me. Therefore, I would like to live at only one room which is as a bedroom, a study room and a closet all in one." When Nathalie left France, a novelist Pascal Jardin did one foreknowledge. "It is the problem that you leave with to carry Nathalie Delon on your back." He was not wrong. Nathalie traveled to Mexico, Bahamas and Jamaica during several weeks. And she finally found the place to stay with her friend Caroline Pteiffer who was a producer in Los Angeles. She took down a trunk and put a stuffed doll of the monkey which she took good care of from childhood on a capper bed in a room with blue wall paper. ( Her room was always blue. ) There is a photograph of Tony on a small round table. And there are two books which are "Loneliness of 100 years" written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and " Also Sprach Zarathustra " written by Nietzsche on a sofa. "I was always taken care of and lived while I was protected. In old days, Alain took care of all of me. It seemed that I was like a small girl for him. It was Lulu who was in charge of child care of Anthony. She undertook housework in all of my house and in the excessive excellence, I didn't know where was there my sheet either. Now, I leave France and I am learning to live alone without Tony and Lulu. She swims at Malibu Beach and enjoys an airship in Los Angeles. However, it does not seem that being without sense of reality at all. "I didn't fly the country. I will come back to France next new year. Now, it is only in a holiday for consideration. I will have a long-term vacation with Tony. I have never had a vacation without him." She added while she choked with damp eyes. " I understand he is going to be a man gradually. It is noble ! " ( information from Paris Match 29 Juin 1979 )
Delon's last Japan visit was via from on Dec 7th to 12th 2001 ( as on just on July in 2002 ).
Delon's play on his debut movie " Quand La Femme s'en Mele " was Jo, a young murderer.
According to French public radio broadcast, a Delon's friend reported that Delon decided to part with Rosalie. But not to shake his two children Anouchka's and Fabien's minds, he is not to announce it in public.
Delon's house on Ave de Messine was bought in 1961.
Delon's cottage in Loiret ward Douchy was bought in 1968. Width 54 ha ( 11.5 times of Tokyo Dome ), with swimming pool, tennis court, there is an artificialpond with ducks, the iron gate had large initial letters of the couple A.D.and M.D. Here in this kingdom Delon found calm and isolation, played around with his favorite animals like dogs, cats horses, sheep. Delon was proud that in this house, you could live eating only what can be made in this house for one year.
Catherine Blynie's nick name was " KiKi ".
In 1984 the Douchy's cottage's gate's initial letters changed to A ( Alain ) and C ( Catherine ).
On March 7th 1980, Mireille had an operation of heart, its disease name was angina. After the operation she stayed at the Douchy cottage for rehabilitation.
On July 7th 1983 Mireille had car accident and remarkably injured. In December of this year, Mireille came back, but was reported that she parted with Delon. For the reason why, Delon explained to journalists that they were unable to make private time. However, after breakup, they still remained as friends.
Delon started selling an Italian designer Jansen's furniture under the brand name of A.D. in 1975.
In 1977 Delon started sales of perfume "Alain Delon" in Switzerland which later spread to 90 countries worldwide.
In 1987 when Delon visited Peking to promote sales of cosmetics, he met with a 21 year old Holland's model Rosalie Van Bremen and came back to Paris with her together. ( This information was error )
In 1992 Delon bought the 6 year rented luxury house in Geneva. He then tried to create his long time dreamt "family" being away from busy city Paris. After he met with Rosalie he decreased job and got into a calm life. Said "...am exhausted, everything was in a mess, no time to do nothing. I needed to stop and relax. want to enjoy life.....".
On Nov 25th in 1990 Rosalie got a newborn baby girl named Anouchka, on Mar.18th 1994 got another baby boy. He was named after Delon's father Alain-Fabien. Said : "....from now to be surrounded by roses, arts, children and grandchildren gives me heart in peace.....".
Concerning 1961 and 1968 stage play, Delon stated : "I am an actor, not a player, so this is quite a challenge to me. Player is an occupation which requires to go to school and study and has to pass each step. Actor is a unexpected creature. What can offer is personality, so no education is needed. If there is a school for actor it is his own life. None of Gabin, Lancaster, Alan Ladd or I learned how to act in front of camera. I act as a stage player but my partner is the great player Gerad Philippe' son in heart : Francis Huster. This contrast is the highlight of the play " Les Variations Enigmatiques ". Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt wrote this play having me as its image, but I was unable to say that for a while. Then, my friend and agent Guy Bonnet accepted my want of introduction and I decided to read the play on weekend. I called Eric on Monday and told him : It fits me well ! By the two players to go through for 2 hours, no incomplete there is. I like this sort of business, Either fail or completely done." - 1992 -
( Delon with his pet's dog )
Delon has said that "The deepest my bruise of my heart is the divorce of my parents." ( According to Delon's saying in 2002 )
The going out with real father of Alain was set down on Thursday. A movie theater in Montparnasse. However, kind of a star for him was boxers. The airplane which French champion Marcel Cerdan whom I loved and respected got on, was moving to America crashed in 1949. Alain heard this obituary from his grandmother. "On the next day, students and teachers cried. The whole France cried. His state funeral was decided." He tells it. In this deep sorrow, unexpected development waited again. He did not mourn over the death of the another victim who was a famous violinist Ginette Neveu due to the same plane accident, therefore he got a slap from his grandmother. "When my grandmother grieves by death of the violinist, I said to her that 『 I don't know such a violinist, it is indifferent. Marcel Cerdan died. Do you understand ? 』Then I was slapped. In this way, in those days, I who did not know about a genius violinist and great musician at all, first knew who is Ginette Neveu. She boarded the airplane same as Marcel Cerdan."
( Delon with Miss. Kurara Haruka at his apartment's living room in 1986 )
( Delon with Mireille at Aix-En-Provence Villa )
A success of " Parole de Flic " which Delon plays with firm strongly also humorously assembled 1,800,000 spectators lightly. It is due to Catherine whom Delon is calling " KiKi " that we can see new Delon here. She told about Delon and herself for "France-Soir Magazine". Delon says "I don't believe coincidence". Catherine was at a crossroads which I should meet her. Since their way meets, Alain and Catherine are leading a happy life in their apartment which overlooks the Seine, without separating from beginning to end. Alain regained the energy to a smile and work again on the soft and smiling side of Catherine. Delon says "She is the woman who makes me appear even to a movie likes " Parole de Flic ". She was also pleased the idea when Catherine read the first version of scenario but she said that a setup which Fiona Gelin who is my sweetheart in a movie and will be killed at the end was too sad. We converted the scene Fiona was recovered fortunately and everybody become happy on the last scene, according to her proposal which "How is rather happy-end ?" I think that it was wonderful idea. But it is difficult thing to live with human being like me. I think that she has not been understood the weight of concern of the mass communications turned to her yet. In spite of this, I decided to announce to people officially as I protect her from others or herself. Delon chose Catherine after Romy Schneider, Nathalie, Mireille Darc. She knows nothing about movie. However, she can be simultaneously seen this complicated world via her fresh eyes. She works and lives like the same aged a lot of other women. On the other hand, before Alain knows, she is bringing Alain who is star close to general people. We required Catherine that please tell us about this man of fate of her. Alain taught to us as "Catherine is a shy person absurdly" beforehand however. her words were not exhausted when she talk about happiness. Love caused one miracle also here again. I was 18 years old when I saw Alain. He came for shopping to Guy Laroche. I was completely fascinated by his good looks and the smiling face, and I have been completely charmed by "something" that only the top star different from an ordinary person has. This charm is in his sharp look which only he has. Even now, I have feeling that he perceives all the inside of my heart when Alain sees me. But I know that the charm also turns out without his being conscious. I always notice this look of him when he attracts someone too much. And I am convinced that the many women will be fascinated to him. I will forget that there is an age difference among us when I live with him. Because he is not annoyed growing old, and he is still magnificent like when he is 50 years old now and like when I met him for the first time. He always says about himself like "the good wine which ripens well". I discovered the strange world and his another field via photography of " Parole de Flic ". For example, it was surprised that the scene of a movie is not taken photograph as the order of the scenario and that photography began from the last scene conversely. But it was discovery of Alain who is working as an actor that I became unconsciousness most. I was astonished that he has a capability which it can turn completely into another person in an instant. The moment he is drinking coffee slowly with me, he gained arms at the last moment, his expression changes to a severe offensive expression which a role requires. And as soon as " cut " voice starts, he returns to drinking up coffee slowly again. I have a lot of surprise when I gaze him. I think sometimes that how far is his performance before his capability which I love, that is to say, the capability which it can turn completely into another person. I have been said him "maybe you will also have acted in actual life". he answered with laughter and like this. "I am a poor actor in actual life". That is right. In order to act in actual life, he is too stubborn, fastidious and too strict. And Alain is unrelated man with a liar and deception especially. He lives satisfactorily and does anything without looking back upon impoliteness. Consequently, he decided to announce about me to the public to avoid undecided. He said "The public people needs to know your existence". Thus, by having announced officially, he did my positioning and made my private life easy. He took care to do that I will be in a good mood and he did so that I won't feel I am out of place. Anyway, a life with Alain is wonderful. I learned a lot from him. He gives me a lot and expects me a lot so I can't take a nap and enjoy laze around at his side. He abhors these things. I think that he is right to be sure ! He is always active and dabbles in all things, and he is a perfect principle, and he always strings the antenna so he notices a merely trifling change immediately. However, even if he is right, I am sometimes disgusted. Therefore, when severe, I become silent and my mood become bad. He apologize when it turns out that he is bad if it would not so, I would go to him. Because he tends to be roused to anger but he is very gentle and awfully compassionately and delicate. He is also very attractive person. Comfort and violence. Probably, if he would not be this much going too far, he would not have his charm. However I want to sometimes tell him if it to be lazy it more slowly. Although it is difficult.....But my character is indifferent, I like laughing and I am seeing only the good field of life so he and I have been kept the balance exactly. Anyhow, he is very good mood now because the spectator of " Parole de Flic " is likely that the amount of 1,800,000 people. I surprised too much when I saw the short sentence " KiKi " in the credit title of movie " Parole de Flic ". Once I had been seen at non-edited rushes when Alain came for projection. And he said to me "look at credit title" and then I was able to see the two words "KiKi" to the lower of that. I thought that it was his really wonderful care. He wanted to present to me this movie which he appears with the smiling face which completely different from former appears. As if he wanted to say " I want you to see such me" completely. A couple is wonderful. Nothing is greater than a couple's birth. However we have to continue for being great and to continue it. A man have to be wise and fair and considered deeply in love. you have to know partner's demand and accept that. I know that Alain always needs to be attached people. My care is the most important thing for him. He needs my existence when his mind and his body are serious at photography. I have to accept him if I want to be in his rhythm and go in his time. The house which I can be called "The house of I and Alain" is the country house of Douchy for me. Alain always seems to be glad there. There are 18 dogs, 3 goats, 15 sheep, and a pool and a training room, and bicycles in there. He is always doing Sunday carpentry. It is the peaceful time with relaxation as nobody visits and nothing call. I can forget the look to us from people as I see that he charges and returns to nature and becomes solitude. However, nobody can say "those who do both the whole life" ? I will not be able to protect another anyone to come here in spite of taking care of that. But I will not be able to live in the fear which may lose Alain so we are investigating about the girl whom we want to now. Alain seems to want two girls at once ! Making child accidentally can not so I will decide to do that with him.
( Delon with C.C and Lauren Bacall at his favorite restaurant in Paris on March 2nd 1996 )
( Alain with Claudine Auger )
It seems that the thing what Delon has feared the most is not growing old, is becoming an impotence, declining the body and becoming bedridden. ( According to Delon's saying in 2002 )
Nathalie Delon didn't need much time to become to be the lead in the French movie world. Guarantee of " Le Samourai " of November in 1967 was 3,000,000 francs for old franc. In addition, she earns 10,000,000 francs by " La Lecon Particuliere ". Besides, the photography of "Fall out ( sisters )" which will become her origin of an international carrier began in Cinecitta on 13th January, but it is said to the guarantee with 25,000,000 francs for old franc. If I look at only several characters, I am overwhelm. However these numbers don't always reflect reality precisely. Nathalie Delon doesn't jump even what kind of role like a new face does quite often. She has more she declines a role than she undertakes a role. She says that "at the beginning, my looks was a factor of my luck. This is surely a necessary element but only in this, all is not enough. Looks may become to help to pass through the door of a studio but on a screen, it is not recognized only in looks. Therefore an essential element of factor of choice increases there. It is that a person harmonizes her play style, character and temperament with the person whom she has to play. If a genius actress would be able to play any roles. it is an exception but talent comes out of this harmony with myself and the role. After bright debut, a famous idol spoils her voice due to singing a song which does not match herself. If I undertook a role which didn't match myself, I would have spoiled my carrier." Nathale Delon has understood waiting while many future stars ran it up to screen out of greed for success in life without understanding it whether they could keep the seat of the leading role. She made much of it towards succeeding than merely succeeding in life while burning with ambition. I can say her this experience a surprising thing. Because succeeded in the situation that it can not be said very much with the mental condition that was suitable to fight. Parting with Alain, they were divorced and they were in a state which competed although being calm over most important Anthony in the world. However, it seems that Nathalie can hit both legs as a star well in the ground in the town Cinecitta with her hair make clerk Mariel and Rosemary who is her secretary and also her English teacher who taught her English severely for three months in London. ( information from Jours de France N 737 1969 )
( Alain with Mireille at Douchy in 1980 )
Before a child is born, Delon has said that "I was a reminiscent person." After the child was born, it seems that he turns to the future for his children and he doesn't talk to them about Visconti or Gabin. ( According to Delon's saying in 2002 )
( Alain with Nathalie in 1960's )
( Delon with Nathalie and Anthony when Delon was shooting "La Veune Couderc" )
( The front door of Delon's former apartment in Paris on Oct 23rd 1988 )
( Delon at Pance Son Parfum in U.S.A )
Kiki is Alain Delon and cohabiting Catherine Bleynie in France and Switzerland for nearly two years. Catherine is beautiful, with blond hair, and bright. She continues being herself and she keeps two balance without being overwhelmed in his character that is a super star. New work of Alain " Parole de Flic " of the director Jose Pinheiro are given to Catherine who known as Kiki. " I decided to give this movie to her who drew totally different Delon until used to be. " he says. Apart from crowd and rumor, he invited me to lunch to his residence in Douchy Loiret prefecture. Before beginning a talk of " Parole de Flic ", he chooses champagne and moves busily around the huge fireplace of the dining of the wonderful structure which is opened toward to one direction that a swimming pool when it is at night, the dining is glassed in three directions which faced the yard. He stirs firewood and burns the rib of thick beef. His land is nearly 55 hectares, and approximately six houses are gathered around a wooden white main house ( It is provided with an indoor swimming pool, an electronic game room, projection booth, a big cookhouse ) in the circumference of the pond among forests. It is put so that a lot of speakers are not outstanding here and there, and a rock and violin music play. We talk about his favorite " people " who appears for the interview in next page of this Paris Match. He seems to enjoy the part of chief editor of the article about this his favorite " people ". " It is this that I want to write to princess Caroline....Please ask Eddy Michel and my friend Prost about this....About Geraldine Danon of my charges child, it is enough just to let her merely talk....Then, it will impress the professor Salat-Baroux by the meaty story of contents..." and so on. The service continues. This actor seems to be King. Champagne gets cold well, and the sun throws various shadows in Douchy. Catherine brings terrine, salad and cheese as the last. A framboisier ( a cake ) which he bought in Douchy village. The laughter. Without reproachful remark, I really think that God may revivify own experience above the ground. Because God produced such couples in such Garden of Eden. And we talk about " Parole de Flic ". When the movie was planned in August, 1984, Alain did a muscular workout in Geneva. The filming was carried out at the beginning of this year in April from February. The beginning was Congo ( Kiki accompanied him ), next in Lyon where was cold of the winter of this year in particular was severe, and it was in the studio of Epinay which set one district in Lyon called Les Magrettes in the last. ( The reason is because the Mayor of Lyon did not admit on-site filming ) In June, Alain who affected 100% filmmaking taped the theme song of this movie called " I don't know " with Phyllis Nelson and the movie was completed in the middle of JULY. Brakes from censorship work suddenly. And four seconds of the advertising of the movie were cut concerning prohibition in 13 years old or less. In addition, the movie in itself might be prohibited to under 18 years old, too. Jack Lang postponed this advice wisely. The movie " Parole de Flic " was exhibited in the 120 cities of sea bathing place where was taken the initiative rather than Paris or other big city in middle August and the reputation spread out by word of mouth. Delon with curiosity went to the movie with Catherine incognito at the first evening when the movie was exhibited in Deauville. And he was going to rank with the general line, after all he was noticed and was guided to the seat ( auditorium ). After the movie finished, the spectator extolled and the announcement of showing once again was flowed. After that, he had a dinner at restaurant "Normandy" and the waiter chief of the restaurant placed a telephone on the table, and the number of spectator mobilization in the 120 cities was told to Alain by every minute. 20,000 people entered by the first screening. All has begun to move. It should go well in Paris. Delon who did not avoid risk always played even the big ten waterfalls that appeared for the movie. Because these were true waterfalls, when Delon who jumped into the Rhone which froze clung to a tree trunk in the middle of filming. The participants thought whether it really demanded help not a performance. In addition, in the scene where he played a clown in front of the children, he told to show a clown in Pinder circus theater to a genuine kindergarteners and filmed. The spectator who watched a clown was not informed that the clown Auguste was Alain at all. I remember that he went up the stage while he said " Good evening a good child. Were you an angel today ? Is there the liar ? " The clown Alain drops the nose of the artifact more than ten times, he can not attach the cuff of the sleeve, he raises a colorful suspender many times, he was going to urged to kiss the small girl who cried " Stop it, stop it, I am not a liar. " while he was choked to the broken collar. In the last of the show, Alain does the finals parade of the circus. And he take a wig and the nose of the artifact. Everybody understood he was Delon. Delon was gotten to surprise us. Blood flowed from his thumb behind the scenes. He was hurt in the middle of the show. He smoked a familiar small size cigar. While engineers spread the rail of the action shot device for the next show, he totally asked me like the egg of the actor after the audition. He who has the carrier of 20 years and took 72 movies, asked me. " She was not able to come here this morning. Do you think that she will please this scene ? " Of course, she is Kiki. Because this movie was made for her. – information from the article by Jacques Josselin from Paris Match 6 Sep 1985 -
( Alain Delon and Jean-Paul Belmondo photo from Natacha )
According to German Press, it seems that Delon will play the role of " Julius Caesar I " in a new Asterix Film, the shooting will start next year ( 2006 ). And also he will play the role of "King Saul I " from the Holy Bible. ( Information by Miss. Petra )
Alain told that when he was 50 years old as follows, " As a king does not take up the occupation of a king with his intention, I have taken up the occupation a star." "Japanese people are pleased to touch me or kissing my hand. " " I had the teacher and also I had talent " " If I were a politician, I would be Mr. Barre probably." "To be sure, I am 50 years old. Actually I am not looked so." "I came to think that I build a home and I want to have grandchild."
The color of the cell phone which Delon has ( as in March 2005 ) is black and with the thick antenna which the length is about 2 cm and the form of the phone is thin shape. The material of the outer shell of this phone is a little elastic soft. The ringer tone is not music, is the usual common call sound.
The villa was used for photography of "Le Piscine" is in a village Ramatuelle on the heights of St-Tropez. At the beginning, the director of this movie Jacque Deray had considered Monica Vitti and Angie Dickinson to the role of Marianne.
The name of Delon's villa in Tancrou is " Prieur ".
Francois Marcantoni was an observer when Delon and Nathalie got married.
The favorite restaurant of Delon in Geneva is " Costes ".
Delon tells about a woman. " Woman is a necessary evil. I will die being unable to understand a woman. If a woman intervenes, things become complicated, and it will be awfully fearful, however it will become what is simultaneously beyond in imagination. She has terrible influence on us. It is also same that they are moving the world. Because they are moving the male. What can choose is always a woman. This is a conclusion after 40 years of my poor experience. " - The report by Ingrid Fallay in 1996 -
Alain and Nathalie were straying whether it makes into Anthony or into Gregory when Anthony was born.
Delon says. "There are 15 classic works in my performance work. What I call a classic is the movie which will remain in the future and this is important."
Delon appeared as a special guest on a French TV program "On ne peut pas plaire a tout le monde" which the program's toastmaster was Marc Olivier Fugier and Delon performed with Brigette Bardot the one scene of the movie "Le Mepris" on May 12th 2003.
( About a sparrow was called "Peewee" ) In Douchy in 1999, Rosalie brought a sparrow whose leg was injured, to veterinarian. When the bread dipped in water was given to the bird a suck by a suck, miraculously the bird regained energy again. When the leg became good, Peewee had already become a family's member. The bird has been kept in the big basket in the kitchen, one day it came that I have to refer children that we have to free Peewee. And four of us came outside together with the bird. Everyone were bitter. When Rosalie said that "Good-Bye Peewee", the bird flew to the direction of a pond. We had stood around foolishly, then we went into the house. And I came outside in the evening without being deliberately too much. Just after when Rosalie called "Peewee Peewee", the bird appeared suddenly. The bird has returned to the place of itself the kitchen. Rosalie thought that the bird was a father, and the bird finished the duty of a day as a father, and returned to the kitchen. It is that the bird has two houses. The bird disappeared to somewhere again in the end of Summer in 2000, and we were depressed a little, but I underwent the operation of my waist in Paris on October 6th, and when I went back home by the ambulance on the 13th, Peewee had returned. The bird has never gone anywhere since then. When children have been to school, the bird has loneliness with me. It is a wonderful thing for me. It was the person whom the role what I played in "Le Samourai" , also had kept a bird. A certain evening in the photography period, the studio of Melville in Rue Jenner 13th divisions in Paris, encountered the fire. I rushed there, then when I arrived there, Jean Pierre Melville wore pajamas and wore slippers on bare his feet, was keeping standing at the catastrophe which his own studio and his works were blazing up. The first word which he told me was that "Alain, it was the bird of ours !" I sometimes considers that the existence of Peewee looks like the sign of something. It is like the wink of Jean Pierre.
Mireille Darc's nickname is "Mimi".
The original of " L'homme Presse " is the novel of French novelist Paul Morand "Man who lives at 1/4 seconds".
"The Love Cage" was made as the base of American novelist Day Keene " Joy House " and was dramatized it by Rene Clement and Charles Williams and Pascal Jardin.
Delon puts the rosary which the cross was attached into the attache case for business.
One day in 1990, Delon with Jean-Paul Belmondo who accompanied his girl friend and his small dog, were shopping near the Ralph Laurent Store at Champs-Elysees in Paris. At that time, my Belgian acquaintance ran up there to get their autograph, Belmondo responded to do it pleasantly, on the other hand it seems that Delon refused to do it. But now he is great Alain Delon's fan. ( Information By Mr. Thiery )
It seems that the general De Gaulle whom Delon respected commented him as "Owner of the gorgeous talent" while in life.
One day's night during photography "Big Guns" in Milan, Delon went to the restaurant "Santa Lucia" with a director and several staff for taking a dinner, however the partner who has a meal swelled to about 30 persons unawares, Delon who was bored was going to pay the account without taking the meal enough, but when Delon got to know that the director Duccio Tessari already had paid the account, Delon got into a fury, after all Delon paid the account, then he wore the coat and thrust his hand into the pocket and left.
( Delon in "Doucement Les Basses" in 1970 )
This season that is full of the light in the end of Summer, Delon showed us to his kingdom. It is impossible to visit the all. In order to explore the secret place which overflows with the surveillance cameras just surrounded by the Great Wall ( the Chinese Wall )in this full vast green, at least three days will be required. The house of many buildings, the large yards, three pools, a chapel, woods, a big lake, a heliport. In fact, he is living only in two rooms of the main houses like the big hut of Switzerland with a huge beam. There are a kitchen which 2~3 kilns as a restaurant are built in, was stuck with the terracotta of Provence, and living room ( size as if it was by three rooms ) which takes a nap with three dogs every day. He has fed dogs exactly at 18:00. His dogs are not only these three German shepherd. In addition, there are 6 ferocious watch dogs at night. These dogs are confined in the doghouse of the yard daytime. Alain also consents to dementia being less unrelated for himself. Although it is an well-known thing, he is misanthropic. And he is tired with being as a famous man. It is said that it is because it was not completed at all that he takes a walk in a town, he has a meal at a restaurant, he goes to see a play as an ordinary person during 50 years. Probably, how many times he said that if it is able to go to "Gallery Lafayette" leisurely..... While he likes his fame, he is made sometimes exhausted. Therefore, he associates with animals. He had put the tamed bird ( Peewee ) on the shoulder for three years. Now, he is playing the actor for a crow with imitating the cry of a crow. Recently, his daughter's dog Poeky of the name of the Netherlands style died. The dog was buried with all families in the graveyard for dogs in front of a Chapel. Rosalie came here together with Anuchka and Alain-Fabien for the first time since it went away from here three years ago. ( He never says her name. ) It is the moment that a heart is torn. Now, it does not understand whether it cried for the death of the dog or for this sad reunion. He was imagining growing old like the patriarch surrounded by the whole family in this place. From now on, he is the solitary king who comes and goes the inside of recollections. He owns the fine-arts documents, the gorgeous auction catalogs and cassettes and 35 mm films of his own movies. Although all the walls of two rooms are covered by his filmography but he does not look at them. If this spectacle is seen, it turns out immediately that he is the important figure of the movie world. Delon who is here and there among the world. Delon together with the greatest persons. The seventh art seen through only one actor. Visconti, Gabin, Ventura, Melville, Giovanni, Losey, Duvivier, Clement, Lancaster, Montand and Signoret ..... He said with lowered voice that " They are my teachers altogether. Only I am in being now alive." I will overlook his sorrow. If he would be cheerfully and lively, it would not be Delon. It goes up to the second floor. His soft bedroom seems to be the cocoon of an attic. Alain Delon sleeps alone here, accompanied with a cat has 3 legs purrs around his waist. This cat is Poupouss who had injured compound fracture at the parking lot. Delon saved the cat from euthanasia by the doctor who is the authority of brute surgery Bardet's power. How many women would want to be instead of being Poupouss ! He does not do even a smile. "If there are no children and if there is no stage not changing, I will feel that I would be alive in another time and the another world. I understand very well that my those word is being an old person's hard head. However, I truly looked at all things and have got all." It seems as if that much wonderful encounter which is full of his life makes him apathetic. He turns his thoughts toward his friend Alain Belnardin who is also author of Crazy Horse. Belnardin shot the bullet into his head, after drinking tea slowly with his wife Lova Moor. Belnardin was an old hard head in the prospering business. He threw the last glimpse to the empire which he built, and committed suicide. Delon is waiting for the woman who gives the hope which continues being useful to him. "If she does not come early....." ( from Paris Match September 15th issue )
( Alain with Mireille in Nice on December 29th 1974 )
" My chapel is the place of meditation. I will sleep there. I wish to be buried beside the graveyard of 35 dogs there. The grave has already dug." - Alain Delon - ( from Paris Match September 15th in 2005 issue )
Delon told as follows about separation with Rosalie in 2003, "I gave Rosalie the highest present in this world a woman gets it from a man. It is free. In fact, we separated at the beginning of the summer of 2002."
Delon was chosen as an image of " Patrouille de France " in 1988. The Manly flight with the soldiers was a dream since his young time has come true at 52 years old. In order to ride on an Alph Jet, you have to take severe " Ejection seat proper examination" of the acceleration of 16 G. He who received the notice of success in Salon-de-Provence rode on a plane of Velluz who is the leader of Patrouille. He also left us accomplishment as well as realization of a dream. Feeling during a flight is always beyond imagination. An illusion which becomes that it is likely to be crushed by acceleration is non-describable at all in language. You have to experience. In order to tell us a situation on a plane, Delon installed the camera on the instrument panel before his eyes, and released the shutter at the thrilling moment. While 30 minutes being continued by stimulating an acrobatic flight, and two somersaults and one-time horizontal rotation, eight airplanes moved at intervals of tight 1.5 m mutually. It seems that Delon has been completely charmed by Patrouille de France.
Rosalie had been studied law before becoming a model. Especially international organizations like UNO. So she had planed to work in such organization in international law domain. ( Information from Miss. Karina )
Alain and Mireille will play a stage at Marigny in Paris. The playing starts in January 2007. The original title of this stage is "The bridges of Madison County". ( There is a film with Clint East Wood and Meryl Streep shot in 1995 with the same title. ) The French title is "Sur la route de Madison". Mireille said about their future stage on 22th Dec Thursday in 2005 on Radio Channel Europe-1. ( Information by Miss. Karina and Mr. Vignol )
Delon was in Maurice Island ( which is about 20 minutes from Reunion Island by plane ) with Anouchka and Alain-Fabien on 30th July 2004.They had a dinner at the restaurant of Grand-Baie which is one of the most beautiful place of the Island. Two hours after they left from there, a big explosion destroyed the restaurant and killed two people. Two days after, Alain Delon attended the funeral of the young couple who died at the restaurant. ( Information by Mr. Vignol )
It seems that an actress Annette Stroyberg who had a love affair with Delon in the 1960s, died on the 14th Dec 2005. She was 67 years old and had been married with Roger Vasim. According to her autobiography "Les Liaisons Scandaleuses" 2004 editions du Pre aux Clercs , Alain Delon, Brigitte Bardot and Robert Hossein wrote in the preface of it that "she had been "the beauty on the earth and the prettiest woman in the 1960s." ( Information by Mr. Vignol )
Delon confided the separation from Rosalie Van Breemen in an interview with Paris Match. 15 years of the cohabitation life and two children. ( Anouchka 12 years old and Alain-Fabien 8 years old ) "All has been exploded." The reason of the only catastrophe which was able to hear from him is only an age difference. "I think that the difference in a generation is great. It is the difference of 32 years old. Probably Rosalie who offered her youth to me at the age of 20 wants to regain a life as the collateral now." 8 months after the separation. Delon is spending coming and going between at his residence of Douchy in Loiret prefecture and at his house near Lake Leman in Geneva. Although he acquired the nationality of Switzerland, Rosalie didn't do it. As people from Switzerland, he has to spend among a half year in Switzerland for social position regulation. On the other hand, Rosalie returned to her family in Netherlands so that it may cure disappointment. Since she also acquired the parental authority of Anouchka and Alain-Fabien, they also go to school in Netherlands. Their encounter ascends in 1987. It was the beginning of earnest love that he fell in love with Rosalie at first sight when she was 21 years old.
( from Le Figaro March 1986 ) Pierre Laforet who is our correspondent, accompanied the triumphal return travel of the superstar Alain Delon, until it reaches Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka and Kyoto. He told us the life, a new sweetheart and a political opinion. Alain Delon whom we struck to Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, Kyoto etc, was just a living human deity in Japan. When he visited to Hiroshima, the grass ( keep out ) carefully taken care of on the side on which he offers the flower crown on the bomb victim's cenotaph, was intruded by enthusiastic Japanese and it has been made messy. In Tokyo, about 3000 persons who are housewives gathered in order to have a look at him. They formed like a psychoanalyst the meeting which hears a trouble of the corporate presidents and officers even till a morning, and have received about 3500~4500 francs at time. Delon says that " Japanese women have the room exactly. They don't complain about the position relation between a male and the opposite sex, and satisfied with it. A Japanese woman doesn't try to imitate a male in appearance. They don't compare. Now, in Europe, the women wear trousers. The male had been boasted their long hair until only recently. It is completely meaningless." "Although there is an image of the slave that a Japanese woman is obedient from a childhood, and must be taken off people's shoes or must respond people's caprice in France, it is ridiculous. A Japanese woman lives such, being raised such comes from custom, and they are born as a female the same as we are born as a male. Their pride is not damaged at all." - Le Figaro "I think that it is a serious thing to live as an woman on the side of the star Alain Delon. Your sweetheart Catherine was introduced as your partner in life for the first time overseas. What kind of reaction does she show it ? " Alain Delon - " I think that it is a very serious thing surely to live with Alain Delon unlike living with other men. But Catherine is holding all by herself. For a woman, the difficulty of living with Alain Delon is not gazing, admiring and evaluating him. It is in the realistic function which the partner is a star. The problem which have to adapt the partner arises. I wish that want to share frenzy, joy, excitement and trouble with her. Therefore, if I can't take communication with her, it is meaningless even if here is an woman beside me together. I move to another place. A crack arises in my life. I can live only in this way." Le Figaro - "It was impressive that you took her hand and had put your head on her shoulder in the airplane. Although I was impressed by your love to her, is this a turning point for you ? " Alain Delon - "I don't like the word 'turning point'. Because I don't know whether I could use a turning point well unless it comes out. What turning point is it ? Life ? Or work ? I don't worry about work. However, I don't very want to talk about private life. On the other hand, there are two important wishes. The first of them, I don't want to finish life only alone. I want to make a living with my partner. The second, if it is not too late, I want a child and a grandchild. I want to build the home which has never been obtained until now at the bottom of my heart. A turning point ? It is not such a thing. It is a consciousness only. Although I have been understanding from before all the time. I spoke about it for the first time today. Because maybe I am in Japan too far from France. " Le Figaro - " Do you always know what kind of person you are ? " Alain Delon - "Although I am not moderate, I am not always necessarily so. My vitality is sagacity. I know that what kind of person am I, what am I thought of from people, what kind of value I have. Probably, those who can pass fortunate life are only foolish or innocence. If a person is wise and perfectionist, the person usually analyzes about humanism or life. The more a person understands it, the more the person analyzes it. And a person suffers. Although perfection and absoluteness are the purpose of my life and I have never reached there yet, if I search such things, sagacity will call disappointment. I also experienced it repeatedly. But now I don't worry about it." Le Figaro - " Strangely you need to live even in here Japan or Paris near people who support you overwhelmingly. Although the wall which separates you exists simultaneously." Alain Delon - "In the case of Alain Delon, it is very complicated. I have a strong thought of waiting to bring tenderness, love and joy. But I have to be able to separate one Delon from another one Delon. They are my own image and my image by others. In Japan, I am worshipped like God. People are very pleased by touching me, stroking my hand, kissing my finger. As if it was able to touch Pope's hand, kiss his ring by clearing the big barrier. They think that I lead to the person in another world. Look up the top from the bottom. If it needs, they try to kiss my leg. They don't understand that the hand which they are going to kiss is the same as the hand of a man is not different from theirs. This God is only a white man and is not yellow people. And he also has a trouble, cares, fault and he is going to bury a defect. "
( Alain with Kiki )
( Alain with Romy in July 1958 - photo from Miss. Karina - )
( from Paris Match interview in 2000 ) PM : Weekly "Newsweek" chose Tony Blair as the man of the year. What do you think about that ? AD : I dislike United Kingdom to tell the truth. This country is always going to be distinguished from Europe. While every country is doing right-hand traffic, British people are left-hand traffic. When every country changes time, as for them, there is one hour time difference. Thus, it is not necessarily a clever proof to emphasize to differ from others. Is Tony Blair the man of the year ? I have always been being " the man of something ". Did he do something special ? It is the important thing for me that the thing which he leaves after 20 years.
( Alain Delon with Rosalie Van Breemen in Marseille 1980s - photo from Mr. Philippe Barbier - )
It is said that the reason what Alain was charmed by Catherine is her simplicity and innocence. She does never say "yes" to the everything. However, she can simply describe her own opinion so that it doesn't make a complication. Moreover, she likes a horse as well as Alain. Recently, they passed the weekend at the horse pasture which the friend in Deauville manages. His Thoroughbred, Adrien, Lira, Adieu Francois are spending their retirement there. Catherine was surprised also at the brilliant stallion which is called Aluvia which Alain owns in part as a co-owner. Besides, she was satisfied with the beauty of a wild Thoroughbred's pony together with Alain. They have a common taste to the beautiful healthy thing like pure of common impression, an animal or a race. Catherine held the party on the birthday of Alain on 8th November in 1984 with only two persons. Simplicity is the first. Alain Delon is not complicated human being. He has a little going out and also avoids polite society. His life is evolved by two places, the countryside of Douchy of Paris suburbs and Adel Productions which he plays an active part as a star and a businessman, but in order to shut himself in his favorite countryside and to live there now, the apartment along the Seine is seldom no longer used. He has spent much time and energy also on the perfume enterprise. Most overseas business trips of his are for this. Recently, he went to the United States and visited big cities, such as Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and San Francisco. The executives of an American company say that "It is the person to which he symbolizes a global success of France." To be sure, that is right. Although he maintains the France-sense of values, he does U.S. style business. Although he moves forward ambitiously, however generously, he does not lose faithfulness. He who likes good work is working loyalty-work with the same friends in the past several years. To him, followers are unnecessary. However, worth of things is known like him and only the talented people who can protect and who were filled to volition are required. He discusses deployment of business with a work friend, and looks over documents himself in Paris every day. It is the same also to fans. He reads the fan letters by himself over long time in office. He loves passion and a passionate life supremely and is alive in every day which was substantial in the first place in reliance. While it is fair, simple and faithfully. Probably, such his way of life mixed Catherine and him. It is the man of one favorite person who appreciates useful joy that he tastes the scent of autumn calmly or takes a walk in woods with her and dogs for many hours before Delon is a star. He is not absent-minded. He forms a plan meticulously in a city and does not make time useless there. He assimilates into nature completely and listens to any natural trifling noise in the countryside. Catherine is living with the man who is tender-hearted the opposite this coldness. Alain Delon is alive like a wild animal flickering continuously. Unless he is in his territory, he can not become free. It is his truth. ( from CINE Tele Revue N 48 29th Nov 1984 )
( Delon with Romy and Jane Birkin at the Preview "La Piscine on 1st January 1969 in Paris )
TV series " Fabio Montale ", it seems that Delon had struck his breast by this name Fabio. Because the name is recollected Delon's father Fabien and also a son Alain-Fabien.The Sun Pierre cemetery which the last scene of "Fabio Montale" was shot is the place which " Borsalino & Co." was shot with Belmondo before. It seems that Delon likes the city called Marseilles in which is a melting pot of culture, the immigration came from here and there crushes. This photography was performed without a big problem for 4 months in the area is called being dangerous. Delon first co-starred with Alain-Fabien in this work. ( As for Delon, co-starring with his child is the first time in whole his life until now. ) Delon stopped his photography within 8 days for he would not be absent from the school for a long time, it is not necessary makes to be done useless round-trip.It seems that his biggest worries was "PaPa ! my part ( word ) " He seems was not sure that it was memorized his part certainly. It seems that he told his mother and his elder sister that "I will do become an actor like PaPa in the future."
Delon felt apology to his son about having divorced with Nathalie. It can not insure to marriage. I believed value of the marriage for a child rather than a couple. I wanted to have the family life. The parents of son Anthony are divorced, though he is only 4 years old. It is slightly different in the case of me, but this failure is a failure. When I think of Anthony, this divorce becomes the greatest only failure in my life. I do not believe love. I only believe fevor. " In his private life, Delon inclined his heart to do as a father to his young son as possible in spare moments from his busy filming. When he was in Paris, he went to meet his son to Nathalie. And he called him anytime when he left Paris. Delon answered to a certain journalist as follows. "Do you imagine what did he say to me, in the other night ? He says that『 My dad calls me when movies always begin on TV ! 』Delon always held his son's photo in the location place. Delon thought that it was good my son was not 12 years old about the divorce. If it would be so, I do not hide what it is written in the journalism from him and also he would be called his name by his friend at school. But he is still 5 years old so he can not understand yet. He thinks that his dad works in the movie world." - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
( Alain with Catherine who is called Kiki or Katinouchka from Delon )
Alain Delon pleases that he puts the word " flic " into the title of a movie. Because of all the movies on which this word was put into the title succeeded.
"I carry out all these for her." If he didn't co-star with his beloved daughter, Alain Delon would not photo the TV version "Le Lion" by Kessel probably. Anouchka who is his Nouch co-stars with him for the first time in front of a camera. "I have not already understood that who am I, with whom I am co-starring. She who converses with me was reflected to my eyes as an actress, and she had just got into the role. It is more than me !" This may be somewhat exaggerated. To be sure, she makes it 12years old and she has inherited the talent of performance of her father firmly. In the middle of the savanna in Africa, she practices words from 8 o'clock in the morning. The father wants to pull out her " nobleness ". Even if it is early morning, he will escort all the scenes on which she appears. "She has suited this occupation. It seems that I am looking at myself who just came back from Indo-China in 1957. At that time, I was 22 years old. Yves Allegret always said to me that 『 Don't act, be with you, move and walk ordinarily ! 』 From the time of the next work at a studio, I became easy like the fish which obtained water completely. It is the same also for her." However, prudent Anouchka tends to self-defend and she is irritated by Delon's saying, "You are a star !" "I am disagreeable that papa uses the words." Except the photography spot, she is devoted to practice in the room of a rococo tone ( When her father says that it is 『 a room just like Holly Wood star 』 ). And she listens to younger brother Alain-Fabien's comment, who already co-starred with the father. Costarring with Anouchka does not go easily like at that time of Alain-Fabien. She often uses the way of resistance for she self-asserts like all marriageable young people come out so. It will be, even if the papa is the great actor who has worked with the magnate of the movie world. " What will I do ? I don't want to be carried out performance which was wrong by her." It seems that he was also hard when he heard that she heaved with a disgust. The Delon family has challenged the photography program of 6 days an week in the base which the hut which blended Switzerland and Africa. Even if they are surrounded by the giraffe and the zebra in the middle of the savanna, they didn't come to a safari tour. They don't have the time for to enjoy for one day either. However, they could be seen all from the window at the time of the breakfast in the morning, moreover an explorer's Anouchka found the skull of an antelope decorated with the tree of a beautiful arabesque pattern at the reverse side of the house. In the midst of supper, two children go out to search a trophy of the left hunting in the darkness of the night without hearing the father's advice. Alain is dissatisfied. Because for him, an overnight which is spent with his children deserves all the dinners performed in a town. Children are brightly and full of the spirit of inquiry, served as intellect and mysterious adult-likeness, are throbbing. And they also correspond to a changeable father's mood skillfully. They sometimes may be able to consider just like an adult. Alain-Fabien who is called "Alf" is a lovely boy, is excellent in powers of observation, and is not jealous to an elder sister at all. As for the elder sister, she does not disclose her feeling like him. She is the middle of a girl given to worrying and a shrewd woman. It seems that the relation between a father and a daughter is looking at "Carmen". She thrusts him off, he comes to her many times. On the other hand, she approaches him, he shouts her. If she will resist, he will be become quiet, and if she will be become steep, he will calm down. And she smiles. Delon says that " It turns out that I am mad in her ? It is unavoidable. Because I can not hide it. " The diligent children don't forget their homework in the vacation, though they read the comics written by the Netherlands language. Alain-Fabien writes a diary and Anouchka writes a composition. It is French from now on. This is an wish of their mother. Probably, it will be better to avoid the subject about Rosalie. Although it has been two years since their separation soon, the crack is still vivid. The anger has not cooled down either. Surely, it will become pitiful that Delon is with his children alone in forever large Africa. However, Delon will taste an exceptional moment this evening. Just 16:00 now, the sun begins to dye favorable red for photography. He performs the sad scene used as the core of photography. The small photography crew rides on a jeep and goes till the place " the tree of rendezvous." This is the huge tree which also becomes the age of the tree 1000 years which the director Pinheiro has a his eye upon. The sequence was shot from a helicopter. If the photography finishes and the noise of the rotor of the helicopter fades, the neighborhood will serve as the world of the beauty of again quiet wildness. Delon had stood under this tree by himself for a long time. " I want to pull out the wooden energy by giving my body to this great much old tree. This tree stands only by only one always. It is the most beautiful tree in savanna." The moment of the hidden impression. Delon was piling up and looking at himself and this tree. A solitary and a sad thought, a life passes over. If it transcends the hysterics which is the accompaniment to a movie. It occasionally is made conscious a forever with a moment. It is already darkness at 17:00. Delon will have to operate a jeep on a dangerous scene tomorrow. Ernest who is a co-actor of Africa will shiver with a fear at the passenger seat. However, Alain must not surely show a fear. ( from Paris Match N 2832 September 2003 )
Kiki has said about Delon as follows that " Alain is an extreme person to all. And his energy, his severity. When beginning to photograph 『 Parole de flic 』, he burdened himself with absolute order for three months in Geneva. He had performed swimming, muscular power training at a gym and tight work every day on end. I was looking his efforts with worrying."
Alain Delon received the Art Culture decoration with the green and white color ribbon from the hand of Jack Lang, while Jean-Marie Le Pen watched. " A minister, you determined this decoration. I would never get this from nobody's hand except you." He expressed a respect to his favorite people at this moment that conferred honor upon his talent and the career for 30 years. At the last, Delon told an appeal to Jack Lang for Mireille Darc while he turns his eyes to the future like he talks with Romy Schneider, Luchino Visconti, Edwige Feuillere, his son ( absence ) and Geraldine Danon whose godfather is Delon . Delon rounded off the appeal which "I wish that you will give a color mark also to my important Mireille. If it can do, the purple color is good." ( Darc had never herd anything about this appeal in advance. ) - from Paris Match M 2533 in 1986 -
"France is a country which has never already had a great thing. Can we say that how many French has still remained ? A designer, a chef. The country where only cooking is accepted in the world. What is this ? This is a just developing country." He kicked the dead leaf on the hill near his house with saying like this. Manu who is a black dog is coming and going there. "Although it does not know whether it is suitable to call myself a patriot, I like this country and as for me, it is hard to see I get to be worse rapidly." He pronounces with "France" in small voice. "Yes, it seems that people are wishing that I do politics to be sure. I also want to do that. But all the present politics is fake and is manipulate. Everything is random. I am unable to enter into it. Because I can speak only about the truth for myself. The civil rights movement is also already the past thing. From a kindergarten, we should teach children that what is a life ? and the base of a life. At the present world, people pursue only a right. People don't consider a duty so exercising only a right is an easy thing. But nothing is born by this. Only a duty can build something. Only a human being can have a duty." We arrive at the " fort " of 3 stories in which Alain lives with animals, along the Seine. There is the secret alley in the yard. We go into this impregnable building from underground, and arrive at a kitchen by an elevator. Alain changes to the expression of relaxation and a smiling face spreads over. The cushion with which embroidery of a bead was given with " lovely Mimi " is put on the bedroom. I didn't hear him why has he placed this cushion. Mimi left here for three months ago, not one week ago. " Now, it is the mental condition which I become to be naked and to be peeled the skin. Actually I don't go out, either don't go out to the society willingly. I avoid the movie world and I don't require anyone and anything. If I come to outside, I sometimes can not bear people's eyes. Completely it is feeling as if it is attacked." He explains the paintings which he owns, while he is showing the lurking place. The quite study room opened to the terrace. He sighs there. "What can make to be active a house and to be supported and to give vitality a house is an woman." 1983 was a hard year for him. He lost Romy Schneider who was his part, the relation which Mireille Darc and he have built already remains only on the work. We don't need to say about his son whom he tried to raise into the too much good child. Besides, there must be other suffering which only his intimate friends know. Alain prepared the table at the big kitchen in the next morning. There are all kinds of jam in a café au lait ball, and butter is spread on a toast. He puts his hand on an electric coffee percolator with stiffened expression. "I don't talk until I drink coffee. I have only grunted." To be sure, he grunts, and the dogs are surprised and are looking him. Then, he changes into a sweat suit. The character of the red heart on the back and " I love you ". Who did dress this his favorite old sportswear as such an appearance ? A pony finds the landlord and runs up to him when we appear in the very large yard. The cowardly sheep have disappeared to a distance of a grassland. He will go to meet people that he calls " a family " in the afternoon. There are the houses everywhere of this land. It is a house of a poaching watchperson, a house of a gardener. Alain has given these houses to an woodworking person and a decoration person who worked by a movie together. And they have repaired his villa and the yard. They are happy. And the householder is too. "I am the head of the family, kind of. I am glad to do all what I can for them, while they are around me. I share the thing which I was able to get in my hand luckily with them. It will be what a happiness." He guides the promenade which we walk now. "I am going to free the deer here. If it will be done so, it will be really to become a ground paradise." ( information from Paris Match M 2533-1932 1986 )
( Alain Delon and Mireille Darc in 1970s )
It seems that Alain Delon is going to sing a song with Francoise Hardy in her next album which is planning to go out in October 2006. ( Information from Mr. Vignol )
Delon answered to the question that " Why don't you make a movie for women ? ", " I am interested in only to women after sunset. They who are before sunset let me bore."
An interview with Jean-Francois Deniau, Delon told as follows, "I dislike the sea. Because when I look at the sea, I feel I am powerless. I am land human being. I am no good unless I always touch the ground. Fire is not scarier than water. Because I feel like I can defend myself from fire more than water. The sea is fearful. Therefore I respect you ( Jean-Francois Deniau ) who is the great navigations and the woman like Florence Artaud. Because it is impossible for me. The voyage of one month until to get Indo-China was exact sufferings. I never go to the sea. I like loneliness and I am fond of becoming to be alone at a forest and a mountain. However I hate the sea. When shooting of『 Plein Soleil 』, I swore I never photographed in the sea again. I was such ill. For such a reason, I refused『 Le Crabe-Tambour 』, but bitter regret was left later." Besides, Delon told about death as follows, "I am not afraid of death. But, I expect sudden death. I hate falling into physical inability. I can not put up with it. A person grieves about death of another person more than about own death. We taste a feeling of ineffectualness and feel it is unfair. I am against to be powerless and unfair. I still remember the thing of my 30th birthday. One of my friend celebrated it brilliantly. He brought a Brazilian orchestra and Brigitte Bardot came there too. And I became to write a word which was put on a magazine of the next day. At those time, I who was a young stupid man became to be proud and wrote as follows that『 I became 30 years old but such a thing does not matter for me ! 』However by now, I think I want to write as follows that『 I became 30 years old. I am happy. 』" Furthermore, Delon says that "people can not accept 『 I have seven lifes. 』 A life is only one. There are many stars in various fields, for example sports or politics. But a star is the existence that does not reach. Therefore, when a person is in the condition that seems to reach, the person plucks the atar down towards a bottom. Both you and I face this problem. But this is a special privilege." ( information from Paris Match N 2424 1995 )
Since the separation with Nathalie, Alain is absorbed in work. Eddie Barclay prepared a yacht and sailor and also a piano and two musicians for Delon. Barclay seems to want to make Delon a star of the record world. For the next 6 months, Delon records a LP record ( 12 tunes written by Michel Legrand ). In October, Delon has a plan to appear to the TV program of Roland Petit with Zizi Jeanmaire and Rudolf Nureyev. He is going to dance "Ladt is a tramp" which is American Standard while he imitates Fred Astair there. Besides, in a movie, 5 works hold his schedule until December in 1969. Delon is lonely now nevertheless he is surrounded by the follows. He drives Cadillac with a telephone alone ( Anthony uses this phone instead of a toy. Nathalie used it without cease. ). In addition, sometimes he gets on Harley Davidson alone. However, Nathalie who having a strong card as for succeeding Bardot someday would drive blue Dino Ferrari alone ? ( information from Jours de France N 737 1969 )
Nathalie is called "Nat'" from friendly friend and fellow workers.
The name of the ship which boarded when Delon went to Indo-China is "Claude Bernard".
Alain was going to go to Spain with stunt man Yves Chiffre for photography "La Tulipe noire" by Buick. Before departure, they took a lunch with manager Georges Beaume and Romy. Chiffre still remember, "After the lunch, we split each other. At that time, Alain told me that 『 I make a detour. Because I will have to pick up a person. 』Alain honked in front of a government-built apartment in Mandelieu-la-Napoule. Then a window opened and a young woman who is very beautiful and sunburned well came out. She ran up while well carrying a bag on her shoulder. " After a little, Georges Beaume visited Romy who was in Hollywood. "There is one letter to you. It is Alain was lost in my documents before my departure. I have never known anything." This was separation. Another women appeared in his life afterwards. They were top-class. However, he was no use to perform the man who was a hard-liner only by prostrating himself to "beautiful women". Delon plays "a bad handsome man". Young Alain was the regular customer of the bar " Marsouin " in Toulon. The bar is managed by Charles Marcantoni and Francois who is the brother of him has already been known by a court of law with theft, concealment, possession of a weapon and illegal selling, a public employee purchase attempt, in addition, murder suspicion etc at that time. This Marcantoni will be a part of shadow of Delon's life. Marie-Christine Guerini who is Meme's daughter who is the NO.1 face in postwar Marseilles says that " the person who introduced Alain to my father was Marcantoni ". Delon is welcomed like a son by this boss. This two persons practiced a pistol together and crossed a hand when they bought a horse named Lucky. ( information from VSD N 1205 2000 )
( Alain and Mireille in 1970s - photo from Mr. Vignol - )
The parents of Delon lived at a small housing complex in Bourg-la-Reine. The Arnold family of the mother's side moved this district in the beginning of the 20th century. Delon's mother Edith loses her mother when she was 3 years old, and her father who was a great capitalist got married with a second wife immediately. Edith was bullied by the second wife because she resembled her real mother. Presently she ran away from the home and worked as a cleaning lady in a certain house which had a deep relationship with the entertainment world. So she met many artists there. At that time ( she was 25 years old ), she encountered Fabien Delon and fell in love with him. He from Corsica whom she called " Fafa " was an artist, was a movie maniac, lived a willful life. The movie theater which he opened was named " Regina " by Edith. Edith quitted her work which was the assistant of apothecary to become the guide of this movie theater. Afterwards, this movie theater was closed in the beginning of 1960s, and Delon looked at the state that turned into a butcher's, a bookstore with being condolences too much. 30 years later, Delon consented a project which autonomy approached Delon, then the Cultural Center is called "Regina Alain Delon" opened. - information from "Les mysteres Delon" written by Bernard Violet -
According to Nathalie Delon's saying, it seems that Alain hates ski and chill, and velum and sea. From "Don't cry, this isn't hard" ( Pleure pas, c'est pas grave ) which this book was published in September 2006, was written by Natalie Delon. – information from Ms. Karina -
Alain Delon attended the solemn party organized by Paris Match ( apropos an issue of 3000 number of this journal ) as the honor guest on 16th November 2006. Another honor guest was French defense minister. - information from Ms. Karina -
It seems that Alain Delon joins the new album of Francoise Hardy as a singer. This album will be released on November 27th 2006. - information from Ms. Marie Claire -
After Nathalie parted from Delon, she lived in Sundance in Utah state in U.S.A, but since the time when American president Bush interfered Iraq, she left U.S.A as a French woman. - information from Ms. Karina -
Natalie wore a Scotch skirt when she first met Alain Delon. - information from Ms. Karina -
According to Nathalie, it seems that Delon is the Right and cocorico ( French chauvinist ). - information from Ms. Karina –
Alain continued a lesson of a piano since 5 years old regularly during many years.He won the prize many times in a piano competition in Ses Premier because his skill was very well. - information from "Les mysteres Delon" written by Bernard Violet -
In October, 1963, Alain will work with Rene Clement for filming of " Felin " again. This scenario was left to Pascal Jardin, but Jardin describes an impression about Alain Delon for a long time at that time. My wife recalls me to Alain Delon. They who have this no common point are similar each other. I knew Alain 12 years ago. He was an inexperienced actor in those days, and he has spoiled my car on the next day when I got to know him. From that time, he tended to go too far in everything. He was in all standard outside. He charmed me. He is the only man who sometimes makes me think that I want to become a woman to know him more. His richness is in the variety. Many people dwell in him, their each person does not get along with each other..." Alain was pleased playing with American actress Jane Fonda in this movie. She was a daughter of American actor Henry Fonda whom he admired. Alain states about her and another costar Lola Albright that " Jane is splendid wild beast and Lola is splendid civilization beast. " As well as the last year, Alain salutes his birthday during filming, and a party was held. In addition, during this Cote d'Azur stay, he went to meet friends almost every evening. Alain ran the restaurant La Camargue with Max Cartier who was one of them. And, he met his old friend Charles Marcantoni and Rita. Furthermore, during this stay, Alain is introduced Stephane Marckvic by the substitute Milosevic, but this encounter will cast deep shadow to his life in the future. - information from " Les mysteres Delon " written by Bernard Violet -
The friend when Delon did dormitory life is Daniel Salvade. He got married Monique Tarbes who was an actress in 1984 and he became to be an authorized architect now and he lives in suburbs of Paris. - information from " Les mysteres Delon " written by Bernard Violet -
Delon generously organized a great party for Annie Girardot 75th birthday on 6th November 2006. Mireille Darc, JP Mariell, Alice Dona, Muriel Robin and others attended it. - information from Ms. Marie Claire -
Philippe Geluck ( a co-host of telecast " Vivement dimanche " ) published a book, called " Oh toi, le Belge, ta guele ! " ( it might be translated as a kind of "Oh you, the Belgian, shut up ! ) He gathered the most remarkable and interesting moments and quotes from this telecast there. Below is his recount, how was found a name for his book. This is a quote from his interview apropos this book's issue. QUESTION : What is origination of your book's title ? Geluck : We had taken a telecast about Mireille Darc. Alain Delon took also a part. Mireille confessed him that their rupture was very painful for her. She said him "Do you know how much I suffered after you quitted me ? " In front of 6 millions of TV viewers and spectators at studio he becomes green. But he replies her rhetorically " Yes, I know, but I had suffered terribly too. I know it wasn't easily to live with me, but living with you wasn't easy too." Then I intervene and say him " Mind you don't to make her angry more over ! " He answers me "Oh you, the Belgian, shut up ! " I fling him "Oh you, the Helvetian, everything is ok ! " He continued " In a day when you will manage a love story during 16 years, meet me again. Then I said " You had no luck, because mine one is during 29 years. " That stunned him, then he came backstage to talk about. Then this phrase became oft-recurring in our team. " - information from Ms. Karina -
( Alain Delon and his son keep the enmity till the death. ) The old enmity between an actor Alain Delon and his son Anthony, who is also an actor, flamed again. According to the journal "Die Actuelle", the film star and successful businessman, wants to exclude Anthony from the heritage. Alain Delon feels himself belied by his offspring. He broke off all contacts with him. The newest quarrel was aroused by appearance of the junior, who is an actor and women's fondling the same as his papa, on French TV channel " France 2 ". Anthony who is living with his wife and two daughters in Los-Angeles now, resented : " As long as my parents lived together, everything was ok. But since they divorced, my father transferred on me his frustration with his whole energy. I damn the neme Delon." His parents divorced in 1968. Now Alain Delon ordered in his testament that Anthony will get nothing from his heritage. His wealth, about 16 millions euro ( too strange sum ??? ), must be divided between two his younger children Alain-Fabien and Anouchka. " This is like many times before, a trying of a chantage. But it won't be functional. His money isn't matter for me. " Anthony said in the "Die Actuelle ". - information from Ms. Karina on 27th November 2006 -
Delon purchased a luxurious mansion at 8 ward in Paris in the beginning of 1960's. There was this residence at the corner where Avenue de Massine and Rue de la Bienfaisance crossed. This was the four story building, it had a gateway for a host in Bienfasance side. And it was possible to go in and out of the office of Adel Pro in the ground floor from this entrance. There was an apartment of two rooms with a bathroom and a restroom in the right side and there was the house of Stephane Marckovic. The second floor of this building was a bed room, the third floor was a reception room and the fourth floor was the room's in charge of child care. The double curtain of blue color with branches and leaves design worked the same as the wall paper hangs and the wall of other rooms was covered with cloth of velvet or silk and there was a bathroom in each room. The bathroom of the main bed room was very luxurious by arch structure made. A bathtub made by tin was fitted in the niche which was sat up especially there. One pair of great hound dogs was made from ceramics formed a line in front of the stairs followed a corridor in the third floor. 700 square meters in the whole building, and about 120 square meters each floor were used for a houseroom. - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
( Alain and Nathalie in 1960s )
Delon's favorite dish is l'andouillette panee and le petit sale aux lentilles. - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
Delon in 1970's drank only beverages and water at lunchtime. - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
The person named the driver of Delon Zina in 1970's was also a famous professional wrestler who had an another name was called Ange Blanc. - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
About passion to a gun of Alain, his explanation and a fact seem to make a great difference. Alain insists as " I only love Western film." but Nathalie says that my husband owned a gun of considerable quantity. Nathalie knew that my husband twisted a fact. And she tells that " He often tells a lie toward a trivial thing because he hates accounting the fact. so he tells a lie." France Roche remembers that I had the experience that does not pun about the gun which Alain brought from Japan. It was April in 1963. Her husband Gilbert de Goldschmidt participated French movie festival was organized by Unifrance in one week in Tokyo. Some movie stars came from France. They are Alain Delon, Francois Truffaut, Francoise Brion, Alexandra Stewart and Marie Laforet etc. In free time of the movie festival, they invited a local merchant to Takanawa Prince Hotel and enjoyed shopping such as a pearl broach or pearl necklace. Their only anxiety was that perhaps it would be caught on the customs. However the worry was not confined only to the matter of these customs. Because Alain said that I will attach the gun which I purchased in Japan to my waist and take it home. Delon's fellows were in a cold sweat. Even if Roche and Brion persuaded him, it was useless. Alain was relaxed very much when he arrived at the customs of the airport. His well-known degree and his smile talk a lot, and the customs did not do a troubled question, but Roche worried when retaliation of this insane behavior would come over in the future. She said that "He had deep love toward a weapon and the Mafia anytime. He likes tasting a thrill. " - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
Alain swam in the supreme bliss which is not a thing of present world in the poolside at 612 Beverly Avenue. As for him or the many projects planned by him were splendid in dignity and the scale. Ralph Nelson wanted to supervise him in " Les Tueurs de San Francisco " which was detective film. Sam Peckinpah advanced the preparation for filmization of "L'homme a cheval" of Pierre Drieu La Rochelle. In addition, George Cukor planned to try to make "Cheri" of Collette into a movie with present costume by co-staring Alain with Simone Signoret and Nathalie Wood. The latter two plans of these didn't realize but Alain who wanted to work with Peckinpah agreed with an idea of this Western movie director. It was to play the role of the fresh leader of South America in an exotic and historical adventure description was made by a huge amount of money " Ready for the Tiger". However the studio was shocked by the scenario which had a political relation clearly and the studio certainly shrank from the work which was the left wing and was not fair at all in politics in a liberalism mark. The plan became reservation. This movie company has the trademark of a lion snarls left him alone until his child's birth, delayed the start of filming, gave him a special privilege to plan a lesson quickly like Italian filming in a studio in Los Angeles. Alain who is surrounded with Jack Palance, Van Heflin and sensual Ann-Margret, is near his wife, went to the studio at near D, shopped large quantities goods rapidly at night. As for Alain, it was able to play Eddie Pedak was happy. The role is that when he regains freedom after behind bars life and he decided to return to the right way, he is approached with dirty work by his older brother. Alain came back to his house in Beverly Hills every weekend. And when the filming was finished, he borrowed the residence in Culver City which is his friend owned who is in charge of art, for spending vacation with his family. Alain left to Mexico with his family and attendants. Then he knew that the yard of his new house in Mexico was adjacent with the yard of which Louis Malle borrowed the house when he came here for filming "Viva Maria !" in this 1965. After that, there was not that Alain played the role which was a lazy hero, revolutionist Flores by direction George Hamilton at all, for a wrong rumor was not spread around, but this unexpected stay was kept reliability for a rumor. At that time, Alain had a kiss scene with BB who has taken a series of photographs together with Alain. Before he shot trial photography ( As for him, being naked to the waist, she was a pink towel figure in nude. ) with her for playing Michel who was conductor " La Verite ". The Photograph became to be immortal one by Sam Levin the photograph is done as the most beautiful kiss photograph in the world nowadays. Afterwards Alain played with Jeanne Moreau a kiss scene in the filming again. After filming, he played cards together, drank tequila and swam in the swimming pool which it was surrounded by a flower bed, and was buried among petals at a residence of they either. Afterwards, Alain who came back to U.S.A knew that MGM gave up making a movie of Peckinpah after MGM having repeated reorganization many times, a film distribution company of MGM proposed to go to South America for a promotion and sales campaign of " Any Number Can Win ". He left toward Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina with Nathalie. In Argentina, he became to be close friend with future President Carlos Menem. He was the feeling that there was on a cloud. He was always met by cheers and gave easy speech before each presentation, and after those presentations, he attended at a press conference and left for an airport in a storm of bouquet and kiss. As for him who came back to California again, realized there is not an interesting plan, suggestion of each studio was not the thing which he hoped. It was possible depending on him that he returned to his native country once, then he came back to America again by contract. In the beginning, life of the Yankeeism made him to entertain, but now disappointed him. And he had thought that it was impossible to adapted himself to American life, and to succeed. He yearned for Paname ( Paris ). As for him. It yearned for the noise of a street, smell of a counter bar and the steam of black coffee. In a bottom of blue sky, he suffered from homesickness while being jolted by a palm tree. He realized that anything was not good for him in this dissipation situation, so he packed, closed his house and came back to Paris. At that time in France, the trend became to b4e not only the handsome man who was lacked complicated personality is by virtue of him in part. Recent actor has a background filled with a vague character and suggestion. Jean-Paul Belmondo in " L'Homme de Rio" or Robert Hossein in " Angelique, marquise des anges " became to be a top star. - information from " l'insoumis " by Albin Michel -
Alain begins filming of " Trois hommes a abattre " as 7th items with director Jack Deray in August 1980. This movie gained a commercial great success but there was an incident Delon got angry during filming and shot out from the shooting scene. Costarring actress Dalida Di Lazzaro recollects it as follows. " He began to get angry during filming suddenly once, then he left from the studio with his pet dog by his car as yelling. Everybody who are shooting staffs told to me that 『 Dailida, please call back him. It was only you that it could bring him. 』 Therefore I did a sketch of Alain who relaxed with a smile and sent the rough draft to him with a message 『 This is my favorite Delon 』. Then he came back. And he presented a gold pendant of Tiffany to me, he said to me that it was gratitude from me to you. It was carved as 『 Please don't forget me 』" - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
( Alain Delon with Mireille and Dalida Di Lazzaro )
"Le Gitan", Jose Giovanni original and by his direction was shot in the suburbs of Grasse of Alps district. In a costar, there was Henriette Marello who played the part of the proprietress of a restaurant, but this location was going to become a nightmare for her. At a certain morning, Alain came to her with his pet dog. While she who is cheerful makes a lunch, she called him " Good Morning ! ". At that time, she didn't even think that Alain commanded his dog to be made to attack her instead of answering the greetings. Henriette recollects as follows, "When I noticed his molosse dog Jado as a lump of muscle was going to attack me". I protected my face at once and waited for the moment when the dog collided to me. But, nothing happened after all. Because Alain called the dog, the dog hit an iron plate of a truck, and the reckless driving of the dog stopped. However, I tasted terrible fear, and also my anger was more than that. I said to him 『 Do anything ! Your mind was out of order ? If your dog would not understand your order, what would be happened. The dog was going to almost bite me. 』 It was only a joke for Alain. The filming with Giovanni advanced without any obstacles. They have understood and respected each other since they collided at " Deux Hommes Dans La Ville ".
Delon replied toward a question " What's your first memory ? " that my mother's face, it is the face of mother putting me in a copper bathtub.
The 3rd Marrakech International Film Festival was started on 3rd October until 8th 2003, and the lord of movie world gathered in Marrakech. Only Daniel Toscan du Plantier who is the movie festival founder was absent, who died suddenly this February. A party was given to him was held on Saturday. Isabelle Huppert spoke that how our movie world thought that his absence was regrettable in front of his wife Melita and Marie-Christine Barrault who got his two children named Ariane and David. Alain Delon told a feeling of respect for him to his wife Melita. At this party, Alain Delon received a decoration from Royal Highness Mohammed VI in front of invited guests of 1000 people. This was a badge by personal connection with King Hassan II, but it was immeasurable honor for Delon who has been deepened friendship with Morocco for many years. Afterwards invited guests move to a buffet party and enjoyed Moroccan cooking. Delon who left to Paris the next day had another decoration in his hand. It was "l'Etoile d'or " which was handed by Claudia Cardinale who was one of the costars. - Information from Paris Match N 2838 in 2003 -
There are various meanings for the word of "Regina" for Alain Delon. At first, it is the name of the movie theater which his father ran. The name of a hotel in Paris where Delon stayed at, when he ran away from home before a debut. The name of a restaurant in Paris where Delon's favorite. The name of a production of a director Allegret.
Their friendship does not have obstacle and a border. The thing dates back when in 1973 which was Delon and Carlos Monzon were in their peak, Carlos was serving time by the crime that he threw out his wife Alicia from a window. This former boxer was given conditional freedom now, and reached his birthday today. Alain presented the best gift he visited him in a prison in Santa Fe to him on 5th August Thursday. In a small city called Pampa in the 500 km north of Buenos Aires, this "macho" was born 51 years ago. He is still an idol here. Monzon met a French star in the large bedroom which was shared with 10 other prisoners.
Will there be a person who can tell about her death more than Alain Delon ? He loved her passionately and afterwards he loved her calmly. The person who was going to let return her as her carrier in the move of Deray "La Piscine" was Delon. Romy has changed. Romy lost willpower to fight for carrier after separation with Delon. She came back to Germany, then she got married with a director Harry Meyen on 15th July 1966 and made one child David. She did not think that she wanted to work because she wanted to spend her all to her child and to cherish family warmth she has never appreciated in the past. In 1968, her family collapsed. Divorce. She fought to get parental authority of a son. She gave up half of property to live with the child. She said that "I would be better than I died if I part from my child." In aspect of work, thereafter she was favorable an actress who dedicated all to each role. Cry, anxiety, fierce pleasure. Everything was shocking. In this disturbance, one man always soothed her who cried like a child. It was Daniel Biasini. When she was not softened bitterness of the life as a star by power of alcohol and tranquilizer anyway, she was able to call him anytime at daytime even at night. She got married with Daniel in 1975, because she wanted to get the second child. She got married with Daniel in 1975 because she wanted to get the second child. However, she miscarried. Then in 1977, when she was 39 years old, she delivered a girl Sarah. David who repelled the second marriage of mother calmed down in front of Sarah. And everything was full peacefully again. David was in harmony with Daniel and he visited to grandparents in Saint- Germain-en-Laye with Daniel. David was handsome, friendly and delicate. However, the delicacy will take his life. On 5th July 1981, he was going to climb up the gate of the grandparent's house for did not disturb them. And he slipped and fell from the iron fence. The iron fence sharp keenly stuck in his abdomen. He died at a hospital in Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Romy who heard this news just after she was operated a kidney extraction so she got tired too much. Her life was just continuation of ordeal. Her first husband Harry Meyen committed suicide 2 years ago, she carried on serious shock on her back even that. In addition, she held psychological pain because she did not do well with Daniel Biasini who was the father of Sarah. At that time, she was in the American Hospital for several weeks and she lost 10 kg in the meantime. Then, it arrived the obituary of this David there. Nevertheless, Romy determines to confront this wretched life for Sarah. However, the life gave her ordeal again. Her heart became to be weak day by day. And on this Saturday 29th May, death led her to ease. Romy who was in life was going to lay David in the small grave in Boissy-sans-Avoir where Romy rests now. Because David was buried in Saint-Germain-en-Laye. After all, Romy came to enter the grave. However, David is going to come over soon to the grave buried among these flowers. Alain Delon did not witness the burial of Romy. He tells his state of mind in a shocking letter about that. He witnessed at carrying the coffin out from her apartment in Barbet-de-Jouy street 7 ward Paris but after that he left quietly and he neither went to a church nor a graveyard. He wanted to avoid large group of people whom Romy was afraid of like that. Alain decided to visit her grave in the future so that he was there only with her whom he loved once. Delon wrote the shocking letter at evening when she died in her room. He watched her kindly. He watched while he inclined his face to her face for several hours. Her face was totally calm. The face was threw open from these misfortune and uneasiness and irritation were disappeared really. It was only with her memory and her pains that stayed to him.
On 9th January 1984, the filming of "Notre Histoire" begins by costarring with Nathalie Baye. Nathalie Baye were irritated the existence of Alain Delon who pretended a big shot but after that, they were going to thaw gradually. Alain teased the dog which was Nathalie's pet dog Fox Terrier at the spot. And also, he invited her to a simple meal in his dressing room. The menu was a plain, a steak, salad and a glass of Bordeaux red wine. Alain received the same questions many times when the role of this movie was determined. As follows "Is it turning point ? " He comments to this question as follows "Is it Delon's turning point ? It's ridiculous. There is not turning point. I always called myself Delon as the third person and I don't intend to change it from now on either. Through my all carriers, I played a different position anytime. Do you think that is there a common point in the roles I performed in 『 Mr. Klein 』,『 Le Professeur 』,『 Rocco et ses freres 』? There is not it at all ! A big shot actor, that is to say, a big shot actor like me can not shut myself in a routine role. I played Charlus recently but I was said a turning point again there. Everybody is enthusiastic too much ! I want to stop that you are going to conclude necessarily the choice of my role means my private life or a change in my work. Because playing a certain role is the matter of an opportunity anytime."
( Alain and Mireille at Forum des Halles in Paris on 5th September 1979 )
Alain returned from Indocina took the job which needed hands at night, carrying a load at wholesale dealer in Les Halles. It was hard work to be over at midnight and he came back to his room at dawn in Mermoz street near Champs-Elysees. Egyptian woman Yolanda Gigliotti lived in the same floor and she came to tell her life to him. She became Miss Egypt and came to France but she grieved a promise and a support of French guardians were going to decrease day by day. This is latter Dalida. Alain did not tell about himself to her at all, he said to her only "I just returned from Indocina". He moved to a cheap hotel in 5 wards Paris soon. Halimi brothers lived there too. Older brother Benjamin and Alain went to an entertainment district almost every night. Like this, he is charmed by an atmosphere of going out for pleasure at night while spends in the bar in Saint-Benoit street near A Saint-Germain-des-Pres. A lot of actors went to the bar. He who has preeminent looks has taken an offer of a stage debut. After all, the plan in itself vanished and did not come true. But there were many people convinced his success who was run after by many women in those days. He met Zizi who was born in Antillaise at a bar where was within easy reach of the famous "Café de Flore" at Saint-Benoit street. She was a dancer, but she was paralyzed with both legs for several months because she suffered from poliomyelitis. He was sympathized her brought her to her house. Like this, Alain spent with her happily for a while. Until the say when he meets Brigitte Auber. Brigitte remembers the time when she met him in 1956. "I went to the Club Saint-Germain to dance at that day. One of my friends said to me there was the boy who wanted to meet me anyway. The friend said that the boy waited me at an opposite café." The friends of Brigitte did not know who was the young man. Everybody told he had good looks in unison. However she refuges she meets the strange young man. "On the next day and the next day too, he proposed. On the third day, I made me up my mind to meet him. As friends said, he surely had a something to be riveted person's eyes in his appearance. As for what I was troubled one thing was that he has already drunk 15 mugs of beer, and he completely got drunk." Since that day, they built wonderful and beautiful relationship nevertheless they sometimes quarreled. At first, they cohabited in an apartment of ground floor in Pre-aux-Clercs street 7 wards Paris. There was a fountain in the middle of the room. Alain in a memory of Brigitte was perfect and was sweet kindly. He sometimes whisked off savings and gifted luxurious present to her. "One day, he presented me a suede boots when I was going to leave a location. It was splendid, it must have been costly. I did not know how he made money but I wore it all the time during a location. In addition, one day, he came to Switzerland to meet me where I made a stage performance. At that time, he wanted to meet me then came there nevertheless he had a heavy cold. He was a really lovely boy." She recollects. He seemed to have had shyness to some extent to tell about relations with Brigitte, but he has told it in a magazine several times. He introduced Brigitte to his family and it was that time that association with his family was born. For Brigitte, it was obvious that Alain was the young man who did not have great ability. However, only his ambition was big. He wanted to become an actor but Brigitte did not take it seriously. " He always longed for this world. He wanted to become being famous anyway. Not what become merely an actor." Alain Delon himself speaks as follows "I did not long for an occupation of something in particular in those days. But whatever it is, I did a big something and I was convinced I succeeded. Even if it was socks selling or it was insurance solicitor." At first Brigitte did not back him up to a way of an actor. It is said that it is the cause she was scary to lose him. " I was afraid of that he was overwhelmed by the entertainment world. But it was only this that he showed interest." One day, she introduced him to a journalist Francois Reichenbach for becoming a news photographer. However Alain hated having another person's camera or developing a photo in a darkroom. She says "He did not have the mind with such a thing at all. Because he wanted to succeed and wanted to become to be famous immediately." She was not able to object to his first wish forever. And she made him to go to a lesson of performance and made him to test a course to the entertainment world. First coach Simone Jarnac whom he came across there confides to Brigitte that "He has talent as I am not believed." Brigitte participated in Cannes Film Festival in 1957 formally. Alain followed her and stayed in Saint-Paul-de-Vence that she owned a house. In this Film Festival, Alain met a new face actor Jean-Claude Brialy. " Alain and Jean-Claude Brialy met in Cote D'azur and they hit it off immediately. They lived similar life with almost same age. And they dreamed the same future and had talent to succeed." She tells. Alain attracted reporters' attention in Cote D'azur. A certain journalist speaks as follows "We held a free projection party. It was a great success. At there, a certain young man was going to be made to catch attention of photographer by an original method. He drove around in a sports car with being clearly conscious James Dean. His name was Alain Delon." Alain did not have the connection in this world. For making the connection, he was able to only make the best of his good looks attracted person's eyes and his eyes to be made to give in all people. Brigitte knew his charm worked regardless of man and woman. "Alain charmed a person and kept on. In that way, he enjoyed it." He comes to go in and out to a local first-class hotel with Brialy. And he is found by Micheline Presle. "I remember that there was a good young man who had good looks outstandingly in a corner of a hotel. He frequently observed around him." In the same hotel, he hit it off two journalists and he often went out with four people included Brialy. In addition, the charm of Alain also did not make Jean Cocteau who was the chief judge of the Film Festival of the year to be indifferent. Delon's mother Edith Boulogne has never forgotten a strange telephone from Jean Cocteau a few days after of the Film Festival. "I am not sure how did Jean Cocteau examine my phone number. He felt indignant at relations with Alain. Therefore I said to Cocteau as follows 『 Then, you should have slapped Alain. 』she speaks." In addition, Romy Schneider attended the Film Festival too, but whether she and Alain were the same hall or not was unknown. Alain who after came back to Paris did many abnormal actions. One night, he shot several times gun toward a louver of his apartment from the outside. A damaged neighbor reports it to the police. And one day, he asked to lend the car to Brigitte for drive with Brialy. She answers "My car is not a taxi." against his excessive impudent manner then he jumped out in the outside where Brialy waited. Brialy tells this continuance as follows "He went toward me, then he took out a pistol from a pocket and shot a blow toward a door of her car and opened the door. Then he played tricks and started the engine. He said to me 『Let's go ?』I was frightened by fear. He goes nuts." Brigitte Auber did not possible think that I could keep company with him who was 10 years old younger than me but she became not be able to bear his terrible character gradually. She describes about him as follows "The person he must beat himself for many things." In addition, his friend Marie Laforet who will co-star with him later encountered with his irascibility sometimes. "I watched he took a considerate and kind act but he slapped a woman sometimes. Because he said what he did not like what they were. In a trifle, he forgets me. Then his face turns red and he slaps a partner. Alain is afraid of that it is made a fool of his manner or lack of education. And then, someone does so he gets furiously angry." However, in such a life, he did not forget his purpose. He is found by Michele Cordoue just on the same period what he was invited to Hollywood. She was the wife of a famous director Yves Allegret who was going to find a young actor for a role of "James Dean style". Alain was introduced her by his female friend Sylvaine Pecheral in a hall of wine festival which gathered many stars. Sylvaine who is a common close friend Alain and Brialy remembers the thing at that time. "For me, Alain and Brialy was number one in Europe. But nobody requested to get their autograph because they were nameless. In the hall, Michele Cordoue called me and asked, 『 Who is that beautiful young man who was with you ? 』『 Which one ? Brown eyes' man ? or Blue eyes' man ? 』I hear. Then she says 『 Blue eyes. Please introduce me him right now ! 』Then I called him. She began to talk to Alain as follows 『 In fact, my husband is going to find a young man for a role of a bad young boy. Don't you intend to try to play ? 』" In this way, Alain met Allegret the next day. After a talk of 2 hours, Allegret was completely impressed deeply with him and decided to give a role to this movie beginner. Delon has stated the reason what received the role as follows "It seems that it was interesting for me and I was troubled with money at that time." However, he was puzzled over consent for a instant. Allegret was a famous big shot, he dealt with a movie which was written by Jean-Paul Sartre. And it was the greatest honor that worked with him but he undertakes this work meant that he gives up going to America. Sartre persuaded him who hesitated. "The place where you succeed in a career is in France, is not in America. It is much better competing for the first place in your hometown than being 41st position in Hollywood." Alain thought that it was true. In this way, fate winked him again. Because the movie production of Allegret was the name of "Regina". - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
( Alain Delon and Mireille Darc in 1970s )
In filming of " Le Samourai " with Melville, Delon opposed to use Nathalie. Director Melville found something which shined in Nathalie, so he wanted to use her with a stage name Sand. ( for a spectator do not know that she is Delon's wife) The reason of Delon's hesitation was also with their private reason. The mass media reported discord of Alain and Nathalie since before for a while. Markovic was going to intercede them, but it was failed. Release one month ago "Le Samourai", Alain applied for divorce meditation to Paris courthouse. However, the relations with Nathalie has never been completely over. They came to a special preview together at that time. Both of them did each work separately. In October, their separation was accepted formally by the courthouse. By it, Alain lives in his house of Avenue de Messine and Nathalie will live in an apartment of Rue Francois 1er where is near Champs-Elysees. Nathalie confides as follows "The crack between Alain with me became to be deep too much. He hated that I work as an actress. But each persisted in one's position. Therefore, I, no, we decided divorce. I borrowed a house in Saint-Tropez and spent there for one month. With my son, a child care woman and Sylvie Vartan. Stephane brought me there, then he came back to Alain in Paris on the next day. It was about on 15th August 1967. Stephane came to me suddenly without contacting me anything beforehand. At that time, mass media screamed about Alain and me so they reported that Alain referred Stephane to me. He stayed about 10 days. Several days after when he arrived, I was sick. I had relations with Stephane at that time. And during after 8 days, the relations continued. When Stephane comes back to Paris, I clearly said to him that we should stop our relations only this, we did stupid conduct, our friendship should not be broken by such a thing." Nathalie who came back to Paris was going to start over again the life with Alain. Meanwhile Stephane continued to live together with the couple. However, the relations of Alain and Nathalie did not return at all as used to be. During a location period in London, Alain sent a letter to Nathalie. She came back to Delon's residence of Avenue de Messine at that time. " Stephane brought me a letter from Alain. The content was written there was that can you forget the past things ? can you come to London? I went to the house in Tancrou with Stephane and I left to London on the next day." Nathalie who spent a few days in London and came back to Paris did not intend to come back to Alain's residence again. The construction of the apartment of Rue Francois 1er has never finished yet, so she decided to be lodged to the Beaume's house for a while. A few days later, Alain came over to Beaume and they were there until December. He experienced success and failure both, but at the beginning in 1968, Delon became a popular famous person in France. According to a certain statistics, he was the tenth place high rank of the person whom French respected. However, 1968 was the year when a large scale strike and student dispute happened and struggle was developed in the whole town in Paris. In those days while a fight intensified, the manager of Montparnasse theater was going to cancel the stage performance that Alain participated in, but Alain and other actors continued the stage performance as "It was our duty that affecting spectator." Stephane Marckovic and Yugoslav employed by him guarded Alain but the stage performance was finished at 23rd performance after all. At the same time, Alain and Nathalie decided that they made their parting as decisive thing. Alain was obliged to come back to his residence of Avenue de Messine. Nathalie confided a romantic adventure with Marckovic to him several hours before of this determination. Alain heard it without saying anything. It is not sure that afterwards whether he talked with Marckovic about that, but during the June, they were often witnessed together in Paris and it was not seen that a sign of argument among them. However, it seems that a few Yugoslavs who were Stephane's friend witnessed their intense quarrels in the middle of July. Nathalie with Anthony spent in Arcachon as vacation at that time and when she came back to Paris in the end of July, she invited Alain to her apartment of Francois 1er. Afterwards Alain left to Saint-Tropez for shooting "La Piscine" and stayed in Brigitte Bardot's house. Bardot was constrained a little because there was only the dignified bedroom which a room remodeled a storeroom. But there was an advantage that a person can go to the beach in bare feet from this room. When Delon looked at this room, he hesitated with having a bag of Vuitton in his hand. However he received it politely after all. One day Bardot tempted Alain to go to a pizza house with her friends. He disliked her friends so Alain refused it politely. Bardot still memories it when Alain preferred to eat meal with his guards more than me. When Bardot came back, she found a scribble at a pillow. There was that "Why do you share many times with such people and why do you spoil your life ?" with his signature. Bardot did not feel it bad. Because she has known he was in the hard time now. "Then Alain was very unstable. Because he parted with Nathalie and did not meet Mireille Darc yet. In addition, he had a plan that was shooting 『 La Piscine 』 with Romy Schneider. I think that as for him, the existence of Romy was still big in his mind." She states. According to Bardot, they were able to "fall in love", but Alain left her house with nothing after all. Because shooting "La Piscine" began and a production rented another house for Alain. The arrival to Cote D'Azur of Romy was planned at the beginning of August. Alain went to an airport to meet her on that day. Mass media waited at an airport to gain the reunion of these " European fiancés " into a camera. Jean-Marie Molinengo who was an inexperienced reporter in those days planned to interview which was a little same time interview of Delon and Romy, then while we waited for arrival of Romy, he asked Alain that "May I interview to you ? ". OK was given by Alain. Alain told that "In fact, I am tensed a little. It is just 10 years since I first came here to meet her. It was in 1958. " Romy arrived soon. The reunion was very cheerful. Young Molinengo asked Romy that whether the reunion with Alain was happy ? She answered " Very much ". Then, Molinengo asked Alain a question once again. "Mr. Alain Delon, you said to me that 『 I was tensed too much, didn't you ?" Alain answered it with esprit. "Yes, it is natural. Do you think so too ? Actually I am tensed but it is not yours! ". Afterwards Molinengo admitted that "I surely worked with shaking.". - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
Performance fee of Delon in the TV drama of TF1 "cinema" was record. This drama was made by the costs which was the most expensive in the world in the TV world. Delon performed a role of the super star who fought for his mother who was a former pianist in this drama. He superimposed himself on the role of hero which was broad and easy to be hurt. "This is the story of a certain star. But it is the story of one man at the same time. Even if a person likes or avoids, it is myself. My rebellious part, uneasiness, joy, extremity, disappointment and loneliness are drawn." The filming advanced smoothly, but there was a slight incident once. It depends on his aggressive pet dog again. Delon always brought a different dog to the studio in Bry-sur-Marne. One day, one staff came to Delon to tell the phone but his pet dog attacked the staff before he finished telling the business and has bitten his pants. According to the participant, Delon remained calm even if in such a situation. And he calmly applied to the boss that "buy the new pants for this young man". This drama was popular to critics and Alain Delon did not cut corners for promotion as usual. He came to the press conference was held at Bristol Hotel, and he delayed 15 minutes with sunglasses and a suit. He boasted that "I can do what another person can never do" about ability of himself after he showered costars with praise.
( Alain Delon with Ingrid Held )
In 1989, Delon was hurt during filming of " Ne reveillez pas un flic qui dort " in a studio of Epinay. It was June of filming of third day. He cut his Achilles tendon at the scene he kicked a door with a foot, and opened out the door. It became an injury of complete recovery one month, and his absence became a terrible serious wound for the producer side.
Alain Delon records for Channel 5 in the 41st floor of a high building in La Defense. At this educational channel, he acts the part with a teacher of the seventh art every Wednesday. He chose the background. On his desk, there are children's photo, Cesar prize, Golden Bear prize which he acquired at Berlin Film Festival and a megaphone was given by Visconti. And the brilliant evening when a Cesar prize ceremony brands on his head. Impressive meeting with Gregory Peck, a message from Adjani, a Cesar prize what we will have to hand to Adjani who eschews childbirth. Delon existed there for a movie, for favorite people and for his family. He naturally wears a glasses on the top of the nose during whole this interview. Alain Delon says that "Now, from my point of view, French movie is in the serious time. Therefore, I wanted to introduce the movie which was a cradle of my early childhood, and was a compass of my carrier to a viewer. There is a television to recreate a little nowadays. People reflectively watch a television so young people is attracted 『 Miami Vice 』more than Louis Jouvet. At first, a child wants to watch a television. In addition, it is important that learning existence of a movie is almost as same as learning about War of Waterloo or the Second World War." - information from "Cine Tele Revue" No 9-2 Mars in 1995 -
In 1989, Alain Delon works with Godard in a movie "Nouvelle Vague". The participant first thought that these two persons who had no common point will make the same movie is a joke, but they first met at a bar of a hotel in Paris and they advanced the project. Godard was bashful, he was shy in front of strangers. Delon tells as follows that " I said to him for to be relaxed him that 『 Oh, you are a great maestro, I am so happy because I was able to meet you ! 』and I appeared in front of him nevertheless he has withered more. He asked me with a lisp that 『 Did you think my idea ? 』 I followed his example and answered him 『 It is a splendid thought ! 』 Then he said to me that 『 Did you read my summary, didn't you ? 』, then I answered him that 『 It was very interesting contents. 』 Actually Alain Delon confesses that I did not understand half of explanation of Godard either at other place. But as for him, the challenge was hearty welcome. Because she often wanted to give a direction instead of the director who was her husband. " Delon recollects it. " A person who is sitting down beside the director says that 『 Make it Take 4 』 in front of me who knows this work well and respects this work. I said to her that 『 Please let him choose it. Even if you choose it, please do not do so it in front of me ! 』 The filming was performed in the form that a studio had closed completely from outsider for wish of Godard. The filming crew was consisted of approximately 6 staffs in all. For Delon who has worked in filming spots had at least 80 staffs, it was a serious environmental change. Godard in a studio was talkative and Delon told that there were a lot of incomprehensible sayings in his saying. " Burdensome thing for me was very vagueness of saying of Godard and indistinct saying. For example, he says to me that 『 Put it in the left, like this. 』 I have it according to his words. Then, next Godard says to me that 『 I said to you put it in the right.』 after filming. I answered him that 『 No, you told me put it in the left. But it is indifferent. I will do like you wish. So please appoint properly. 』 Then Godard says that 『 But, I can not understand such a thing. And it is no great difference between in the left and in the right. 』 Though it was satisfactory workmanship for Alain after an exhibition of this movie, the critics were cold. And Alain Delon was hurt for this failure. " I was tired. I have already lost even an aim. All seem to mess. I see nothing anymore. To myself, I don't have the time to go to a movie theater and theater, to spend with family. I have not taken a rest this summer more than 4 days. It is a state wound up in a tornado. I understand nothing anymore. My head spins. I have to regain my directionality. Speed was too too fast. Rest is necessary. In this situation, I can not get the time to taste result of my work. I can not wait to become 75 years old." For charge, Alain decided to stay in the residence in Geneva. Two molasses habitually resided at the entrance of the house for the guard. It was full of the collection of masterpiece of the painting and sculpture in the house. But one of the sculptures was put up in the garden as a memorial monument of dead his pet dog Manu. The name of the house became the name of the president of his company. But this was measures before acquiring stay authorization C in Switzerland. - information from "Les mysteres Delon" -
At the time of 1986, an indoor swimming pool was bounded on a living room of Delon's main house in Douchy Loiret prefecture but afterwards this pool was changed a projection booth which could accommodate approximately 10 people. A painting "Scene of hunting" which was drawn in the 12th century is hung beside of a fireplace in this room.
The trouble with a director Gilles Behat and Alain was so awful that it was the first time in film history in the movie "Dancing Machine". According to a participant, it was 6 weeks that it seemed that it was studded with "anger" and "Hollywood style whim". The first was Delon. He did not like a costarring actress and abandoned the field for 3 days. Next, the director Behat disappeared from a studio for 1 day. In addition, Cerrone who is able to call a prince of French disco world was excluded from a studio by Alain with vague reason. And Redha who was a choreographer of Delon. He was attacked by him with vague reason. Anyway, Delon conflicted with the most staff and it was only two people who avoided the collision with Delon in the filming spot. They were his dresser and the author Paul- Loup Sulitzer. On the contrary, Sulitzer says that Delon has 3 big good points, courage, loyalty to the friendship and professional mind. "He is not a coward. When it is necessary, he is the human being who can turn on to an opponent . Once, at a bistro in Saint- Tropez, Alain was sworn, then he rolled up his sleeves immediately. He has been had the preparation to quarrel with an opponent anytime and to defeat it." A review of this movie was terrible and it has begun to be said that "Alain Delon spoils every production." As "He runs for a suicide." From a polite society of Paris, it has begun to be gossiped that "You pose like Alain Delon" or "You pose like Mr. Delon". Even his friend Jean Cau has doubt for behavior of Alain. - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
It seems that Delon can be really quiet incognito in the mother country of Rosalie Netherlands. He can spend the weekend, for example cycling, with nobody disturb. And in the middle of 1990s, Delon purchased a house in about 3 km from the north sea. "Her roots is necessary for Rosalie. In addition, I want to be that my children who are half Dutch become to like their mother country too."
Splendid gesture for a daughter as her father. "Anuchka is lovely child. Her character is strong, so if she says no, it is nothing doing. It is the same for me too. When I order what she does not want to do, she watches me and imitates me. With drawing her eyebrows. In this, I become to be really crazy." - information from " Cine Tele Revue " No 9-2 Mars in 1995 -
On a certain Sunday of June, Alain Delon spent with his family in Douchy. It is the private land which has 56 hectares. Anyone of the family are full of happiness. On a L character type table of a big kitchen, preparation for meal are ready. At the back of a pink bouquet of the hydrangea brought up in a garden, traditional cooking forms a line. Dry sausage ( Delon continues having pride without forgetting his first occupation forever. ), roast chicken, salad of Firenze appearance, Brie cheese and strawberry attached homemade fresh cream. The only one exception is Chateau Labour 1982 made. After meal, while Rosalie took children to a festival of Douchy, we settled in the den. It is a big room and a large window faces forest. There are documents, telephone, newspaper and collection of paintings on the table. And there is a copy of a cover of a certain magazine before him. On the cover, there were "Alain Delon and Rosalie. She runs away from home with a child. A crisis of the couple. Serious blow for Delon. Cancel world tour." He who is a father of family described with warlike position as follows "I kick in all of them who say that our couple becomes to be spoiled ! While this happens in France or Africa, why do they write only evil something to me ? " The truth is really simple. Now I am filming 『 Une chance sur deux 』 with Jean-Paul Belmond and Vanessa Paradis in Cote d'Azur. Rosalie went to Voorden only to meet her dad in Netherlands and in reverse, she will be schedule to join me at a house which I borrowed in Mougins Cote d'Azur with children two weeks later. Nevertheless I think they will scream as follows. 『 Serious blow. Delon cancels world tour. 』 However, it is irrelevant. I canceled world tour by my private reason. If it is necessary, I may make documents." We went out. "I think every couple have being like storm. But my family affair is a thing only for me. And I will say 『 Go to hell ! 』 to a person who gossips such a scandal. Rosalie and I have been together for 10 years, so I think we would be finished our life together….Now Anouchka is 7 years old, so she became to be able to understand considerable thing. A friend seems to ask her that 『 Do your dad and mom quarrel with ? 』 at school. Such a ridiculous thing is left in heart of children all the time. I can not expose my body to such a mean behavior." A car stopped, and Rosalie returned from a festival with children. Children run towards the dog house to see their good friend's dogs Maya, Charly and Snoopy. In front of the kitchen door, an electric car for golf stops. "Let's go to go around daddy !" Delon sits down on the driver's seat. Alain Fabien is on his knee and Anouchka stands beside him. While the car which picked them up is going to disappear to the inside of forest, Rosalie came to the poolside overflowed with grass and flower. "Probably the reason may be because I am Dutch, I love to do gardening with surrounded by breed of each country. One day I have brought a rare plant stealthily. Alain pleased and at the same time he resented a little. Because the castle what was here was destroyed, I want to reproduce only a garden. While seeing old documents, watching photos. Please watch this rose named 『 cuisse de nymphe 』. Please try to smell. I do not know so fragrant flower. If I die, I want to be put this flower to my grave." Alain came back. Children play with dogs again. I quite agree with Alain about the article breakup of couple this time. There was the almost same thing three months ago. I have been depressed in feeling embarrassed. Therefore it is overdoing slightly this time. It is due to Alain, the part of me became to be public but I want to cherish a thing of only us. Douchy is our confidential paradise. Heaven. This place must not be injured in anything." - information from Paris Match M 2533 in 1997 -
( Delon with his pet dog at artificial pond of his base in Douchy )
The first vacance in the 13th year with Rosalie and his family in Biarritz. Alain granted her request. He who got down from a cockpit of a helicopter for private use on Basque Coast first tasted splendor of what did not anything with swimsuit figure. While he chases with his eyes 10 years old Anouchka and 6 years old Alain= Fabien like a daddy of the world. He who liked the land of Chene-Bougeries in the suburbs of Geneva acquired Swiss nationality in 1999. Delon who is chased by time is constantly going back and forth between Geneva and Douchy in Loiret prefecture by a helicopter where a chapel is going to be constructed. However he who spent unhurried time at l'hotel du Palais in Biarritz now already decided to retire from the movie world as far as an appearance request did not come from Besson, Leconte, Spielberg and he comfortably waits for filming "Fabio Montale" which is a series of TF1 channel will begin. In addition, he is carefully going to finish a collection of photographs which will release next year with Henri-Jean Servat. He is relaxed and looks at the sea. Though he will be 65 years old soon, he has a body the same level as " l'Appo( De ) lon " of beach. In the last June, he made a flutter by he said to the weekly magazine " Eva Tremila " in Italy " If I became to be impotence, I would kill myself. " It suggested a theme of the movie which he filmed in 1972. - information from Voici N 665/HEBDOMADAIRE DU 7 AU 13 AOUT 2000 -
( Rosali is Alain's partner ) For a request of Cine-Tele Revue, she answered the first and also the last interview to touch private. Her small dialect is charming. She is proud of being a Dutch person. She told about her partner affectionately. ( She calls Alain as "husband". ) - information from "Cine-Tele Revue N 46-16 NOVEMBRE 1995 -
In the beginning 1953, Alain was welcomed as "a H.R. ( special)" officer to the Pont-Rean training school in the suburbs of Rennes. When he heard as "special", he thought I was assigned to an elite group. However, actually the people what scholastic ability level was too low for taking professional training were treated as "special". The discouragement of Alain was big. At first, "H.R." officer had to choose either to wash a deck all day or completely did general education. What Alain chose was the latter. He who arrived at the Pont-Rean training school is commanded to send all the private properties to his house back. He received a naval military uniform instead. They are a beret, the undershirt of the striped pattern, a black tie, a pea jacket, a working clothes of the canvas and so on. The serial number written badge was given to him too. This badge was tied to a chain and he had to put on the left arm like a bracelet. It seems that it was his favorite thing, so he put on it when he appeared in "Parole de flic". Alain enters a room for 5 people soon. There was Raymond Blasco who was 2 years older. He chose the way to severe rules because he was not in good with the second marriage partner of his mother too. The life at the training school had two main things which were study and the body training. As a day passed, Raymond Blasco grasped Alain's character. " In those days, he did not seem to be now. He was modest, very quietly and smart. His heart was gentle above all." He remembers that he went to the town with Alain. "We went to the town for dancing on that day. At around 6 pm evening, we were going to come back to the training school by exclusive bus, but it had been already over in time of the meal and understood that we can not get supper, but both he and I were penniless. Then, I knew that the asylum of the Red Cross sold French fries for 10 centime. Alain proposed to buy it to me, but I did not have money at all literally. 20 centime was in his pocket. I said to him 『 Go. I wait for a bus. 』then, he is surprised and said to me that 『 It is out of question that you wait for me outside. Please come together and we order French fries one dish to each of us. 』At that time when I was hungry, he gave a dish for me. It is unforgettable throughout my life so that there is it in a song of Brassens. " In addition, Raymond is with Alain who has really become another person brought him back to the barracks. Because Alain has fallen in love with Brittany beautiful woman. "The love at that time was totally different from the thing of the boyhood of his Bourg-la-Reine times." He tasted a genuine kiss for the first time on the day. I had to bear him who had finished being excited until next morning." These pleasant events became to be the time what we can forget severe training by the armed forces. After the training end, Raymond was assigned to Cherbourg, Alain was assigned to Toulon and two people parted. Raymond who left the armed forces five years later needed to never meet Alain. "I always watched the carrier of his movie world through a newspaper, a magazine, and I read a lot of his interviews too. But I strongly feel that he has changed too much. He has become another person, present him is not that young man whom I knew." Alain felt like having made a new family in the armed forces. However he did not become estranged from the true his family either. His mother Edith Boulogne has never gotten over the departure to the front of his son. She stated an objection which the extension for the soldier period of the son to the senior officer of the training school while the son did not know it. When it was the weekend in Toulon, he went to "Chicago". "Chicago" is a name by the local people named in the doubtful neighborhood. And he became a regular customer of the bar "Marsouin" in this area, and he was in favor with the owner Charles Marcantoni and his wife Rita from Corsica, he was treated generously by them when it was before his departure to Indochina and also after his return from there. Charles Marcantoni recollects." Our customer was almost navy man. I got to know with him in this way. It is common that a customer becomes a good friend. His friends went bar-hopping at my bar or another, they called at them. But he came to here often. He was a regular customer. I remember that he was an amiable quietly young man. He was 17 years old. I do not understand whether he was glad that he was in the navy. Because many navy men wanted to get an allowance provided with at the time of a contract. Otherwise the reason was because it escaped from the restraint of the family. They were concerned with war at the same time. They went to the battlefield. The resistance of Alain came to attract attention of officers and noncommissioned officers immediately in Toulon. He said that "My close friend wanted to assemble a radio so I stole machine parts and assembled a radio together." Without his being ashamed of a punishment. Presently he postponed a contract more 2 years. Then he started to Indochina. While voyages of one month toward Saigon, they had to call at a port three times. They were Egypt, Djibouti and Singapore. For him, Indochina gave him the image, a rice field, a women who has thin eyes and fellow. Did the colony war that France performed in Asia bring political consciousness ? Once he who was afraid of in Bourg-la-Reine never understood it why myself was in such Far East. He talked "We did not know why war was performed either." He gripped the capital of Indochina as the flat town where a crowd milled, was constructed in mud. He did not complain the heat he has no patience and "the sky is always clouded by steam, is not blue at all" either. Late fashion more for years than Paris' one the movie of Gabin staged for weeks. He never dreamed it came to the time he played with Gabin in the future. "It was the first memory and most splendid movie for me. It was France and it was Gabin. In the life, everyone wants to escape from one's place and wants to go somewhere. However, just after a person came to the somewhere at last, a person misses the subway ticket of Paris, French movie. My fellow and I everybody kept back that subway ticket in a wallet even if it crumbled." He stuck a photograph of actress Madeleine Lebeau in a small box. She lived in Bourg-la-Reine, she was the customer of the shop of his mother and was a friend. He met her who was a wife of producer Clement Duhour, and "who was a lover of Marcel Achard" a few times at a street before departure. He became the captive of the good looks of her and her younger sister, and he associated with her younger sister for a while. He was brought to the filming spot of the movie by her. Mother sent a long letter to him who was in Indochina every day and continued sending butter and chicken, ham and a cake to him once a week. However the bosses of Alain made an ironical remark to his mother "we have never seen the volunteer who received such a lot of loads and letters." Mother wanted to discharge somehow her son who was in the prison by the affair of jeep carrying out afterwards. "It seemed not to be continued anymore. He spent everyday at a prison, and I cried every night." And he will be returned to his own country at last. The demobilization allowance was deducted, and he had to be jailed by weapon possession more again for 45 days in Toulon. After q while he was repatriated to his mother country, it came the time to leave the Mediterranean Sea district at last. Before it, he wanted to meet regular customers of " Marsouin ". Charles Marcantoni and Rita invited him like "a real child". He gets to know with Charles' older brother Francois there. His name was known in the underworld. When he got to know with Delon, he did not stay in the memory in particular the encounter with the jobless Delon whom the younger brother introduced to him. However, the encounter gave big influence to the life of Delon in the future. - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
Alain Delon decided to put up for sale a big part of his collection of modern paintings, including major works in the 50s signed by masters of the Cobra movement and the School of Paris. The auction sale will take place on 15th October at Hotel-Drouot Montaigne at 20:30. This exhibitions will be held between on 12th and 15th October. Last May , some 40 of his paintings were exhibited at Applicat Prazan Gallery. His collection gathers in other things, works by Hans Hartung, Soulages, Riopelle, Maurice Estève, Manessier, Dubuffet, N. De Staël but also Géricault Delacroix and Millet." - information from Ms. Marie Claire -
( Delon sleeps with Anthony in 1960s )
Beatrice Barton, Alain Delon and Domenica Warluzel have just joined to form a new trio. The journalist and producing, woman of head to the TSR, the actor, future Cesar in the next cinematographic episode of "Asterix", and lawyer, amateur of cinema, presenter and producer of emissions the tele one, created the company of production BBD Polymedia. - information from Ms. Marie Claire -
It was a kind of fight to let producers accept appointment of Alain nevertheless being with enthusiasm of Allegret. Becau, whose the producers unanimously wanted to use popular Gil Vidal in those days. Allegret decided to ask for help of Edwige Feuillere to send to the world my new face Delon whom oneself excavated out. He showed her several films of the camera test. Feuilere felt Alain had few something what other actors did not have. Allegret did precise advice to Delon too. "I want to be you like you as usual. Move to be always and walk. You must not think that you will make a something special. You must not perform and be going to play, those are out of the question. Be it like you. Then you will become the hero of my movie naturally if you do so it." The first filming was the scene that he came out of the parcel of the cake at Avenue Victor-Hugo then got on a car. Alain does not have memory what having any tension even if he was in front of the first camera. On the contrary, he was relax like being in his element. He states "It was very easy and only natural. In addition, the director followed up me very well." Allegret worked intensely for not to show inexperience of Alain with screen. Woman co-star Sophie Daumier became the partner of the first kiss scene in his movie world. After that, Alain starts filming " Sois belle et tais-toi " as his second work with a director Marc Allegret who is the older brother of Yves Allegret. Delon co-stared with Jean-Paul Belmond whom Delon first met there for a few scenes. Delon says "Jean-Paul had a very odd figure. He was not yet in the rank it could call a popular new face." This was the opening of the rival battle with Belmond, but at this point in time, Alain's name appeared in credit bigger than Belmond's one. In this way, he was going to be recognized by movie director and filming costars. But he had bad reputation by producers. Because "He has good looks, but he is nameless" By the reason of it, he missed a chance many times. He exerts to level up his publicity by getting power of Georges Beaume who is his friend, journalist, who became the existence of "the personal manager" for overcoming such situation. In this way, he is introduced as one of the promising male new face in a famous movie magazine in spring 1958. Alain believed in the future as my star firmly. And he was convinced when himself reached the top than anyone of new faces introduced to this magazine together with the work on the next time. Romy Schneider chose Alain Delon as a costarring partner for following movie 『 Christine 』. Brialy told 『 She decided Alain. Because of she saw a his photograph then, she felt that he was attractive, handsome besides he was an actor whom she did not know. 』 Alain Delon was only surprised. Delon told 『When I heard it, to be honest, I was struck dumb with astonishment like an idiot. 』 The director Pierre Gaspard-Huit liked this choice of Romy. And he enjoyed that he brought up Alain Delon into an actor of the peak of popularity. Alain who was ordered picking up Romy to the Orly Airport by the producer, accompanied with his friend Brialy, because Alain lost his nerve. Many mass communication participants came to the airport. Alain holds the bouquet of the big rose and waits for her. Presently Romy appeared with her mother, then the shutter of the camera was touched in many places. Both Alain and Romy were awkward in the same way. Alain talks this time as follows, 『 I was uncomfortable as nauseated. 』『 I who was kept the bouquet of the rose under my arm by the producer, must have seen me foolishly. 』When test filming finished, Alain invited Romy and her mother Magda to dinner to "Lido". They agreed to it by courtesy. Both of them can not speak French. Delon can only speak broken English. Therefore, Brialy who was proficient German went with dinner as an interpreter. In the middle of dinner, Brialy whispered to Delon anxiously. 『 Do you understand, how much bill of here becomes ? 』 However, Alain did not listen it, when they had to settle, the two people understood that money came short, then they confided it to Romy and her mother. And in the occasion, Romy paid bill and she was relieved them. Brialy says that 『 She was a star, but we were not so. 』 Actually the performance fee of Alain and Brialy was not able to compare with the performance fee of Romy. Romy and Alain did not fall in love immediately. However, Alain sent a letter to Romy who stayed in Baleares and read a scenario. For her, the letter of Alain was too perfect, and it was the thing which was 『 boredom to death 』 She wrote an answer in courtesy but the contents were too short. Her mother did not like the badness of the breeding of Alain. Therefore she advised it to her daughter. When filming begins, Romy comes to be shocked many times by Alain who wears a blue jeans and a T-shirt with the hair are unkempt, is fast speaker, is rough, is always late for the studio. Nevertheless she accepted his invitation and they sometimes went to drive by green color MG. The driving of Alain was really rough. During filming, they become to awake each other and at the same time, come to quarrel consistently. The participants who were puzzled by them, turned a blind eye to look it. However, the situation changes since they joined the movie festival in Bruxelles. During this movie festival, they never quarreled, and also they begun to hit as a lover in this opportunity. Magda Schneider did not feel like being good. When she met her daughter at Midi Station in Bruxelles. She said to her with sarcasm "You are in love…" In contrast, Romy answered back to her mother "You are not satisfied unless you complain anytime !" The evening of this day, at the restaurant which Romy's father owned, the strained state between Romy and her family continued yet. Romy talks about that evening in Bruxelles as follows. "Alain was French people's table at dance party. I was German people's one with my parents. In the middle of a dance, he invited me whether come to my table. But, I was so-called good child yet, returned to the table of my family. And I noticed suddenly after I took champagne and having considered. I do not take the interference of my family from now on anymore. It was the moment something had begun to resist them." It was several weeks after that Romy acted to sweep an image which Romy was rich and good child by being indulged. When location in Vienna began, the actors stayed at Sacher Hotel the highest grade in Austria. In this luxurious atmosphere, the romance of Alain and Romy gradually adds to the scale, and Alain burns passion to Romy. At the same time, the love of Romy and Alain became the mark of the backbiting. When Magda witnessed the spot of their first kiss, the rumor spread through the national level. When filming was over, Romy saw Alain off to the airport. She entered in the airport by using a special privilege, and she saw him off to the gangway of the airplane. She wept bitterly at the chest of mother after he had left as soon as she came back to the hotel. And she decided going to Paris 48 hours later. In this way she called Alain when she arrived at the Orly Airport in Paris. She enjoyed deeply about happiness and freedom as soon as she heard his voice. It was the moment that she escaped from protection of mother for her and it stood on its own feet. When she knew that Alain who had left Austria suffered from parting with Romy, she soaked herself in more feeling of happiness. Alain confided the hard feeling for a long time to Georges Beaume who was his personal manager and Alain shed tears. It was the apartment of Georges Beaume to have become the acceptance of Romy. In this way, the long friendship of three them began. Although the movie "Christine" did not make a hit, Alain went to the direction that he realized his long-time dream surely. His name appeared large in the advertisement of du Colisee pediment of Champs-Elysees. - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
( Alain Delon with Romy Schneider in 1968 )
A certain morning in March 1970, Alain Delon entered the filming " Le Cercle Rouge " with gray turtleneck and pants of Shetland. He dyed his chestnut hair to black for performing the role of this movie and wore a false mustache. This seems to be to avoid confusion with the chief character of " Borsalino ". The filming of this day was carried out in the snowstorm. In the evening, the filming crews spent at comfortable auberge ( a small hotel ). In the lunch, Alain who was drank only water, but he tasted some wine and whiskey in the dinner. The atmosphere of the inn was relaxed and he who was the super star enjoyed played a game with his staffs. " Le Cercle rouge " was the second movie for the director Melville gained a great success with an release. In the next movie " Doucement les basses ", the company of Delon himself acted the produce, and large-scale public relations was developed. It was a successful advertising method in the case of " Borsalino ". It lets attach the poster of the movie to the privately-owned car of several hundred as "sandwich car" is not "sandwich man". It was a thing to make drive them to around roads of capital Paris for two weeks. The owners of the privately-owned car took gas ticket for 90 francs as reward they drive their cars attached an advertisement. Approval by four ministers was necessary for this exceptional plan. The culture Minister gave qualified permission which was without harming the scene of the town. The traffic Minister considered there was not the inconvenience at all to give permission. However, as a problem to be left, there was the government ordinance "advertising car must not run at the Champs-Elysees, in the forest of Boulogne, Vincennes." After all, a government ordinance did not have the item which forbade the distance that a privately-owned car ran…but, this movie did not succeed like Borsalino nevertheless with such a public relations. Filming of " Un flic " becoming the last movie of director Melville begins in 1971. He talks about he changes completely from the villain who became basic of his role to play the part of detective as follows. "I am a role of detective in this time, so I think I will not be blamed he always plays only rogue or vagabond. I went to the enemy camp." This movie failed and the director was disappointed too much. However, Delon did not regret effort. He increased the weight by 5 kilos and challenged filming to get closer to the chief character image that the director imaged. A fat image was an aim to prevent confusion with the chief character of " Le Samourai ". After this failure, in the side of the director, it announced to a reporter that I will not work with Alain Delon anymore. It was a reason that Delon had some practice and it appeared unconsciously too much. About this matter, Delon argues that "The truth is totally reverse. I decided not to work with Melville. He has a lot of habit. But I did not announce about that in courtesy. I would not tell it to you now if there was not this article." In the next movie " Le Professeur ", the music of his friend Dalida of the time that she was nameless and poverty, was used and Delon changed the title that estranged with the director but the movie succeeded. In the "Scorpio", he will come back to a Hollywood movie. It passes through time of ten years from " Le Guepard ". Alain Delon meets Burt Lancaster again. Alain became more famous than the past. When he met Lancaster again, "Do you remember ? You were my boss." He said. When Lancaster hears it, he laughed hard as usual and he said that "I have already got too much old to become your boss ! You are my boss this time." The later " Traitement de choc " was thrashed. This movie was flayed by the critic and the spectators expressed dissatisfaction. In particular, journalism made a sarcastic remark about Alain became the nude. The image of this movie is a state used now in a porn site with the internet. It seems that Alain does not allow this but there is not the sign that his lawyer moves at all. If they know this, perhaps they will be considered that they do not have the value as they file a suit. After that, Delon begins filming of " Brulles Granges Blulees " . For this movie, there were veteran actress Simone Signoret and Miou-Miou who was a new face in those days as a costar. The director was Jean Chapot he was a young director but he was not a beginner. His early work " La Voleuse " which he filmed with Romy Schneider was estimated very much. Delon did not know Chapot too much, but Delon decided to behave to him preciously. Chapot's opinion did not fit Delon at all in the filming spot and Delon resisted his idea for all his suggestion and took it down. The atmosphere of the filming spot was serious, so new face Miou-Miou who became the dilemma of Delon and Chapot suffered too much. She said that " If their discord continues more than this, I give up." Nevertheless the fight of the director and Delon continued escalating. At last, one day she disappeared to tell a destination nobody. The participants looked for many places, but she did not come back to her house either, and it was impossible to find out. However a few days later she came back without any sign. She heard that did their discord solve ? Actually it became the form that Delon won the fight by asserting himself, and he came to command filming. Therefore the spot regained calmness, and filming was continued nothing prevents during three weeks. But many people knew the talent of Chapot who suffered in the situation. He was an excellent director, but Chapot was not able to command the spot because affinity did not fit Alain. During Alain's absence due to he goes to Paris, Simone Signoret ordered spot conduct from by the produce side answered immediately " It is ourselves to have chosen a director. Chapot is an excellent director. We will have him finish this movie." Alain was asked comment from about this affair in a subsequent press conference, answered as follows. "The all of you seem to be misunderstood about me. It is only an ordinary director that I attack. There is never that I criticized flatly Melville and Visconti. They are big shots. Actually it needed that someone replaced with him whom there is not ability to act as the director of 『 Brulles Granges Blulees 』" - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
It seems that Rosalie and Alain Affelou are divorcing. - information from Ms. Marie Claire -
I think that if I compare Alain Delon whom I respect to an animal, he resembles the fox of " The prince of the star. " Because we can not become his friend, and know about him, unless he receives what is tamed by us. The fox of " Saint-Exupery " says as follows. " When you tame me, we are not left each other anymore, you become only one person for me in the world, and I become irreplaceable person for you. " I do not intend to insist that I am a friend of Alain Delon. But, I know that all the people who were able to tame him, become an irreplaceable person for him. Even if it is a police officer, a gangster, famous, nameless, a power man, a poor person, the friendship that he gives endlessly without compensation does not change. He showed this friendship anytime and his faithfulness lets us cause a feeling of respect irresistibly. When I needed his help by a private or work at the small level such as my case, he came anytime. Regardless of running around as a recommender of the programs at time of the work of RTI. It is what there is totally no his profit and did for me entirely. My favorite Delon is right a monarch. But, everybody does not send respect and the loyalty to him in the same way. He is often betrayed and is disappointed and is hurt, and it will be that he was knocked down. Therefore, it is often that he often " Shuts himself up " because he does not let the nervous system give up. As for me, there was an opportunity to meet many famous people since I am assigned to this work, but is seized with the sense that there is not elsewhere anytime when I watch Delon appearing in the public place. Many eyes move, and it looks like the noise fills the space… I have not felt so such an atmosphere when often who appeared either. Of course, he shows him whom people want to watch because he is in the public place, and Alain is seen in general people. He plays the character that people want to recognize to him. However, Delon who is often insolent, arrogant, comic, fills confidence, is twisted is a thing far apart from the man that is passionate, delicate, interestingly, warmly and the generosity is good whom I know. In a trial, and he experienced really many trials, but he seems to be immortal. Even if there is it in today's evil current, he continues giving energy. Power to turn to the top anytime. When he likes to be with dogs than the existence of a person and decides he is alone and spends Reveillon, I sometimes think that he is poor. In addition, I am frozen for a shock when he confides to me that I virtually died after death of Brando. And I become scary when he tells me that he continues being alive for only he does not make his child sad. He often says that a person can get success and neither happiness at the same time. His future gives the reverse to him, and I want to pray to be able to think that he succeeded in the life at the end of the life. The fox said to the prince of the star as follows at parting. " You have to see things by heart. If you do not do so, you can not see things well. The important thing is invisible. " I can think of whether Delon seems to have written this sentence. – the article of Marc-Olivier Fogiel -
Anthony Delon will publish his autobiography on paper in Autumn 2008. - information from Ms. Marie Claire -
Alain Delon could anchor Evening News on a French cable channel in Spring 2008. - information Ms. Marie Claire -
( Alain and Nathalie on 28th March 1968 )
In 1973, Delon planned the sponsorship of the world middle weight title match of the boxing and decided to let Carlos Monzon and French champion Jean-Claude Bouttier meet at a ring. He let Jean-Claude Bouttier stay in the private land in Douchy he owns from several years ago for 46 days before the match to provide the match. According to the local historian, the private land in Douchy of Delon was the place that was the territory of the Earl Neverley once, and it seems Jean d'Arc rested with Earl Dunois and Earl Xaintrailles of the supporter in the interval of the fight there. Alain Delon sometimes came and went by jeep Mini Moke with Anthony ( 9 years old ) at the site of this 50 hectares. During training, a red ring was placed in the neighborhood of the swimming pool, and a jogging course for 6 kilometers was prepared in the depths of the site for Jean-Claude Bouttier and his friends. One of a few friends was allowed to enter this private land spoke that " Delon who was punctual and Mireille who was kind were the couple well-balanced. Mireille was always relaxed with smile, and was artless, so the atmosphere of the spot was very comfortable." In addition, Bouttier himself said that environment at that time was ideal training ground. "In such an atmosphere, it can not be making perfect condition. There was really ground paradise. Calm and comfortable living, birdsong in the forest. This quietness was a very precious thing. It is not allowed to suffer terrible defeat a match after having done such a living in Douchy." In spare time, the boxers spent at the game room which had the billiards stand and the jukebox. Besides, they ate at the two big tables in the kitchen for exclusive use of Alain Delon at noon, at evening. However, in spite of training performed in the best environment, Bouttier lost in a match after all. - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
Anthony's two daughters' name are Lou ( born in 1996 ) and Liv ( born in 2001). They are Alain Delon's granddaughters. Their mother is Sophie.
In the film " Le Guepard ", Delon will work with Visconti again. At first, Visconti objected to appoint American actor Burt Lancaster. However, he compromised after all, and on the contrary he understood his physical peculiarity accommodated the character he imaged. Alain tells. "A few days before of the start the filming, Visconti asked me and the costar Claudia Cardinale to pick up Lancaster to the airport together." When Alain met the great actor Lancaster whom he was 23 years old older than him, he was surprised and overwhelmed the size of his body, nice his build very much. "I was overwhelmed a little. However, actually Lancaster was shocked too. Because he was an enthusiastic fan of Visconti." While he shared the work with him, Alain came to be moved with his candidness. In this way, the strange atmosphere that each person talked in own native language was grown in the filming. " I said that 『 Burt, I must talk to you. I am not easily if I don't say you. I am overwhelmed by you. 』 Then, he said to me while bursting out laughing,『 Don't worry. That's OK .』" The filming was performed in this way. I called him 『 My Boss 』 during the filming. Alain Delon observed Lancaster during this long term filming." In the filming period, it is at the castle where they stayed in. One day, Romy came over for few days to visit to Sicilia. According to Alain. Burt was not indifferent to charm of Romy. "Burt felt charm to he. As an actress, as an woman. Of course it seems that Romy was interested in his existence." Claudia from Sicilia recites various episodes in this filming. She was fascinated by Delon's good looks. 『 Alain Delon episode 』 that she named is the next episodes. "His charm was his clear malicious eyes and his muscular body. And it was his severe sarcasm above all. Alain had confidence in his charm. Therefore he made a bet with Visconti. He thought that I would be tempted immediately by him. Visconti loved such a slightly unkind play. Alain said to me as follows during the filming of the love scene. 『 Claudia, I do not want to do counterfeit kiss or false caress. 』 But I could understand this tactics immediately. I worked out a stratagem and did not show my real intention. I did not want to play into the hands of them. I did not want to behave like the stupid girl not able to bear Alain Delon's charm. Visconti came to respect me in this way. It seems that he liked me, because I was not caught in this trap. He understood that I was not a small girl, I was a strong woman." Presently this make-believe of Alain became Visconti's furious target. According to Claudia, on that day Visconti felt outrage at the result of the scene of the attic which she played with Alain. "Visconti hit all having usually thought on Alain at the opportunity. He insulted him in front of all. I remember Alain at that time. Because we sat down on the same sofa together. He grasped my hand to show courage and not to talk back to Visconti. Visconti's anger did not shatter respect Alain had to him but he strongly grasped my hand to suppress himself as to be destroyed." It seems that there was an other reason for the tiff of Visconti and Delon. Alain was in the unstable situation in interval with the next filming that was finished contract, because of the filming " Melodie en sous-sol " with Verneuil had already begun, but Visconti was not going to free the actor of his movie. Long friendship with Claudia continued afterwards nevertheless there was the affair in "Episode". - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
Delon mets Spaniard Francine Canovas ( Nathalie Delon ) from Morocco while he still formally got engaged with Romy Schneider. The testimony of Alain is different from Nathalie about this encounter. Alain side says that it was introduced her by the friend Prince Poniatowski. ( She came to France for divorce mediation. However, she never left France afterwards. ) But, the other Nathalie side says that I met him accidentally at a nightclub. Her real name is Francine Canovas but she liked to be called Nathalie in France. She was born in the Moroccan northern part in August 1941, father from Algeria with mother from Spain territory. Her father ran the transportation company in Morocco, but she met father first when she was 8 years old. Afterwards she could not meet him until her birthday of 14 years old. In this way, she lived at the simple apartment in Casablanca with her mother. But in 1959, when she was 18 years old, she got marry with Guy Barthelemy who was 4 years old older, who was a called –up soldier from French northern part. The wedding ceremony was held at French consular office in Casablanca. They choose to live in Morocco afterwards. Several months later, a girl was born, and she was named Nathalie, but the relationship of the couple cracked immediately, they divorced in 1963. Father of the daughter took parental authority. She decided emigration to Paris before the last divorce procedure is over, but she sometimes returns to Morocco to meet her daughter. In May 1963, she was invited going to Spain together from Alain for the filming "La Tulipe noire" then she followed Alain positively. At that time, Chiffre who did not appear since smoking Jacket affair has driven a car. He was dumbfounded by a sudden appearance of Nathalie because he commonly took a dinner with Romy, Alain and Beaume just before departure. Alain Delon liked Spain. During the filming period, he borrowed a luxurious villa in the suburbs Madrid, but it was insufficient to escape from the reporters who heard a rumor of the collapse of Romy and Alain and snooped. Delon paid scrupulous attention, but one day, one paparazzo invaded the villa and took a photo of Nathalie so Alain decided to manage it with George Beaume and Chiffre. Chiffre says that "At first, most sociable among us George asked the paparazzo to give the film. But the paparazzo showed a hesitant attitude. Therefore, Alain who are irritated took the camera from him and took away the film." Afterwards, Delon was accused due to house invasion and occupation machine parts destruction and Delon was taken to the police station with putting handcuffs at late-night 1, but after all, he was released at dawn. The filming made slow progress for Delon and for the stunt man Chiffre, it was due to the director who had high request. The only comfort for them was Nathalie's eyes with full respect. On the other hand, Romy did not want to believe that engagement was canceled. In 1963, it became the worst year for Romy. At first, it was a photo of the filming scene of "La Turipe noire" that she saw. She says that "The same photo appeared in all magazine. Alain who sits down on a chair. And the woman who sits down on his knee." She wanted to believe that it was a temporary whim. Romy understood that many women was fascinated by Alain and also he liked what was liked by an woman but this affair has exceeded a limit. It was in Rome that Delon met Romy last. Romy recollects as follows. "In Rome, everything was always same. Anything not seems to change among us. Alain saw me who left to Hollywood to the airport. In the first few days after leaving, we talked on the phone as usual, everything was the same. But only one thing that was unusual was a rumor came to appear in a magazine steadily. It was the article about the engagement with the woman called Nathalie." Afterwards George Beaume brought a letter from Delon to Romy. He said that "Now, Romy, you must rouse up your all power." then he handed the long letter which extended to ten pieces to her. It was a farewell letter. Then, during a few months, she was suffered. Pains and despair strike her, and according to the people who were her close friends, this separation was just tragedy for her. The journalist France Roche who was her friend announced this separation with the magazine France-Soir formally. She tells that "Romy did all for marriage. She accepted all to live with Alain. But Alain said to her 『 Please listen carefully, it is an easy thing. Let's marry if we do not quarrel for three months. 』 He should have understood what kind of thing he said by himself. Because, they always quarreled. After this separation, Romy took a tranquilizer for a while. At night, her hand incredibly shakes...nevertheless she still continued to love him for months. She left a message to his car. At the same time, she went out with other men who tempted her. It would be to be able to persuade herself when surely herself still had charm." In addition, this separation might come from the inferiority complex of Delon. One day, Delon says as follows. "She was birth of the hierarchies I hated most. It is not due to her. But, she had been educated the way of life of the rank. I was not able to delete the thing which she lived for 20 years, in five years. There was two Romy so that there were two Delon or three Delon or four Delon. Even she understands about that. I loved one Romy above all and I hated alike another one." The opinion of Romy was not same as this opinion.... - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
( Delon and Dalida perform the music video shoot for their duet "Paroles Paroles" at the residence of Dalida in Montmartre in Jan 1973 )
Anouchka who is Delon's daughter and his grandchildren went to the theater " Madeleine " to wish Delon " A Happy Birthday " on November 8 2008. And at this night, Delon organized a great his birthday party at " Hotel Crillon " in Paris. Delon will play with Anouchka in a theater play beginning in September 2009. So it seems that Anouchka is currently following theater lessons at the well known theater center " Cours Simon ". It seems that Anouchaka has one green eye and one brown. - information from Ms. Marie-Claire -
One day in 1966 when Delon decided to leave Hollywood, tragedy happened. When his pet dog "Blend" crossed the way of the Beverly Hills, the dog was run over by a car and has died. On that day, Mr. and Mrs. Delon held a party, but the party was left off for this accident early. The agent of Jane Fonda presented Alain a wonderful shepherd named " Shirley " to soften pains of him. This dog will live in Tancrou with Delon's other dogs soon.
It seems that Alain Delon has a part to be attracted by a criminal. Delon has supported a Japnese yakuza ( gangster ) put in Poissy jail by an illicit sale of heroin. This yakuza was released in 1982 after all, but he returned to Japan, he was considered to be the material witness of the picture robbery of Corot. And also it seems that he acted as a bodyguard when Alain Delon went to Japan. According to a rumor, Alain Delon and the man were taken a photograph twice at the entrance of a certain shop. In Tokyo, this man behaved as a representative of Alain Delon Diffusion. But when Delon took a question about this matter by the correspondent of the Japanese commercial broadcasting in Beijing in 1987, Alain who came for promotion of " Paroles de flic " denied the companionship with this yakuza at all. - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
In 1995, Delon who became chairman judgment of the cesar movie festival did end the work off with a drinking party in famous restaurant " Fouquets " of the Champs-Elysees that himself became a regular customer. The title of his movie was attached to the menu of the day entirely. " Samourai ( truffle and the salad of spring vegetables ), " La Picine " ( a dish simmered in white wine of the scallop ), "Monsieur Klein" ( tongue of the calf with Morchella esculenta ), " Notre Histoire " ( cake ). However, in this evening, Delon was informed of that a documentary named " Nico Icon " was filmed in Germany, and the charm of the dinner was reduced to half. Because, this news was bad for him. It was a movie about German singer Nico who died in 1988. In her life, she was a lover of Delon for several months. They met at the filming " Plein Soleil". When the filming was over, Alain and Nico stayed in New York. They participated in a cocktail party together. In 1962, such two people's son was born. Movie director Nico Papatakis ( Her stage name comes from his name ) became the eyewitness of this childbirth. He tells that " One day she called me. I fall in love with somebody and become pregnant. I intend to bear. She said that she wanted to acquire the recognition of father. It meant the recognition of Alain Delon. I asked her that he intended to really recognize, then she answered me that 『 Of course, he intends to marry with me 』 " But, Delon who finished the filming " Le Guepard " did not show interest in her childbirth at all. He was going to let understand her it was how ridiculous request through a friend. Several months later, she with Aaron who was 2 years old visited the studio where Alain filmed " L'Insoumis ". The reason was persuading him. However, two days after, she was told that "If you try to meet Alain, it will be a scandal so such a wish is to throw it away ! " from George Beaum who was a personal manager of Alain in those days. Therefore she decided to bring a fight into a trial. However, Alain does not still recognize. She lost the trial. Nico who held a post concurrently of child care and a singer, has been tired to go with Ari to an airport and hotel. In this way, she decided to leave her son to Edith Boulogne who is Alain Delon's own mother. Edith loved and brought up Ari like her own child, and thought to give Delon family name to him, but she gave Boulogne family name which was the current husband name, after all. If it gives Delon family name to him in the present situation, Ari becomes Alain Delon's legal younger brother, that is to say, Ari becomes to be not Delon's son. From such a consideration, he was named Boulogne. Edith gives severe opinion to a documentary film of Nico about own son Alain. " I live very plainly. Society thinks that Delon lets me live in the castle, and I employ a servant. " And about she adopted Ari," He was 2 years old when he came to my house. He jumped in the arm of my husband who sat down, and his shriveled figure strongly touched our heart. When I met my son ( Alain ) again, I believed that he recognized Ari as a son and I did not doubt it. ( Ari was already in my house for two years before. ) But, when Alain knew that I adopted this infant, he called me through his office and he said that chose child or him either. My husband promoted to say to Alain 『 You can live alone, but this child can not get up yet. 』" In addition, she talks about Ari as follows, " Before we adopted him, he did nomadism to move here and there where Belgium and so on, with mother. Ari has eaten only potato chips at a station and an airport. One day, mother of Ari brought an orange from U.S.A. It is an orange ! I exchanged looks with my husband with being struck clump. I received the orange, but thought that she was not a common human being. Though, she met her child after an interval 3 years. I sent a package to her. It has been sent back entirely, too. She wandered many places from place to place without telling us about her place to stay. She gave a long letter to me before dying. I entrust Ari to you. She asked me to want you to bring up Ari in the letter sincerely. She was a strange person, but I love her very much. I have never met a beautiful, bright woman like her ever. I feel sad that she had to spend life full of disturbance. But it is the life. The person has pain and must live..." - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
In 1990, Alain found happiness in the new family. Daughter Anouchka was born between Rosalie who got to meet in 1987. There was an age difference of her 30 years old, but he assumed it the secret that himself became younger. He answers an interview as follows " I will advise it. It is to live with person who is younger than yourself. It is only secret for keeping youth forever." In addition, he revealed about he was chosen the sex goddess of French woman as follows " I always said to the woman who associated with me that I live for all women." Patricia Kaas who became a famous singer now, was a lowbrow fan of Delon in the girl days. Her album " Je te vous " is given to Alain Delon. In contract, Delon answers in a certain TV program that " She is beautiful. I love her very much." Two days later, they are taken by a paparazzo when they celebrate a day of St. Alain in the restaurant " Trente of Fauchon ". - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
( Alain with Nathalie at Orly Airport on 29th April 1965 )
In June, 1991, " Cine-Tele-Revue " informed that Delon with Elsa will film " Le retour de Casanova ". How is the meeting of the actor of such different 2 persons will be done ? This movie seems to become the topic. It was not thought other than Delon as the part of Casanova for director Edouard Niermans. The age, clean-cut figure, pride and strong will. Alain Delon says that " This Casanova must not be always full of vigor. Because he gets old, and he almost has been in a bankruptcy state. He is 50 years old. In the days of his, there were few people living until this age, so the reason what this position charmed me is his investigation of desperate love." And the part of Marcolina was decoded on Elsa who devoted herself to only a song for a while. The heroine says that " I feel happiness in what was chosen and I am proud. Myself did not think that becoming to be a co-star of Delon in a dream sometime either." She looked for an important role for movie world return several months ago. And she knew that the girl position urged by Casanova were recruited. And she took an audition without knowing that the leading role was Alain Delon, and she was selected in September. Then, what kind of thing will the filming with Alain Delon ? " It is splendid. When I must take the slightly sensual seductive scene and hard scene that I am afraid of, he advises me. He encourages me really patiently when I do not go well." The field of filming atmosphere is soft like the sun of Province flowing into the Mogere Castle where is several kilos from Montpellier which filming is performed. Today is only the day which the field of filming is moved. Approximately 50 extras who soaked apparel of 18th century appear, and in the circumference, an engineer and an assistant move. Alain and Elsa have a pleasant chat at the place left there. He seems to be satisfied with a costar very much. Until before this movie, I did not know Elsa. The director did really splendid choice. This her, she is already 18 years old. So I will call her a woman. She has the humility of the big shot and the sense of the actor. She is a genuine artist. I was really surprised by her." This movie which the budget for 55,000,000 francs is poured will be certainly the largest-scale work in a French movie in 1992. The filming began on 16th September. At first, the location will be performed in Montpellie, Aix-en-Province, around Paris before Venice. Alain Delon says that " This movie will become to be splendid which deep attachment, trick, agony and bloodshed mingled. It seems to be totally a romance movie ! " We believed that we already watched all about Alain Delon. But, he showed it is the actor spirit in the Mogere Castle. We have already known the splendid atmosphere of the filming spot of this movie. However, we watched him who burst out laughing with half-naked there. By the way, why does Alain Delon wear nothing under a coat ? This answer is to have been prevalent among Don Juan a certain stratagem in the 18th century. It is that Don Juan who eliminated stole into the house of the favorite woman and was going to replace a lover. Alain Delon pretends to be Lorenzi and spends single night with Marcolina. To him who must escape in the morning, only time to put on the coat of the rival was had left. This is the reason why Alain Delon stands with half-naked in front of a door. The director gave instructions to a person in charge for costume. " It is thought that there is Casanova in nude here. You must forget to have been it only in time to put on the cape of the rival to him. It must not see other clothes below. " A certain Japanese woman Hiromi who is an assistant of the director is just the comfortable eyewitness who happened to pass by there. Before a filming start, the woman in charge of the costume revises some costume. Because she draws out a coat to back, Delon must cover his front with a hat. It is outburst laughter. " I am surely a sex goddess, but I do not need to show my all to everybody ! " - Cine-Tele-Revue No 43 October 1991 -
Romy Schneider 20 years old, Alain Delon 23 years old. Two persons' smiles gave glory to the top of every journalism. She is a favorite child of Germany. He already won fame as a seducer of the French movie world, and the young women gave heat to him. They co-star in " Christine " of the director Pierre Gaspard-Huit, and they became the couple who decorated the gravure with 60s most. Alain Delon told the encounter with her, love of five years and how was parting, this sentence was written ten years ago, and it is just a very impressive record. At first, I must confess, I thought that I had already known everything about all about love before meeting Romy. And, at 22 years old, it became impossible that I had attachment to somebody. I was very busy for my carrier which just began and it seemed difficult to make such me a captive even if it was a matchless beautiful woman. However, I denied thought of such me as if fate let me totally get a slap. I had already taken three or four movies and succeeded all at that time, then a certain producer decided to let Romy Schneider and me co-star in " Christine ". When I met her for the first time, I cursed the photographers who were going to put a moment of this " history " in the camera while I thought that it was courtesy, and I held a big bouquet, and waiting for her in an airport. When I considered eyes of Romy of the reputation to let a producer earn large sum of money for the first time, I understood that she was a pure, splendid girl full of curiosity and passion. I was afraid of the self-importance like " La princess Sissi " but I realized that Romy in the real life was a soft human being. Loving at first sight ? It may have been surely so. But I said nothing. I was irritated by staff pampered a star her and her fancifulness for several days of the beginning location " Christine " in Vienna. However, her mask did not go on for a long time, too. True Romy whom I took in on the first day was not able to be covered in the would be dignity anymore. And I came to be convinced that Romy loved me. Only in this point, I can be said that " Christine " is a romance movie for me. Romy visited me in Paris when it became to be crank up. And we decided not to be separated forever. The family of Romy did not feel our this determination too good. She who commutes by airplane to meet me became to be the target of slander of a friend and French, German magazine. I became the abductor of the dearest daughter and I was screamed like a scandal, the rumor did not have the brakes. The parents of Romy who minded appearances like bourgeoise have begun to be upset. He thought he let a reporter and world calm down anyway for an important daughter, and to check this rumor to let announce the engagement with me contrary to the real intention. The thing went in this way. The father of Romy called a king of Hotel world called whole European reporter to the mansion which the mother Magda Schneider of Romy shared with him in Lugano. I can not still forget the rush of the reporter on this luxurious day. However, Romy and I whom it was all only to love each other, thought this luxurious engagement to be direction to satisfy curiosity of the world at that time. Contrary to this play, our love was totally free, and it was splendid. We got engage while all participants were satisfied and we were happy...hen, it may seem why did I refuge the marriage. Because Romy was a race same as me, in other words, she did not leave herself who was an actress while loving me. Besides, she challenged a harder position, and she was the actress who prayed that she wanted to always grow up. We loved, but their greatest aim was carrier as the actor. Romy was a scholar of principle of perfection. And she wished that she worked intensely. When I talked with friends about that, I was convinced that her fate was becoming to be a great actress, it is not become to be Mrs. Alain Delon. Would she suffer from conviction of me ? It may be so. A woman has mysterious one side. If I proposed marriage to her formally, she may have thrown her carriers. I wanted to propose marriage to her many times. I still remember the evening of that June. Romy and I who did not meet each other for several weeks due to work, was able to meet only them " hideout " in Tancrou at last. It let me suffer to be separated from Romy, but there was the Romy besides me on that day. I thought suddenly, " Why do I work so madly ? without her between most time, without building the family. I thought it is wise to say Romy that 『 Let's marry. And you and I will go with other thing takes the course of natural. Let's spend our love to our child. 』" The day was going to begin. I felt necessity of the decision. I intended to say that if I throw a pebble at the window of the room of Romy, and if she appears, " Come on immediately ! Let's announce our marriage everybody ! " Yes, I intended to say so in the morning of June on that day. Because, nature was beautiful, she was my fiancé. However, I merely threw a pebble to a window of Romy. At that time, I was the nearest marriage with her. It had to be decided naturally fast without all thinking on that day. But, time passed, and we came back in days pressed again by work. Nevertheless, one day, I came to select the date of the marriage with her. Romy decided a wedding dress, and I was going to choose the wedding ring, too. But I was not able to do yet. Why ? It was because I met one woman a certain evening. It was Nathalie. I resembled her closely. We felt the thing preferable. We often pretended to be brother in public and enjoyed it. We said that " Did you know my younger sister ? " and we burst out laughing when we had look that people were surprised. We enjoyed it very much and laughed in this way while we played the brother of the rumor, and letting people fall. By the way, there is the thing that the laughter occasionally leads us to the love. It was it to have visited Nathalie and me. Of course, it was the thing which was hot not to mention parting with Romy. However, I felt it than I built the family for both her and me while compromising without damaging our beautiful memories when the which lived was wise. Romy understood it too.
( Alain with Nathalie )
In June, 1961, Alain and Romy rested at a temporary house which they owned in Monte Carlo in those days. It was a short-lived holiday before filming of "L'Eclipse" with Anthonioni. In July, when his filming began, two people moved to the villa, Villa Monte Parioli in Rome that a manager borrowed. At the place where a diplomat and a millionaire usually lived in the depths of the private road, there were a residence of nobles or a house of Japanese ambassador in the neighborhood. Because Romy continued working with Visconti in Italy, two people lived together for a while at the place. In their hideout in this district where the billionaire lived in, a home help called Agnes took care of them. Alain liked to joke with this young Italian woman. Whenever Alain said a joke although she did not understand French, she moved a neck greatly in backward and forward, she burst out laughing. In addition, this residence had the splendid collection of books such as Balzac or Proust, but Alain let bring a record player and a part among his collection of 33 revolution records 3,000 pieces expressly from Paris. Because they were free on Sunday, they got on a white Giulietta and went to swim to the shore Anzio where was 30 minutes from their residence. On the way, people called him "Rocco ! ". Alain answered them in fluent Italian and thanked it. When it is spring, Cannnes Film Festival is held, and in the interval of the party staying in Cannnes, Alain visits to a few friends. He mets Charles Marcantoni and Mr. and Mrs. Rita, Charles Raffini who got to know several years ago, and Mr. and Mrs. Tonia. The Tonia couple hurried to Delon as soon as presentation of " L'Eclipse ". Toniasaid to Delon that he suffered from an intractable disease and he must cure in U.S.A. Generous Alain Delon lent 7,000 francs to them immediately without frowning on their demand. In the next year, he meets this couple at the nightclub that Raffini runs in Megeve frequently, but according to Delon, the money never returned. Afterwards, the filming of " Marco Polo " was called the largest scale in film history failed after all. But Alain Delon made friend with Yvan Chiffre chosen as a stunt substitute here. It is in Belgrade of the winter. Chiffre caught the telephone from Alain Delon himself in being surprised in a certain evening. " How is your hotel ? " " Well OK " " There is space plenty here, so you may come here, if your hotel is not comfortable. I am awfully boring. I am alone, so do not mind even if you come here. Places are enough." Chiffre is surprised at this sudden request. And he was afraid if only himself made acquaintance with this star when it might be criticized backbiting by a staff friend. However, Alain Delon of the telephone over there is obstinate. " ! I borrowed a room for you. I will go there picking up you from now on. " One hour later, Chiffre was in a luxurious room. Alain Delon showed the kitchen which shared a room and supper to him. This was an opening of the interchange of the special privilege of two men. Two people felt a near something each other immediately. Delon experienced a battlefield of Indochina, and Chiffre had been to the Algerian war. In the degree that did not become overly friendly, their friendship deepened. Chiffre felt the special privilege that star Delon told the movie life for only himself. He answered that " I give you money, so go to watch my movie after you came back to Paris. " without doing an unpleasant face even if I said that I had never watched his movie. In a certain evening, Delon was anxiously. Because one of the reporters of his friend will come here from Paris to film the making off next day, and Delon promised him that Delon lodged him. Will Chiffre leave the room ? Chiffre hears this story and has been offended, but he hands the key of the room to Delon after all. " What's wrong ? Is it only two or three days ? " Delon answers. Chiffre recollects. " I did not leave the room anyway. In that evening, I brushed my teeth and dressed much for a longer time in a bathroom. Alain laid in a bed and read a scenario. I hated that I shared a bed same as the person whom I did not know. With a man in particular. I thought how many woman wanted to be in my position. And I decided to leave this room. Delon released his eyes from the scenario and said to me that 『 It seemed to be totally a woman to dress for two hours. 』 I went to my bed and began to read a book. I went to sleep without speaking each other. Because I was tired. In the next evening, we talked till late. " - information from " Les mysteres Delon " -
1996 is the year of Delon. He played " Variations enigmatiques " at Theatre Marigny after interval of 28 years and took cheers and he filmed first long piece of Bernard-Henri Levi " Le jour et la nuit " under Mexican tropical sun. This movie creates a dispute because of atomosphere and bold scene which planned initiative on purpose but for a super star like him, it is nice adversely. It seems to be a substantial year for Delon again in 1997. He plays with Jean-Paul Belmondo in a movie of Patrice Leconte in May. After that, he performs a drama of Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt publicly in many parts of the world including Brussels. On the work side, actor Alain Delon obtained all which he dreamed. A carrier of his 40 years, the image of the magnificent star, do not become out dated. Tv program " 7 sur 7 " of Anne Sinclair which he appeared as a guest recorded considerable high television rating recently. And, he causes a disturbance from Buenos Aires to Berlin. What still drives him ? Perhaps it will be a pride to want to have the brilliance for suitable him what he likes, to want to leave an image called the challenger for children. Regardless of slander ... Delon who took a movie of 22 at the beginning of 70's appeared for three movies in this past 6 years. Delon talked " I can not have the role of Tancredi, but I am happy that I played Alexandre in 『 Le jour et la nuit 』." Alain Delon who is 61 years old is still active star and the revolutionary livingness of Visconti style does not decline. Many years passed with joy and pains, but this eternity Samourai is still lively and continues being honest for himself with the eyes which triumphed, quick abilities. It is like a wild beast is totally in condition to be able to begin to run anytime in a den. If I say that he does not change at all, it is lie. Now, he has another hope, need and another priority before. Top priority is the woman who gave him two splendid children, about Rosalie. He says in the strong tone that " I somewhat feel punishment when I work after children were born. What I expect is only that God lends the life to me till they become 20 years old. For the difficulty of the life and the cruelty of the person. I want to let them make enough preparations and to guard them. " Delon said that Delon showed that his sense of values namely honor, dignity, friendship are not simple words for beloved child, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien. " The present society is full of the corruption. This century is too terrible. There is not respect heart. The earth becomes no use. The only window opened in the future is a family. It is the priority of the life. " The love ( Anyone has each way to catch for this word.) is still his main driving force. " You must have a little daughter with age of 60 years old to understand that I feel it. When I get the life and a career by success and failure and discovered this harmony overnight, a person will continue admiring it." He who like to give something more than to get something, and is weak to surprise, lost voice when his children went up to the stage of the theatre Marigny to celebrate his birthday on November 8th " At the time of greetings, I saw that the whole audience stood up a hand by a candle, when I suspected that something was performed, where I did not know, I became to be glad and turned around with surprise. Children hold a lot of flowers in a hand. It was the greatest happy moment in my life. It was the impressive shock for me, I knelt in their arm, then my daughter asked me that 『 Why do you cry ? 』I said that 『 My beloved child, I am happy. 』" - from the article by Ingrid Fallay -
Alain who can become the character of Proust, who likes to collect the memories, holds trace of the happiness of the past and present through a photograph frame scattered in the rooms of the house all the time. He is proud of this photograph collection. Even if it does not say all, most are monochrome, and every aspect of the existence called him is condensed there. There are them on the wall, the study room, screening room, projection booth, the billiard room, his bedroom and the bedroom of children. It is Carlos Monzon having a visit in the cell of the prison of Santa Fe. His guardian Edwige Feuiller in the movie world. The one of the dresses of the feel such as the peach skin that a designer is going to let her try it can let a finger slide and says that " There is fluency of Delon style to this dress. " with a state absorbed in to be deep in thought. Romy and Brigitte who became neighboring in dinner in Saint-Tropez in the location of " La Piscine ". This is the only photograph which these two stars appear in together. Mireille who watches training of Jean-Claude Boutier. Anthony of the baby held in the shoulder and the arm of his father. Brel and Brassens. It is written in green ink by Maurice Chevalier who wanted to hold Alain, in a son, brothers or father. There are Rosalie together with Anouchka and Alain Fabien or separately. These frames are hung crowdedly. In country residence " La Brulerie " which is not so far from Yonne river, Alain who is faithful to a photograph, lives a life with his rhythm. He lies in the swimming pool standing still midmost of a deep blue very large lawn, and among 2 dogs ( There are 14 other dogs, such as a mongrel, Doberman, Shepherd, Mastif, Belgian, Malinois. They are unrelated to a chain and the asphalt, and they run around in the big garden of the residence, and they would never abandon their master. ), he silently spends time only alone now. ( There are 14 other dogs, such as a mongrel, Doberman, Shepherd, Mastif, Belgian, Malinois. They are unrelated to a chain and the asphalt, and they run around in the big garden of the residence, and they would never abandon their master. ) He leaves the home for Marseilles filming of " Fabio Montale " for two days, and he comes back to shut himself up in the house among iron fences. In absence of his two children and their mother, he lives there alone. - information from Albin Michel alain delon, I'indompte ( 1970~2001) Henry-Jean Servat -
( Alain with his mother Edith on 19th September 1963 )
It seems that Pierre.G who is a billionaire journalist purchased the apartment in the 16th district in Paris where Delon lived before ( until 2000 ). - information from Mr. Crouzet's blog -
Where are you now Alain ? I do not watch you for many centuries anymore. There is nothing. There is not even the telephone. I have blanks among us. It is having heard nothing from the day when you parted from Mireille. There was neither the hostility nor the quarrel. I did not say about you anything or did not write you. And you did not do such a thing to me. Nothing. Other than a blank. Of course, you are a celebrity so I heard you by a rumor and watched you on TV many times. I read the state of your 『 Love 』 with a newspaper. ( I had a hard fight to choose this word. ) And I saw the thing what regarded you as a kind of myth and also being obstinate like a shellfish ( want to see whether there is a pearl inside ) at the same time to be like liberation, what is the thing doing you to the strange mixed human being who is not opened with any knives. There make you a star. With your appearance – like temptation to completely paralyze a woman with your past with progress of the time. Failure and success of your movie. The way to get your viewpoints letting the circumference bewilder sometimes. The miscellaneous image that you send to people. There are not problem at all. You are a star even you are at the top, or you are in the center of the disturbance of the life like storm. It is not rational but it is so. The person called you attracts a person and lets you cause interest and refusal becomes the object of admiration, and lets a person get absorbed. It is not only due to being an actor, but the result of your love life, and also it is not only due to having the face as a businessman, but you are a collector buying and selling art works with extraordinary sums. It is due to the person called you. It is due to the character that is full of contradiction what you live with such intensity and faithfulness. You behave without a careless mistake so that some ordinary thing comes. The expression without a careless mistake may be wrong. Because what you have is not calculation. It is an explosion and the chain reaction of being impossible of control or the reaction is not controlled. It is self – praise fanned in nature – like pride and a ferocious self – destruction. There is a splendid animal in you while being obstinate. It seems that the insects eat their foot to escape from a trap when they were caught in the trap. You are such a type, too. You are stuck in the trap and you cut off the part and you can escape from a trap. And you curse all something which you can not understand by even yourself while going to the den by lying prone slowly. The life, fate, a person. You are a scorpion in the scorpion. You love yourself to destroy yourself and destroy yourself to love yourself. And the people who are in the circumference or the people whom you put your circumference until you throw away can not escape the sudden change of your character. As a result, it produces a legend. And the legend spreads out, and you are slandered. You say that anyone does not understand me, or nobody have understood me, then you close a curtain by a usual pattern and shut yourself up in loneliness, the den. Only your dogs like you. You get into the corner and lick your scar and you feel a strange pleasure to this work because you like taste of your blood. There is one side of Carlos Monzon in you. It is not accidental that you like work boxing to catch and to give a cruel punch. Especially Monzon. It is not accidental that you like the super champion whom one day threw away his wife, glory and his life from a window, the head was crazy like the panther in Pampas. He charms a person automatically and troubles it. I heart not only the talk that your work did not go for well ( Because your picture sale is no good and your fail by the latest movie and receive the terrible evaluation. ) but also such a rumor. ( It is entirely talk in Paris. ) You pose as 『 Alain Delon 』, no, you pose 『 Mr. Delon 』gradually. You do not hear the talk of other people and shut yourself up in the concavity of the bunker. You switch over from De Gaulle to Jack Lang, continue moving from France to Switzerland, from Switzerland to Paris, from Paris to Marrakech, Marrakech to Bretagne. And also I heard that you suggested that you were concerned with the contest. Myself completely send trust to character of your Monzon. The failure of your heart ( You are not without a crime in this either ), a terrible 『 business 』and a mean scramble, failure and success in your work, the waking to the beautiful picture which lacked in order ( It was whetted later ), sports, a dog, passion to Manu ( The huge dog which you grieved over ). Because there is too much it, I omit the rest, but you die in this way and revive. You trust like a maniac. And you take a mistake depending on a feeling of praise and the will, and you do not accept it and forget, or you remember it, and intrude without preparations, and sometimes you excel, sometimes you are disappointed then you burn up again, you are wise to a person and yourself then you show me terrible ignorance and blindness. Where do you go to now ? I do not know that. What I am convinced of is that you go somewhere. It does not stop you as even if a woman, the love of the family, the friendship, any kind of power of the world either. You shouldered fire to blaze and were born. If you run so that you put it out, the fire lets you lively overflow. And it continues because you are not the man who jumps into water to put out fire. It goes ahead to bad course. It goes ahead to good course. Where are you now ? My brain becomes full of chaos when I always think about you, but my brain is a memory becoming full of chaos and the friendship for you when I always think about you. It often confuses my mind. Because I do not understand whether I want to really see you again anymore. In the way like you, I jump off a window in pursuit of your shadow, I catch your sleeve and detain you for put lead to join with gold in your head. - information from the article written by Frederic Musso in Paris Match 13 Dec 1990 -
Caroline de Monaco " I wrote a letter to you, queen." – Alain Delon – I wrote you , queen a letter again. The reason is I wrote it "again" is I have written it before. I do not know it whether you remember it, because there was not an answer. ( My handwriting is regular and tends length is long and inclines diagonally in writing character. ) I do not know whether this first communication arrived with you. Of course, I was impudent, too and I forgive the permission of you out of consideration for respect to you. 10 years or more ago, I was in Monte-Carlo when I held a boxing championship. In the return match Monzon versus Benvenuti, you were in my several lines front with your family. Benvenuti lost by KO in Round 2. When the whole hall stood up and stared at the ring, and a count left every moment, and a gong sounded, it was with the storm of cheers to the winner. Monzon triumphed like a wild beast after having run as fast as he could. We praised him but I felt that somebody cut the wave to a ring suddenly. It was you. Our eyes matched just for an instant. As if, as for it, I who is an actor and you who are a queen were a momentary acquaintance out of the public place. You were beautiful fantastically. You finished childhood and let you foresee with the smile as the woman. I wrote a letter to you as follows the next day. 『 Queen, the dukedom are really blessed that there is a beautiful princess like you. 』 I wonder if I expected an answer ? It is right. From this moment, I have a kind of love towards you, queen, I chase an episode concerning your life heartily in the distance. The hard episode and also happy one. It is because I shared those eyes that only a girl shown a man. Then, we always met each other accidentally, didn't we ? We met in an official party and the backstage of the acquaintance. One evening, we ate at Maxim, didn't we ? You who were wise always did the attention to other people, and you knew a lot about the world of the actor who was my work, and you were rich for art and the passionate interpretation about the life. You were right you as surroundings thought. No, above it. You did not touch about my letter. The queen's work is hard work. It is same being as a star is difficult. And, queen you are a star and you are a queen. It is how hard to take the duty as the public person, and to take responsibility that eyes of people are always poured, and I understand it than whom. I know what strength to cover up agony and the smile to cover uneasiness. I always recollect you. Because, I know your challenge. Queen, the dukedom has such a splendid woman and is really endowed. - information from Paris Match 6 Sep 1985 -
One human being is not a great thing, if I compare it with these innumerable galactic nebulas. A person and a star are made of the same fine particles. We are children of the stars in anyone. We will live together. Why is an article lifeless by insanity ? Barbarian Capitalism. Information – intensive society. There are a horrifying thing, a crime every day. Communication decreases steadily and people walk on the Internet like walking in a cloud, and the people settle a fortress for a heart and shut themselves up. For me, the most splendid thing in the world is being with my family. Rosalie, two children, dogs, a bird, sparrow Peewee. - Alain Delon - - information from Paris Match 20 Jan 2000 -
Frederic Musso : For you, do you have a meaning in particular what the shift to a new millennium is ? Alain Delon : I am not a believer of the chiliasm and even if I do not think God gives a blessing at the time of round numbers in particular. In the world, it was made noise that there was confusion by the year 2000 issue in an airplane, an elevator, a bank but the most important thing for me is what passes the heart of the person. The thing does not happen independently. The meanest thing is insane, and greed for destruction. Please think about being generated in Chechen, Kosovo, Africa. Pleas think about the issue of heavy oil outflow of the sea polluting birds, too. If I have a one wish for the future, I think that I want a politician who has responsibility to understand a fact that this earth is spoiled by irresponsible people well. In Brazil, 『 The world lungs 』Amazons are destroyed. The environmental mechanism from old days is going to out of order, too. Globalization, the issue of oil, warming of the earth... All for money. Even if an ecologist has of doing it, only a politician can use the true means. Frederic Musso : Have you wanted to commit suicide ? Alain Delon : I have thought it before the birth of children. A person has both the right to live and the right of receiving euthanasia. When a person understood structure in the world, and when a person understood that can bring nothing anymore, and when at the time of solitude necessarily, the person thinks about suicide. As for me, the suicide is excluded for children now but it is different when I become the medical problem of the body. I will not wait till the last if I become bedridden, and cancer metastasizes to a whole body. I do not think suicide unless it is such a situation. Frederic Musso : You seem to gain loneliness of Samourai in the body from a core. Do you have a friend ? Alain Delon : I have a longtime friend. They are not necessarily celebrities. The professor Monod said that " The friendship was allied." A person always says that " I introduce my friend." or " He ( She ) is my friend." But I think that there are included different meaning or sound when a person says『 A friend 』. My dad said that " If there was only one friend in the world, it would be rich." I like loneliness. It is not virtue at all. It is my nature. I do not impose it on myself. I am happy in this. Frederic Musso : You live in the Loire prefecture. Did you receive the damage of the heavy storm of the other day ? Alain Delon : 400 trees fell down from a root. There are the trees broken like a matchstick. But I was lucky. My child, my dogs, all were safe. Because a dead person appeared in France and a house was destroyed. However I was able to become with anger. The reason is because there was not electricity for 8 days either. Fortunately, my house had an electrical generator but I can not still operate it all the time. In the place 100 kilos away from Paris, I was trouble with the life without the electricity for one week. Because the President emphasizes in particular it about the public works project that is the main responsibility of the country, security, a solidarity in a vow in this country. Frederic Musso : You always showed interest in politics. You seem to have a global field of vision now. Will it be the wisdom of age ? Alain Delon : It is the only possible field of vision today. ( He looks for a photograph on the desk. It is the galactic photograph which has against the background of night blue, the caption which has called 『 You are here 』which it was to be fool, to be blinded ) - information from Paris Match 20 Jan 2000 interview by Frederic Musso -
( Alain and Nathalie with their son Anthony in mid 1960's )
Alain Delon : When I think of our country, I become sad. This country seems to have lost working, making something, the joy of living. Everybody thinks about only obtaining consecutive holidays. Consecutive holidays of the May Day, consecutive holidays of Victoire ( Victory )..... Our victory will be still long. Arthur Conte : Revival has the French essence. The first law of the French history is so. France causes a bright miracle the next moment whenever France is stalled and is depressed. France has a big problem, but I do not surely lose trust to France at all personally. Alain Delon : But it is often too bad this time. I feel have a bigger scar than used to be. I wonder if I should say how, do not you think this country has lost muscular, soul. Or will it be wrong expression that is poisoned ? Arthur Conte : Do you say such a thing ? I thought you always to be the person who put success on success with full of vitality and continued film making energetically. Will creation be joy for you ? Why can the other human beings say that it is not so ? Alain Delon : Can you trust the Mitterrand President ? I think that he is full of contradiction, and he walks a way filled with danger. The phrase 『 liar such as Mitterrand 』will be done someday. He does all having promised reverse. Such a thing is the first time. I surely think that his severity, faithfulness deserve an evaluation. But he does only the promise that is not possible. Arthur Conte : Actually, he eases a transfer after the retirement by at least three 『 Big businesses 』. Primarily, for at least 50 years, it will not become the collectivism. Second, he does the leader of the opposition party wants to do even himself unawares instead. Third, this point is his contrariety, he teaches people an effect of the liberalism. He teaches it to people of the opposition party administrative in the government rather than liberalism. Alain Delon : It is surely so. Will he look what kind of if he notices his thing doing someday ? But the courageous people on the faith of him have a pain. Arthur Conte : Instruction. The person becoming a leader does not a lot of promises that the person can not keep. Alain Delon : I am annoyed. Because many people do not become the right wing even if they were disillusioned by enforcement of the socialism group and Mitterrand. While they are saying to be disillusioned by Mitterrand, they will not vote for other people. Disillusionment to the left does not lead to support of the right. I know a lot of friends who voted for the Veil group without a great reason unwilling in particular. In addition, there are a lot of people whom they had better renounce. Arthur Conte : In that respect, it is just what you say. Alain Delon : But I hold no bad blood in Mitterrand himself. What to be bad is people of the ex-government which has produced the situation that Mitterrand holds the government. Arthur Conte : It will not be to become somehow now. It is already too late, and it is rather harmful to criticize them now. Alain Delon : It is result of Chirac and Giscard. Because they still represent right wing as if nothing happened. Arthur Conte : I am totally reverse to you, and I think that they learned most through failure. Alain Delon : Do you understand what I imagine when they talk worthless thing eagerly ? It is totally a quarrel of the woman. Otherwise it is totally porker. They do not understand what is bet on a game. Though, it bets the happiness of millions of people. Arthur Conte : There is no help for it now even if we blame right wing. Let's stop it. Alain Delon : Yes. But it is only a nonsense quarrel. Always say only the same thing. Will they notice ? Can not somebody say to them clearly ? Arthur Conte : Please talk about Le Pen. Alain Delon : There is never that I thought that I will do a political activity in his party. The combative politics is not my work. But he has three natures. He has very comfortable character, he opens clearly that people think secretly, and talks in a manner different from other politicians. His tone and words are more stimulating than boring politicians. Arthur Conte : I served a Diet member at time same as him, too. He is very comfortable human beings and is frank and is surely faithful to the friendship. But he has few freedom which the other opposition parties do not have. ( It is rare that an extreme right-winger rises to the political power, so he has freedom to be able to say that he wants to say as much as desired ) There is not that he must take responsibility in the near future at all. Alain Delon : It is so, but it is surely important that he says that nobody other says. He conveys his classification clearly. I think that foreign laborers should be respected and France should accept a useful foreigner. In addition, I think that they have a right to do the strike for rights. However, I can not satisfy that they rob the work of the French worker. I think such a thought not to be a fascist at all. I only talk as an actor and as a producer of the movie Alain Delon. Arthur Conte : Will it be said whether you have political ambition ? ( Like an other actor doing political activities ) Alain Delon : I am realistic. The people praise me highly if I walk the way and the people demand an autograph and take warm words to me. But if I stand, I will take the only 1.4 % approximately. I include it, other many actors give an opinion for the politics. There was not that a French actor participated in political discussion before. Arthur Conte : There is uneasiness in the general public now. I see it well when I give a lecture in French each place. Therefore, even if people demanded a political opinion to a favorite actor, it is not anything that it is surprised at. As you said, society wants to listen to testimony of politics different from the testimony of a professional politician. Alain Delon : I admired De Gaulle. I respected Pompidou. There is a great difference between them and the party whom we must endure today. I do not have the political ambition at all. I am enough by a movie. I have not dreamed like to become Reagan. Besides, Reagan was totally no use as an actor but he was wonderful as a politician. It was splendid Governor of the State of California before he became the President and oust bad Carter. I am not a politician, but intend to speak of having thought about a politician clearly. Even if they are offended, it does not have a way. Because new central person is necessary. Arthur Conte : Please do not become so severe. Valery Giscard d'Estaing is splendid head of state. In the analysis of the politics in France, he is one of the superior people. Jacques Chirac is the politician who are full of vitality, he showed the administration ability of an important plan through a duty called Mayor Paris. In addition, Raymond Barre who does not depend on the demagogy is an extraordinary valuable man and his existence is felt jealous of from the other countries. Therefore, we who should be the friend must not attack them. Alain Delon : Then, who can tell to Giscard when he appears too much in the media ? He should be careful not to mention more public eye. Arthur Conte : I can say to him anytime. If main election approaches, I meet him as a true friend as usual and I will do talk strictly. However, his judgment and analyses are careful. Alain Delon : I have a lot what I want to say him. I think that it had better be early than it is too late. Arthur Conte : It repeats itself, in the middle of the fight toward collectivism, the principle of state control, the factionalism, I think that it is not a good thought to drive the struggle between democrats. Alain Delon : I understood it. It is that politicians get united for France to be important, I want that politicians to be more active on the television, apart from ready-made words. What I expect is the politician who gets to the point, talks with passion. I hate that I vote for the person as the robot even if intellectual. Only a party such as Fabius, Chevenement and Attali ( All of them are all left wing ) is enough as the robot. All of them are mechanical slaves of the ideologies that became outdated. The person of the opposition party must not be a mechanical robot. Arthur Conte : It is judged all through television. Alain Delon : I hardly watch television. Except a game of the boxing. This became uncommon on TV now. What I am dissatisfied with most, French champions do not have a spirit and they can not acquire severe training steadily. Do not you think that champions symbolize our country ? It can not dominate continuously for a long term. It is ruined immediately even if it gains wonderful results by one game. There is not a true man. Only a wimpy athlete is brought up in the soft country. Although, I watch television frequently, with the degree to notice the defect of leaders of the opposition party. It is only to be wimpy what they show on TV. Arthur Conte : You should not only criticize it. The analysis criticism is easy. It is different if you suggest a solution and a concrete plan. Alain Delon : Finally, if I must support somebody, I choose an earnest and strong person such as Pompidou before the illness. The person whom I like is the person who can say a fact clearly. Even if the way of speaking is not liked by a person. It is 『 The decisive person 』who can talk about thinking fearlessly. Arthur Conte : You say you are sad but all your positions in the movie are sad positions. In addition, your favorite hero seems to be Attila. Alain Delon : And my favorite musician is Wagner, and my favorite painter is Millet, I like『 L'Angelus 』『 Les Moissonneurs 』. My most favorite heroine of a drama is Messaline. I can play more cheerful role. Because, in the real life, I am a cheerful person. But the good environment is necessary. The society seems to think I am interested in business but that is not true. I bear some risks and in the case of the failure, I can take responsibility. I have not experienced failure as an actor. There is the failure as the producer in movie 『 Monsieur Klein 』. But I like I always hurl myself, and challenging it in difficulty. If I was sad, being in a state that the social situation was wrapped by fog now, and there are too many hypocrites and calculating, malicious people, deceptions. I hate deceptions too much. In the human good point, what I like most is not a hypocrite. Therefore, I like dogs. Because they never betray me. - information from the dialogue with Alain Delon and Arthur Conte in Paris Match 18 May 1984 -
( Alain Delon with his dog in 1963 )
Two dogs which are black in a room. They are noble and wariness is high, but they are sometimes to be often moved to tears. Left one of them is MANU, 7 years old. Right one is Alain Delon, 48 years old. All two of them is extreme loneliness state. A thing such as love from the love from father to a son, a son to divorced father is born. MANU which was a dog of Mireille Darc and lively dog continued giving willpower to het during illness, but the symbolic couple of the French movie called 『 Darc-Delon 』has been over now. It is a suitable victim of a newspaper, a magazine and the public who likes a rumor. "How does the image called the beautiful couple whom you gave ?" " I do not give the image. People only made a fuss with being opposite to my will arbitrarily. Therefore it is that you who watched such me are careful to keep the private life. I do not change my life anymore. I do not have my life anymore. It was not the life of two people anymore, and the thing to be able to call the life has disappeared." The pains of a hurt man. A look same as a pet dog. And the frankness that we are puzzled over. " My work, especially my business seems not to be better anymore now, so possibly the different part may not be worse. Because, on the other hand, the life gives luck and comes to take over luck in the other." " Do you feel the life took over Mireille Darc from you ? " " I was not able to stop that the life took her out of me but there is the different bond that should be left all the time among us from now on." It is assumed I respect the bond, the society wants to merely say as follows for Alain Delon. Possibly he is toxic and may bully all touching him. This scorpion knows it well and will affirm. And he adds it as follows. " I injured 『 People 』, but I think that I worked as a lot of good things. I am said so too. " Of course, 『 People 』, it is an women. And probably, at first than other whom it will be one woman called Romy Schneider. During this 3 hours interview, he totally talked about her like an incantation many times in spite of my having never given her name. He yearns bitterly for the world of this actor which took her whom him and cognate her who understand each other. " She became not able to bear the thing that she obtained it in exchange for glory, talent, natural gifts, in other words, the eyes of people. She becomes full of a scar, slits, not only she was torn off a body parcel and was bared but also she was in condition that she was torn off to skin. I can not measure her agony what she always felt being violated. Marilyn, Bardot, Martine Carol, Jane Russell tasted the same suffering, too. The actor may not be an occupation of the woman. There are really few people who can understand this. Romy and Isabelle Adjani are a human being the same as me but the thing which they got in exchange for natural gifts is such sacrifice, pains. " By the blue gray eyes, I see some drops of water probably because he recollects Romy Schneider. To circumference, the photograph of this late actress is displayed in many places. The photograph of his favorite is the thing when she came back to France for filming of 『 La Piscine 』. He waited her at Nice Airport. She smiled greatly. 『 European young fiancés 』meets again, Romy Schneider who was avoided by a movie fan draws the second bright carrier afterwards. Alain Delon talks about her again. While antagonizing the age that is strict with an actress. " When I watch actresses make up and they do a sorrowful fight, I think that there is always terrible unfairness to age. Now I am 48 years old and I can say my age magnificently. I feel my age to be the eyes of the people at first, but there is not the different state at all for the moment. " The life of Alain Delon does not have a sideways movement state. There is only a change and probably there is always only being lonelier and lonelier and 『 Wild 』new turning points. Total analysis, examination, a re-start, the reflection do not suit him. Only he pushes forward, it is him to never regret even the failure. " There is not one movie which I appear and regretted. I have never appeared unwillingly and never appeared under coercion. I have sometimes taken the wrong choice of a theme and the production team but I always decided all it by oneself. There is the person who really says that 68~70 movies which I appeared are not only the detective movie like a surprising fact but I took all kinds of movies for the class of every visitors. Memory of the people is always confined to the last movie. Therefore, please remember that there were a director Melville's work or 『 Le Guepard 』,『 Le Professeur 』,『 Mr.Klein 』,『 Rocco et ses Freres 』Visconti, Melville are the great master that he never forgets. There is a photograph of Visconti which he took it by himself and the megaphone which this director used by early movies such as 『 Ossessione 』or 『 Rocco et ses Freres 』. In addition, the dedicatory letter written by Jean-Pierre Melville as 『 By the first movie which I produce not direct, I want to see your expression like this. 』on a photograph which Delon glued to the eyes lens of the camera is put. When I read this dedicatory letter, I can understand well the dedicatory letter which Alain Delon sent to the first picture of his own first direction work 『 Pour la peau d'un flic 』. There are two photographs as others in as the home and as the apartment and as his office in the studio of Boulohne. One of them is the postcard of a wonderful photo of Jean Gabin which he wore a soft-felt hat with linked the thin lip, and other one is the photo of Dalida di Lazzaro. As Joseph Losey and Luchino Visconti longed for Proust, Alain Delon appeared in 『 Un amour de Swann 』( This movie is really shown with a title called 『 Notre histoire 』.) of the director Volker Schloendorff as a memory of Visconti recently. It was decided on part of Swann = Delon, elder baron Charlus = Brando as casting, later for a while and with the theater poster, Delon became thirdly following Jeremy Irons and Ornella Muti . He says that there is not the great thing ? Before this movie exhibition, he will finish taking 『 Chambre a part 』of Bertrand Blier by costarring with 『 actress Nathalie Baye whom he is conscious very much 』like Romy Schneider and Shirly Mac Laine. And after the little, he will finish taking 『 Lune de Miel 』( What thing is it to change original work 『 Lune de fiel 』of Pascal Brukner in such a title. The people of the movie world likes believing in omens. ) of the director Andre Techine too. Perhaps Chatherine Deneuve will be appointed as a co-star. In addition, Alain Delon which does not want to become 『 the public employee of the movie world 』in the meantime either, will lay emphasis on business. Because so that, the face of the third of this man, he calls himself it, is 『 the businessman 』. He passes through a horse, a boxing, a helicopter, until he takes his heart again by a new something, the perfume, a clock, a scarf, a tie, a belt, a shirt of the Alain Delon brand spread out in 94 countries. He went back to his own country the other day from Japan and Hong Kong, he attended at the cocktail party with saleswomen in those places and he became the first overseas star who charmed them. He went to U.S.A. for the early autumn too. ( His brand is sold in a department store in U.S.A. ) In addition, we can purchase a product for New East, United Arab Emirates, South America and in Switzerland which is placed his main office and is the first market for him. It was not taken so seriously in France so he waited for demand. France is the country where wariness is particularly strong in which business is poor and succeeds too much. Alain Delon always hates a French such mentality of the livelihood protection receipt posture. " Needless to say, it is responsibility of the left. This problem has already begun since the age of Giscard. Please look at this state. Narrowness of the thought, evil-mindedness, jealousy and it is what contradiction. The government is going to continue reconstituting a family base and legalizes abortion and adulthood 18 years old. An advertisement sticks to the walls in Paris like flypaper. " " Then, like other people, should not you do a political commitment for politics positively, too ? " " No, I am an officer, a general, a human being of the scene model with the character that the Cartesian does not compromise with. I am not a politician. In addition, which party should I belong to ? A political party is not missing. It is an excellent talented person to be lack. I would reach him to an end of the world if there was general De Gaulle now. Now, including Mitterand who fought against him, all are modeled general De Gaulle after all. I liked Pompidou, too. In the society, he was said to be the President of the only connection but I think that I want a connection like him again. " The thought of Alain Delon escalates and reaches resonance to the extreme right. " Please do not say that it is a courageous act to show without hiding thought of an extreme right. If courage is to say clearly that a people think secretly, the people who only think secretly will be coward. " When Alain Delon begins a moral talk, the side hearing is seized with the feeling that wants to preach the responsibility as his member of society a sermon. There is just a poster of our overhead latest movie 『 Le Battant 』. It seems to praise violence in a hand with a pistol. Alain Delon answers and says. " Our movie is harmless. The reality may be often severer than fiction. Spaggiari case, mail train case, and the thing which it in TV news. " " Then, the point it is assumed that 100% listened to what you say, to arrive at your son Anthony is ? " " Of course, I have responsibility as father. I should use amiability whether I should have exposed it by power or I should use dignity whether I should exposed it kindly, what I think while being irritated is hot. It is not an easy thing that there is in 『 son of Alain Delon 』, but it is not an easy thing that is in 『 father of the son of Alain Delon 』. I am used to patience. Because I am a strong human being. " Alain Delon continues. " It is to be related to you, Patrick, a strong human being. The person doing good work becomes the topic. The man appear in the ranking and he is called P.P.D.A. ( It is the listener of this talk Patrick Poivre d'Arvor. ) in the papers and called Bebel ( It means Jean-Paul Belmondo. ) and encounter jealousy and a grudge and it will be drunk in a wave of the interest in various meanings of people. He will withdraw into himself. And he will feel that I am lonely at that time. The person understanding it is very few. I want to say that 『 Shut up. Do not make a topic what you do not know ! 』" And Alain Delon to talk about Romy Schneider again which does not leave the head. " When a person who is in loneliness for a long time, the person is attacked by pains and sometimes results in death. She died in weakening. It is her disease name. " " Do you have such a thing ? " " Yes. But perhaps I will not become the situation same as them. I have male special energy. If I decide to die, I do decisive action immediately. I had the time of the agony. I wonder if there is the person without having said that 『 I want to commit suicide 』in normal men. " It is lines of Alain Delon whom this puts the rosary with the cross in an attaché case for business, and it carries. ( Patrick suggests that it is the thing which rosary is Christian, and is feminine and points out the contradiction with the remark about his suicide. ) He noticed that I noticed the contradiction and he looked awkward, but he did not say anything. The rosary of the cross does not match his blouson, blue jeans, key hung by a belt, bracelet made of the hair of an elephant. It does not match his strict lifestyle that he drinks neither the cigarette nor the liquor, and he does not consume lunch, and he does not exercise to end either. In the next to us, MANU howls. Two dogs, this MANU and Delon look at each other. The wildcat seems to have gone too far. - information from the article by Patrick Poivre d'Arvor in Paris Match 16 Dec 1983 -
( Alain with Nathalie at the location spot Congo of the movie " Les Aventuriers " in 1967 )
When I met Alain Delon this summer with Christine Angot, he was in condition not to be able to cover disappointment and the loneliness in an unbearable occurrence which the parting with Rosalie. Afterwards, the situation suddenly unfolded, and she who was mother of Anouchka and Alain-Fabien married another Alain who is the businessman of eyeglasses. ( Alain Delon did not conclude the marital status with her by life with Rosalie of 15 years. ) When he comes in this Delon's favorite restaurant 『 Costes 』, air always changes. However, waitresses who contacted him and customers who peeped into his appearance would not imagine that he was faced the New Year with 12 dogs and a cat with 3 foots ( He picked it up when the cat was run over by a car. ) only alone. Of course he had a lot of invitations, but he thought as follows. " I want to go if I do what it is to help a friend working of an emergency health care service. " There are many people who can savor similar hotness magnificently in public. But, he can not continue it anymore. Now, he clings to own blood relationship which he built in spite of the failure with partners. In other words, he clings to close three children like brothers and two grandchildren. He reached the true agreement with calm Anthony who reminded of him of younger days. He is kind of sweet toward still small children. And he leaves a message to the answering machine of the mobile phone of the 12 years old daughter magnificently in the seat of the supper. Though everybody is surprised at a table, he implores " My dear child. Where are you now ? When will you call me ? " The younger children lived in the distant place Netherlands before. Now, his hand does not reach though he understands that they are near. Paris Match : Please talk about the early childhood when you are lonely. Alain Delon : I spent lonely childhood when I was 4 years old because my parents were divorced. I was taken out as a foster child, and I was brought up in the family of couple Nero who resigned from Fresens, because my mother made living as an assistant of pharmacist. I always thought them to be a true family. Paris Match : Do you think that you starved for love ? Alain Delon : I fully got the love. However it is thing which is different from the love. There is a new child in each in my two parents having started the later life again. Therefore I was let in the dormitory when I became 9 years old. I was expelled from the dormitory of the Saint-Nichola monastery three times. Paris Match : You were an unmanageable child, did not you ? Alain Delon : 『 A terrible child is an awfully unhappy child. 』I dropped out this medium grade of the monastery when I was 15 years old and entered the navy at 17 years old. ( My parent was delight. ) I hated them who expelled me again but I went to Indochina Peninsula in this way. Paris Match : You always totally talk about the army like the family, do not you ? Alain Delon : I am a militarism-like person from a root and I think that the army is the spinal cord of one country. This army contributed all to what I took and what there is current me and my success. 5 years army life taught me respect, rules and strict. I am proud in it very much and I thank you it. Paris Match : Do not sometimes think yourself is too too strict ? Alain Delon : As for the public person like me, the popularity may occasionally go ahead of the person. Delon is beyond Alain. I continue always carrying loads on my back on a shoulder, and I appear in many places and must continue playing. I am tired really too much. Therefore I had to forge an armor. But true I may not be me whom you necessarily know. I am a complicated person and the person approximately the half-dozen lives in me. The relation between them is very bad, and it is always a fight. There are a calm person, a difficult person, an intense person and a tender person. From there, my blunt anger and sorrow broke my heart, rough abandonment, suffering are born. Paris Match : Did you become mellow and natural by having got a child ? Alain Delon : No, I got first child Anthony 38 years ago. It was a serious affair of my life. But the history has been repeated there. The relation with mother between me and child was short-lived and my son belonged under the situation same as the situation that I was at the age of 4 years old of his age. It was terrible failure of the life maximum. I caused what I wanted to never have anymore in what I experienced, it was very hard cruel time. At that time I thought that " I am not good. If I do anything, it is possible for me only to repeat what I tasted. " And also this time, the same thing has been right repeated so that you know. To my 12 years old and 8 years old children. For me, home and the thing about the children are continuation of the failure. Paris Match : However, I feel that you and children are bound together in a strong bond...... Alain Delon : Children are my life. There is not the thing which is more important than them in the world. In particular, two small children are so. Anthony already became the good excellent man. The small children are still in innocent time and they have not suffered. I want to protect them from pains waiting for in their life. Because their life first big pains are not death of father, I want to live long as much as possible, and I want to be stouthearted. Paris Match : I have a feeling that your coercion disappears in front of them. What kind of father are you ? Alain Delon : I am always extreme rather I always pretend to be coercive. I receive kindly anything for children and recognize and do anything but I become stern suddenly. However, after all I am completely crazy for children and I am especially so in front of my daughter. I am going to be the father whom she hopes. Paris Match : It is your new one side. Alain Delon : No. At the time of Anthony, I was so until I divorced his mother. When he was 4~5 years old, I was going to be the father whom he hopes. But after that, I lost him. Because only the expense of bringing up children and a handkerchief to wipe tears to father were accepted in the law 30 years ago. Paris Match : You are young father at 60s. Alain Delon : I am in a strange position what I am a father at the same time as I am a grandfather. The age of children of Anthony is almost same the age of their aunt and uncle, that is to say, who are my younger children. For children, my age is the age of the grandfather. When I wait for children to come out from a school, I do not feel sense incongruity because I look outwardly young but my inside is very different from other parents. Besides, my children go ahead the second generation than me among Game Boy and DVD. The bringing up child has changed really in old days. Paris Match : In other words, it means that you can not apply the rules of the armed forces which you experienced anymore, does not it ? Alain Delon : Surely. Military service has disappeared now and for youths, the armed forces only for professionals have been worked. What this rules and respect of morality were not hammered into equally is deplorable. Paris Match : Did Anthony and your argument become the topic well before ? Alain Delon : Relations of a father and the son are always difficult and it is not the problem only for Delon family. Our problem happened the awkward age when he was quitted a school, and he refused to enter for military service, and he became to be rebellious and refusing. When I was 17 years old, I was in the armed forces, but he did stupid thing like a youth of the age. What he lived with his mother was complicated too. He had to establish himself and lived while suffering too much because he was the son of Alain Delon. Actually things may go well due to the strong connection of a parent. However, there are the false friendship and goodwill of the kind " it went a nightclub with the son of Alain Delon. " Paris Match : In a magazine, it was sometimes taken up about a child Ari Boulogne which you did not want to recognize. Alain Delon : It is already 40 years after it was turned this hard subject. The court of law should have decided the decision about this matter 30 years ago. Mireille Dumas and Ardisson do not understand whether they torment the person. It is terribly criminal. Not only this young man who already has become a past person is fragile morally but anyone disappears in his circumference when he was really discouraged one day. Paris Match : When you are criticized, it is said that you are fragile, is not it ? Alain Delon : I can not tolerate what is criticized on my carrier or my work side. I may have you say selfish about my human aspect. Because I do not mind it at all. But on my work side, there should be no room for the 99% criticism. Actually, there are very few people speaking ill as the actor. Paris Match : I think that it is not helpful in quietism that your schizophrenia of your human side-actor side. Alain Delon : One day, my reliable friend described me that " Alain has all talent except becoming happy. " These words let me shiver and I realized that it was true at that time. A human being is not made being happiness while keeping success like I continued tasting it for 40 years. Stael said that " the glory was bright mourning of the happiness. " My happiness exists intermittently at enchantment, joy, a moment of the disappointment. Paris Match : These extreme moments did a color become darker by the work called the actor ? Alain Delon : Of course. I appeared for 80 movies and the most were the leading role. It may be said that it is 80 ways of lives. Therefore it is slow that an actor grows old in comparison with other people. A politician is so , too. Adrenalin does it well. Paris Match : Can you feel the decline of your body and face to be hard ? Alain Delon : No, at all. I did not like my figure that did not accord with my inside at all first. I almost declined make by the movie but when I was young I had to emphasize an outline with a pencil because I was a baby face. It is not pain to get old now. Because I must live with age. When I was 50 years old, I got tired to train body and stopped it. And I eat a favorite food as much as desired but I do not gain weight. Paris Match : How do you think about the cosmetic surgery ? Alain Delon : I think the cosmetic surgery to be the thing for women. Myself never have it. Because the reason is it understands that it usually had orthopedic treatment. I can not agree about the man. In addition, I become terrible when I see, unfortunately, the lip of actresses has swelled up by cosmetic surgery. I see only such a bad side. Paris Match : Would you talk about an woman ? Alain Delon : All my lives depends on women. After the armed forces, my first social life started on the coattails of an woman. I am a romanticist from a core and I loved women with passion anytime. What I did in my carrier is for the woman whom all Rosalie, Mireille, Nathalie, Romy I spent together. I thought I was always the greatest, to be strong beautifully for them. Because what the important thing for me is the eyes of the woman whom I love and who loves me, to flow into me. I want to let them always enchant. Paris Match : Your former partner got married on December 12, did not her ? Alain Delon : If you do not mind, let me talk about this after. For a story of so-called 『 commerce marriage 』, I do not want to invoke children and grandchildren. I did a present best in the world which an woman could do to Rosalie only one year ago. It is freedom. We really parted at the beginning of summer. She received this freedom and publicized it. – information from the interview with Catherine Schwaab in Paris Match DU16 AU22 JANVIER 2003 -
( Alain Delon and Mireille Mathieu with Pele in 1970s )
Paris Match : I heard that you canceled the tour for a health reason recently. Where is bad ? Alain Delon : It is the part which was always the weakest in my body. It is a heart. I am proud that I can share the obstacle of this blood vessel with the French’s best man ! However, I was in the country and he was in the hospital. Paris Match : You seem to say to your close people that your condition is not good recently. Why ? Alain Delon : I dislike that I think of myself miserably. I do not have such a thing. In brief, it is a general thing. It is a thing such a kind lassitude, time passes, and my friends disappear in sequence. I get old and my family is scattered. I can not do it when I hear the story of the family which " it repeated again ". These families have become " coming apart " before " starting it again " ! Nobody touches it about this. But this is hard for me almost as same as dying. Paris Match : Does not it sometimes disturb your reality sense that you became an idol when you were young ? Alain Delon : Quite the reverse. It strengthened my reality sense more. If I didn’t have this reality sense, I would not be so unhappy. Clearness is cancer of the happiness. Paris Match : I think that if there is a woman beside you now, you take back happiness surely. Alain Delon : I dream to be so too ! I really wish it with a whole body ! I wait ! Paris Match : Many women were charmed by you recently when you appeared on the stage. They were charmed with rapture and seem to have completely given up ! Alain Delon : It is surely so. I don’t have that I received many invitations so far as time doing a play. I get short letter, text message of cell phone, I am appealed in a roundabout way, I receive an invitation seriously and am tempted secretly. There can be any kind of thing. With considerable impudence ! It is surely so. But that’s a way it goes because there are not something taken my breath away... Paris Match : But you must begin to step on you one step at time with a thing letting you startle. Or, is the sense an immediate thing ? Alain Delon : It is so. It was always so. It is immediate conviction like “ She is ! “ It is one-1000th second. It is not the thing which does not need for one month ! Paris Match : Do you imagine that you are with the young woman of 25~30 years old ? Alain Delon : No. It is kind of a mature person and the person who knows the meaning of life and parting and who is wise. It is a genuine woman. The young woman who must teach all is no use. I can’t stand making believe Pygmalion anymore. Paris Match : Well, you are in Switzerland or in the big house enclosed with the green. You are in such a distant place. Do you feel you will be able to have an encounter ? Alain Delon : No, it will be impossible when I am here. I wait. If it won’t be so, I will have to finish this my life. Paris Match : Does that mean that you dir ? Do you commit suicide ? Do you think seriously ? Alain Delon : I always think so. I imagine a thing at that time. It is more difficult not to commit suicide. It is difficult to consider more than to do. It is extremely easy to move to an act. Paris Match : But why must you commit suicide ? Alain Delon : Because I don’t want to be downhearted for a mental condition one by one. As you already known, these three years were very hard time for me. I love two children passionately. I was too long and looked forward to their father. This severance of my family hurt me very much. It is unbearable that I can meet them only on the weekend once in two weeks. I am in such a state though I become 70 years old soon ! Therefore it is reliable that I don’t let God choose the day when I die. Paris Match : You built the chapel in your site, didn’t you ? Alain Delon : My chapel is a place of the meditation. I will sleep there. I hope to be buried there beside the graveyard of 35 dogs. The cemetery is already dug, too. Paris Match : There do not seem to be many things which can make you happy. Alain Delon : I don’t believe a continuous happiness. I experienced a moment of very strong happiness while I see a child is born and I see that they are brought up among family but happiness is so as to be intense the later sorrow increases. I am a human being who has no connection with happiness. Not happiness, I had ties about success. It doesn’t succeed both Paris Match : You always say that current you is being, you succeeded and you were able to accomplish by the grace of only women, don’t you ? Please tell me about it. Alain Delon : I repeat it, women made present me. I tried hard with rapt attention because I dazzle them anytime, I want to read that I am the most beautiful, great and strong in their eyes. I found the driving force which I am this me and I formed what I should have done in their look, Nathalie who is my first wife, Romy, Mireille and the mother of my two children. It has never been still changed, I want to be loved in the same way as the way of loving when I love somebody. With the best, passionately and enthusiastically... For 45 years, I wanted to be in the top for them. If I was a politician, I would be to have aimed at the seat of the prime minister. At least ! If I was Villepin who was pulchritude like God and if I read " You are wonderful most, you are great and strong ! " in the eyes of Marie-Laure who is Villepin’s wife, I would become best Villepin. Paris Match : Your 10 dogs seem to make you happy now, don't you ? Alain Delon : Yes. In my life, the dogs gave me happiness anytime. They are the same as a child. A person who dislikes an animal may not understand that I regard as a dog and child together. But, this is the truth. When there are my children here, I will have 13 children. When they are in the distance, it is 10 children. My cat increases there, too. For me, both a cat and a dog are things like the children who bore handicap. They have the merit as the human beings and they don’t have the bad point of human beings only a little. Intelligence and perception...however they can express only by a limited method and they can live only for approximately 10 years. Paris Match : Pascal Jardin wrote about you that I watched the tears retroactively to early childhood shined in his blue eyes. Alain Delon : It is so. All dates back to that time. Paris Match : The child who was left by parents... Alain Delon : I keep it in mind not to think about it much. When I go down in grief and I am lonely, I cry my mother who passed away in my arms while I talk alone. " Why not were you able to love me in that way ? Why was I a lonely child who was left ? " At the same time, I think that I was not able to become this me, if I did not have this unhappy early childhood. Paris Match : And probably you would not be so lonely. Alain Delon : Maybe ... I am in the feeling that returned from the miserable family trip that me alone totally survived in the house. I go to vacance ... and ... there is me who came back the house which doesn’t change the same as ever and is empty. The house is clogged too much up while being empty. Buffon said that “ The person dies because of the pains. “ It is only night that I am happy. When I enter the bed, then my cat Poupouss who has only three legs climbs up the sheet and calms the body to around my middle. I put my hand to him and he purrs. The moment, I am really happy. And I think that I may die ! - information from the interview with Catherine Schwaab in Paris Match DU 6 AU 15 MARS 2006 -
Rosalie Van Breemen seems to have married Roverto Agotinelli who is a banker at a church in Germany on August 2010.
( Alain and Nathalie in Venice 1960s )
( Alain with beloved wife Nathalie )
Since a divorce with Nathalie, he withdrew into himself. Until he meets Mireille. Afterwards, Mireille became a person necessary for him and he moved to a fort in quai Kennedy to keep life with her. And also he built the house of the countryside to spend it with Mireille. Mireille will command the construction of the house in Douchy. A hideout of Alain and Mireille. And his beloved son Anthony. Not only Mireille became his second mother with gentleness to overflow, but also Mireille became to be his irreplaceable friend. The power of a woman exceeds the domain of the man. He who got a woman when he wandered in the night with cigarette, whisky and blue jeans before. He would not change in this way without Mireille. The reason why Delon made this house was that made the kingdom which he imagined after childhood. This house has a playroom, an arsenal seen in a castle of the Hapsburg, guns of nearly 100, carbine, pistol and the sword are hung over the wall. In this rough winter scenery, it may be said that Alain and Mireille who live here are a happy couples living in each day rather than a star anymore.
....to be continued
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